Hacker News
- Why Today's Software Sucks https://laurentiu-raducu.medium.com/why-todays-software-sucks-42dc8562428c 46 comments
- Why Software Sucks https://web.archive.org/web/20180820053232/http:/www.erasmatazz.com/library/c839b0d2d6b6417787b1/why-software-sucks.html 2 comments
- Configuration Management Software Sucks (2012) http://kev009.com/wp/2012/01/configuration-management-software-sucks/ 9 comments
- Why Big Monitoring Software Sucks http://obfuscurity.com/2012/06/Why-Big-Monitoring-Software-Sucks 23 comments
- Configuration Management Software Sucks http://kev.im/configuration-management-software-sucks/ 23 comments
- Enterprise Software Doesn't Have to Suck http://blog.rypple.com/2010/09/3-reasons-enterprise-software-doesnt-have-to-suck/ 18 comments
- All software sucks http://harmful.cat-v.org/software/ 25 comments programming , rant
- Magical Software Sucks — Throw errors, not assumptions… https://dodov.dev/blog/magical-software-sucks 278 comments programming
- Why Enterprise Software Sucks https://twitter.com/random_walker/status/1182635589604171776 278 comments programming
- Two examples of why software as a service sucks (Adobe version) https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/dfj39d/two_examples_of_why_software_as_a_service_sucks/ 33 comments sysadmin
- Why software sucks https://hjerpbakk.com/blog/2019/05/31/why-software-sucks 78 comments programming
- I'm a good software engineer but I suck at Hackerrank tests. Is it possible to get around them? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/9wkvsx/im_a_good_software_engineer_but_i_suck_at/ 5 comments cscareerquestions
- Philosophy of software that sucks less https://suckless.org/philosophy/ 5 comments programming
- Looking for bitmap/non-vector animation software that doesn't suck https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5h9mg0/looking_for_bitmapnonvector_animation_software/ 7 comments gamedev
- Your software startup sucks, but so does everyone else's https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/55rl0f/your_software_startup_sucks_but_so_does_everyone/ 10 comments startups
- Silicon Valley sucks at training software engineers http://venturebeat.com/2016/08/20/silicon-valley-sucks-at-training-software-engineers-and-why-it-matters/?hacker-news 96 comments programming
- Stuff that rocks | suckless.org software that sucks less http://suckless.org/rocks 14 comments linux
- Introducing pgp.help - pgp software that doesn't suck! https://pgp.help 4 comments privacy
- So you are a Software Engineer - Then please don’t suck at this https://medium.com/@nikantvohra/so-you-are-a-software-engineer-3dc4f629396e 7 comments programming
- Maintaining Software Sucks – and what we can do about it http://swreflections.blogspot.com/2013/07/maintaining-software-sucks-and-what-we.html 25 comments programming
- this is why software sucks (libressl vulnerability overreaction rant) http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/this-is-why-software-sucks 39 comments linux
- this is why software sucks http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/this-is-why-software-sucks 11 comments programming
- Why Software Development Methodologies Suck http://continuousdelivery.com/2012/08/why-software-development-methodologies-suck/ 30 comments programming
- Configuration Management Software Sucks http://kev.im/configuration-management-software-sucks/ 11 comments linux
- The One in Which I Say That Open-Source Software Sucks http://bitquabit.com/post/one-which-i-say-open-source-software-sucks/ 9 comments software
- Nungesser (nonolibertarian, backpackwayne, chicofaraby, garyp714, etc) is an HBGary user who is allowed by the reddit moderators to use software to bypass being banned, regardless of the negative karma in the thousands. Reddit's biggest loser, sucking the government's tits day after day. http://www.reddit.com/user/nungesser 27 comments politics
- suckless.org Dedicated to software that sucks less http://suckless.org/ 84 comments linux
- I found a skinnable volume display software that has lots of options and doesn't suck. http://matt.malensek.net/#/Software/ 7 comments software
- Dear Linux Reddit, I just want to play videos and emulators on my TV and I'm at my wits end. What media center software doesn't suck? http://enna.geexbox.org/ 34 comments linux
- Why Free Software usability tends to suck http://web.archive.org/web/20030201183139/http://mpt.phrasewise.com/discuss/msgreader$173 9 comments programming
- bitquabit - "Open-Source Software Sucks" http://blog.bitquabit.com/2009/06/30/one-which-i-say-open-source-software-sucks/ 112 comments programming
- Why phone software sucks and how to fix it http://antirez.com/post/why-phone-software-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it.html 10 comments programming
- Why Software Career Sucks! http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?joel.3.581979 20 comments programming
- Free market failure: Conservative website begs for donations for upgrade, blames liberal programmer conspiracy on why its software sucks http://redstate.com/stories/miscellanea/redstate_has_a_real_need_for_your_help 6 comments reddit.com
- Signs That Your Software Sucks http://taisteal.atomiclemur.com/2007/02/signs-that-your-software-sucks/ 5 comments programming
- I Know Why Software Sucks - Managers should not be managers until they've written code for something like 20 years or so http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=32878 29 comments programming
- Bad DRM sucks. My story working with very strict DRM software. http://ibexpertsucks.com/post/78753226781/i-give-up-get-a-free-ibexpert-license 10 comments software
- Hey there, I am a real novice when it comes to web design, can someone explain to me why I am getting a "Reported attack page" at my website? I wouldn't know how to install malicious software on someone's computer even if I wanted to. (And I know the site sucks, I need to go back and work on it :P) http://www.thedanrowe.com 15 comments webdev
- I've added a very simple API to my placeholder generator: "Loripsum.net - the ‘lorem ipsum’ generator that doesn't suck". Hopefully somebody can use something like this in their software or webapp. http://loripsum.net/ 27 comments webdev
- Why will Fedora 12 Linux be successful? It helps that proprietary software sucks. "We're being assisted by the fact that proprietary software is not getting better at the pace that people expect," Fedora Project Leader Paul Frields said. "That is driving people to look for alternatives." http://www.internetnews.com/mobility/article.php/3848846/fedora+12+takes+aim+at+linux+networking.htm 4 comments linux