- Programming is not just making a computer do what you want it to do, but it can also be a philosophy or way of life https://www.amazon.com/Pragmatic-Programmer-Journeyman-Master/dp/020161622X 11 comments learnprogramming
- “It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - J. Krishnamurti. A guide to the life and Philosophy of J. Krishnamurti. [more in comment] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttnlS8lyZ5w 269 comments philosophy
- IKIGAI A great book I read during the weekend. The Japanese philosophy to a happy and long life. https://muthusblog.com/ikigai-the-japanese-secret-to-a-long-and-happy-life-summary/ 4 comments philosophy
- A child’s sense of curiosity is a wonderful thing – but not one that is always encouraged. It’s time to harness children’s fascination with the big questions of life, through structured teaching of philosophy from a young age. https://fivemedia.com/articles/the-case-for-teaching-kids-philosophy/ 158 comments philosophy
- How Studying Philosophy Can Help You Excel at Work and Life in General https://www.samwoolfe.com/2018/03/how-studying-philosophy-can-help-you-excel-in-your-work-and-life-in-general.html 7 comments philosophy
- My philosophy on living a good life after taking DMT (Ayahuasca Ceremony) https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/7a90om/my_philosophy_on_living_a_good_life_after_taking/ 4 comments philosophy
- Teaching philosophy to children "cultivates doubt without helplessness, and confidence without hubris. ... an awareness of life’s moral, aesthetic and political dimensions; the capacity to articulate thoughts clearly and evaluate them honestly; and ... independent judgement and self-correction." http://accaglobals.com/teaching-philosophy-to-children/ 620 comments philosophy
- I've started a blog about life, ethics, philosophy, and any things else running through my head. I just posted for the first time about free will and determinism and the paradox that forms. I hope you enjoy and feel free to argue. Thanks! http://www.lif3thix.com 8 comments philosophy
- Amazing Motivational Story on the early life and success philosophy of the great Arnold Schwarzenegger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcCMoOWLE7g 6 comments philosophy
- On Woody Allen and the Presumption of Innocence | The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast & Blog http://www.partiallyexaminedlife.com/2014/02/03/on-woody-allen-and-the-presumption-of-innocence/ 50 comments philosophy
- Controversial Psychology Today story in Philosophy section: When Does Hindering Life Extension Science Become a Crime? http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-transhumanist-philosopher/201401/when-does-hindering-life-extension-science-become-crime 7 comments philosophy
- How to Flunk Philosophy: or Here we go Again | Partially Examined Life http://www.partiallyexaminedlife.com/2013/08/10/how-to-flunk-philosophy-or-here-we-go-again 11 comments philosophy
- How Much is a Life Worth? | Harvard Philosophy Lecture x-post from r/RealPhilosophy http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/how-much-is-life-worth/ 4 comments philosophy
- The philosophy of North Korean president Kim Jong as applied to general life. http://mightygodking.com/index.php/2010/03/15/the-dear-leader-seeks-your-attention/ 14 comments reddit.com
- SpongeBob and Philosophy - "Embrace him, drained adult. Where you see his little yellow flag, salute it; it’s a sign of life." http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200906/spongebob 22 comments philosophy
- Jean Paul Sartre and The Road to Freedom: This BBC documentary talks about the life and philosophy of Sartre, especially his concept of freedom http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3552873038348468860 3 comments reddit.com
- I will change your life . com » Blog Archive » Rebuild Your Beliefs With The Father of Modern Philosophy http://www.iwillchangeyourlife.com/2007/09/28/rebuild-your-beliefs-with-the-father-of-modern-philosophy/ 3 comments reddit.com
- The rise and fall and rise of logic: what the history of philosophy can tell us about logic's role in human life https://aeon.co/essays/the-rise-and-fall-and-rise-of-logic 210 comments philosophy
- Take Free Philosophy Courses from The Institute of Art and Ideas: From “The Meaning of Life” to “Heidegger Meets Van Gogh" http://www.openculture.com/2017/06/take-free-philosophy-courses-from-the-institute-of-art-and-ideas.html 28 comments philosophy
- The Partially Examined Life: A straight-talking, fun philosophy podcast for casual philosophers who don't want to sacrifice depth for simplicity https://partiallyexaminedlife.com/ 121 comments philosophy
- Ilya Bryzgalov talks Philly media, hockey philosophy and life http://sonsofpenn.com/flyers/ilya-bryzgalov-flyers-quotes-philosophy-life/ 3 comments hockey
- Andrew Taggart on a widespread misperception of philosophy: "In my life nothing good has ever come of the “What do you do?” question." http://philosophynow.org/issues/101/philosophy_in_the_popular_imagination 32 comments philosophy
- Logocomix: A graphic novel detailing the life and philosophy of Bertrand Russel (x-post from r/books) http://iheardin.com/2012/02/20/book-logicomix-by-apostolos-doxiadis-and-christos-h-papadimitriou/ 4 comments philosophy
- "Philosophy can make your life better": clearing up some confusion surrounding optimism and pessimism, and making a suggestion about which attitude is better to adopt (PhilosophYe) http://www.philosophye.com/2017/08/knowing-difference-can-make-all.html 16 comments philosophy
