Hacker News
- Etch-A-SDR: Odroid C1, Teensy 3.1 and RTL-SDR https://github.com/devnulling/etch-a-sdr 3 comments
- RTL-entropy: Uses RTL-SDR to turn a DVB-T dongle into an entropy source https://github.com/pwarren/rtl-entropy 58 comments
- Show HN: I built an HTML5 RTL-SDR application https://radio.ea1iti.es/ 61 comments
- Nrsc5: Receive NRSC-5 digital radio stations using an RTL-SDR dongle https://github.com/theori-io/nrsc5 75 comments
- Retrogram rtl-SDR – a radio spectrum analyzer for your terminal https://github.com/r4d10n/retrogram-rtlsdr 22 comments
- Solving my truck’s TPMS sensor problem with the help of an RTL-SDR dongle https://www.downtowndougbrown.com/2022/08/solving-my-trucks-tpms-sensor-problem-with-the-help-of-an-rtl-sdr-dongle/ 122 comments
- Sparse Array Beamforming with a Phase Coherent 21-Channel RTL-SDR Array https://www.rtl-sdr.com/sparse-array-beamforming-with-a-phase-coherent-21-channel-rtl-sdr-array/ 11 comments
- United Nations Expert Arrested in Tunisia for Using an RTL-SDR https://www.rtl-sdr.com/united-nations-expert-arrested-in-tunisia-for-using-an-rtl-sdr/ 145 comments
- Tracking Planes with RTL-SDR, Apache Kafka, KSQL, Kibana and a Raspberry Pi https://www.rtl-sdr.com/tracking-planes-with-rtl-sdr-apache-kafka-ksql-kibana-and-a-raspberry-pi/ 3 comments
- Teaching Alexa to ID Passing Airplanes with RTL-SDR https://www.nicksypteras.com/projects/teaching-alexa-to-spot-airplanes 3 comments
- Using RTL-SDR to Open Car Doors (2016) https://anthonys.io/using-rtl-sdr-to-open-car-doors/ 47 comments
- Detecting Pulsars (Rotating Neutron Stars) with an RTL-SDR http://www.rtl-sdr.com/detecting-pulsars-rotating-neutron-stars-with-an-rtl-sdr/ 3 comments
- Freqwatch – Keeping tabs on the airwaves with RTL-SDR http://covert.codes/freqwatch/index.html 4 comments
- Reverse engineering an ancient wireless security keypad using RTL-SDR http://fatsquirrel.org/oldfartsalmanac/random/reverse-engineering-a-vintage-wireless-keypad-with-an-rtl-sdr/ 21 comments
- How to get started with RTL-SDR http://www.lucashayas.com/journal/2014/1/16/intro-to-rtl-sdr 10 comments
- Tracking Planes with RTL-SDR and Dump1090 http://www.satsignal.eu/raspberry-pi/dump1090.html 13 comments
- A dirt cheap “spectrum analyzer” with an RTL-SDR dongle http://hansvi.be/wordpress/?p=91 10 comments
- Listening to Satellites: A Journey with My RTL-SDR V3 https://moh53n.medium.com/listening-to-satellites-a-journey-with-my-rtl-sdr-v3-5ba719bc68a5 20 comments
- Detecting Starlink Satellites with a Portable Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR (2022) https://www.rtl-sdr.com/detecting-starlink-satellites-with-a-portable-raspberry-pi-rtl-sdr/ 19 comments
- RTL-SDR compatible decoder application for the Meteor M2 weather satellite https://www.rtl-sdr.com/a-complete-linux-based-receiver-and-decoder-application-for-meteor-m2/ 19 comments
- Receiving Dead Satellites with the RTL-SDR http://www.rtl-sdr.com/receiving-dead-satellites-rtl-sdr/ 54 comments
- Solving my truck’s TPMS sensor problem with the help of an RTL-SDR dongle https://www.downtowndougbrown.com/2022/08/solving-my-trucks-tpms-sensor-problem-with-the-help-of-an-rtl-sdr-dongle/ 7 comments reverseengineering
- A guide to recording audio streams from DAB using RTL-SDR devices on Linux https://www.reddit.com/r/rtlsdr/comments/acvx60/a_guide_to_recording_audio_streams_from_dab_using/ 8 comments linux
- Antenna for RTL-SDR https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/78cuo3/antenna_for_rtlsdr/ 4 comments techsupport
- Log Smart Meters Usage in Your Neighborhood Using a RaspberryPi and an RTL-SDR https://github.com/bemasher/rtlamr 17 comments raspberry_pi
- Reverse engineering a vintage wireless keypad with an RTL-SDR http://fatsquirrel.org/oldfartsalmanac/random/reverse-engineering-a-vintage-wireless-keypad-with-an-rtl-sdr/ 3 comments programming
- Building a Nest thermostat using Arduino and RTL-SDR http://tristanpollitt.com/2015/09/13/building-a-nest-thermostat-with-arduino-part1/ 11 comments arduino
- RF Signal now received with RTL-SDR but not found using Pi and Receiver. https://github.com/ninjablocks/433Utils 7 comments raspberry_pi
- Hacking neighbor's doorbell with Arduino, RTL-SDR and SMS http://samy.pl/dingdong/ 24 comments arduino
- Getting Started with GNU Radio and RTL-SDR (on Backtrack) http://blog.opensecurityresearch.com/2012/06/getting-started-with-gnu-radio-and-rtl.html 4 comments netsec
- I saw a few posts about creating your own plane tracker, using a pi and an RTL-SDR antenna, but I thought they were lacking in detail. I decided to have a go at my own and I tried to put more detail into the write up https://tinklr.net/raspberrypi/2017/08/19/setting-up-local-plane-tracking.html 20 comments raspberry_pi
- Building a TCXO for the RTL-SDR from scratch https://youtu.be/ZdlSHtGH8EI 4 comments electronics