- Three philosophy YouTube channels provide answers as to how philosophy can provide meaning to the modern person. Answers cover daily life, interdisciplinary study, pragmatism, and the self. https://www.youtube.com/watch?ab_channel=SeekersofUnity&v=wymqZ29Z2f8 31 comments philosophy
- In Nietzsche's philosophy, he recommends us to spend some of our time in complete solitude. To reflect upon the inner voice that conditions our life which is the product of the common conscience of society, allowing one to explore the best version of oneself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bab_channel=Eternalised&%3Bindex=&%3Blist=PL_0I7-kEnl0Zl6FCbMY6dadEFg5iQ516w&v=boPRJcPGqrY 11 comments philosophy
- On this day 1965, Malcom X was assassinated. The memory and image of him has changed as much after his death as his own philosophies changed during his life. http://www.findingdulcinea.com/news/on-this-day/feb/on-this-day--malcolm-x-was-shot-dead.html 44 comments history
- ‘He’s Not God’: Trump’s MAGA Creation Takes On Life of Its Own | Trump’s cult of personality has been replaced with a new political philosophy branded like his buildings and resorts. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-08/gop-primary-elections-results-show-trump-s-maga-movement-isn-t-all-about-him 6 comments politics
- The living philosophy of Diogenes: simplify — set aside status money and power, overcome your body’s need for comfort and the good life is in easy abundance. Also tolerate no intellectual bullshit and troll Plato whenever possible https://thelivingphilosophy.substack.com/p/the-living-philosophy-of-diogenes 223 comments philosophy
- King’s College London has launched Philosophy & Medicine, a joint venture between King’s Philosophy, School of Life Sciences, and Florence Nightingale School of Nursing. It will host a range of public lectures and activities to encourage dialogue and collaborative research across these disciplines. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/philosophy/newsrecords/2015/philosophy-&-medicine-project-launches.aspx 25 comments philosophy
- Dancing-related metaphors are central to Nietzsche's philosophy. His constant references to dance are ever-present reminders about the work of overcoming oneself and of freeing oneself enough from anger, bitterness and despair to say ‘Yes!’ to life. https://aeon.co/ideas/for-nietzsche-lifes-ultimate-question-was-does-it-dance 24 comments philosophy
- How to be a stoic | We each develop our own individual metaphysics and ethics as we move through life, which amount to a philosophy of life. If we make ourselves aware of that philosophy, and actively practice it, we are more likely to live – and die – well. https://iai.tv/video/how-to-be-a-stoic-massimo-pigliucci&utm_source=reddit&_auid=2020 54 comments philosophy
- A History of Cynicism – From Diogenes to the 6th Century A.D. This book, published in 1937, outlines the thoughts, philosophies, and historical impact of Cynicism as a philosophical branch outlining a path for a life in virtue in accord with nature. Public Domain PDF book. https://holybooks.com/a-history-of-cynicism-from-diogenes-to-the-6th-century-a-d/ 21 comments philosophy
- THERE is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. (pdf of Camus' Myth of Sisyphus) https://www2.hawaii.edu/~freeman/courses/phil360/16.%20myth%20of%20sisyphus.pdf 19 comments philosophy
- How To Be A Stoic: as we move through life, everybody develops an individual metaphysics and ethics which amounts to a philosophy of life. We're more likely to live and die well if we make ourselves aware of that philosophy, and practise it actively each day. https://iai.tv/video/how-to-be-a-stoic-massimo-pigliucci?access=all?utmsource=reddit 136 comments philosophy
- 50 years ago today, Neil Armstrong fluffed his lines. The event sheds light on one way that "philosophy can make your life better." http://www.philosophye.com/2017/08/knowing-difference-can-make-all.html 4 comments philosophy
- My Philosophy Professor's Final Assignment was a 200-400 Word Essay on the "Meaning of Life..." I Turned It into a 9-Page-Paper https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/6opwjv/my_philosophy_professors_final_assignment_was_a/ 3 comments philosophy
- Chris Christie pushes ‘pro-life’ reforms... Christie argued Friday for reforms in education and the treatment of non-violent drug offenders as part of a “pro-life” philosophy that extends beyond abortion. http://www.politico.com/story/2014/06/chris-christie-pro-life-faith-and-freedom-coalition-108131.html 15 comments politics
- Ludwig Wittgenstein was lucky to meet Russell when he did — had things been otherwise it is likely the fragile philosopher would have taken his own life (like three of his brothers) and 20th century philosophy would have been deprived of its greatest genius https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bindex=1&%3Blist=PL7vtNjtsHRepjR1vqEiuOQS_KulUy4z7A&v=YtA13853ee0 6 comments philosophy
- (1) People who have a PhD in philosophy are significantly less likely to make a common reasoning error. (2) The more likely someone is to make this reasoning error, the more likely they are to believe that God exists, that they should not sacrifice one life to save five lives, and that science... https://philpapers.org/rec/byriar 210 comments philosophy