Hacker News
- Power grab: the hidden costs of Ireland's datacentre boom https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/15/power-grab-hidden-costs-of-ireland-datacentre-boom 7 comments
- ‘Worse Than We Thought’: TPP Is a Total Corporate Power-Grab Nightmare http://www.truthdig.com/report/page2/worse_than_we_thought_tpp_a_total_corporate_power_grab_nightmare_20151105 47 comments worldnews
- Tunisia’s president dissolves parliament, extending power grab https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/30/tunisias-president-saied-dissolves-parliament 40 comments worldnews
- Tunisians protest against president's power grab as opposition deepens https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/tunisians-protest-against-presidents-power-grab-opposition-deepens-2021-09-26/ 2 comments worldnews
- Barrett is the culmination of the GOP power grab. Biden must reverse it https://www.newsweek.com/robert-reich-barrett-culmination-gop-power-grab-biden-must-reverse-it-opinion-1542097 19 comments politics
- Disney Power Grab for #MayThe4th Star Wars Content on Twitter Sparks Rebellion https://www.pcmag.com/news/disney-power-grab-for-maythe4th-star-wars-content-on-twitter-sparks-rebellion 14 comments technology
- For Autocrats, and Others, Coronavirus Is a Chance to Grab Even More Power https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/30/world/europe/coronavirus-governments-power.html 47 comments moderatepolitics
- The census citizenship question is a Republican power grab https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/30/opinions/republicans-gerrymandering-census-hispanics-reyes/index.html 55 comments politics
- Opinion | An ‘emergency’ power grab would only add to Trump’s problems https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/01/08/trump-creates-new-problems/?wpisrc=nl_most&wpmm=1 3 comments politics
- Republicans' power grab in Wisconsin is more evidence the party doesn't care about the will of the voters https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/republicans-power-grab-wisconsin-more-evidence-party-doesn-t-care-ncna943521 92 comments politics
- Stunning state power grabs expose a GOP uneasy with democracy itself https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/06/opinions/wisconsin-michigan-north-carolina-gop-power-grab-avlon/index.html 42 comments politics
- Turkey: Vote Count Begins in Erdogan's 'Power Grab' Referendum http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/turkey-vote-count-begins-in-erdogans-power-grab-referendum-20170415-0015.html 7 comments worldnews
- Stephen Bannon‘s Quiet Power Grab http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/01/stephen-bannon-national-security 43 comments politics
- Wisconsin actually has a budget surplus. This is just a power grab to shut down the unions. http://host.madison.com/ct/news/opinion/editorial/article_5e47e0be-207d-5b5b-86f2-e6e62a11604e.html 4 comments reddit.com
- Why aren't the Republican leadership being called to the carpet by the press for putting their ever-continuing grab for power above the welfare of the country? http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2009/02/dire_news.php 14 comments politics
- Government Power Grabs: 'Predicting' 2008 http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly_story/0,3566,317198,00.html 2 comments reddit.com
- 48 Attorneys General Sue Facebook Alleging Illegal Power Grabs To 'Neutralize' Rivals https://www.npr.org/2020/12/09/944073889/48-attorneys-general-sue-facebook-alleging-illegal-power-grabs-to-neutralize-riv 44 comments politics
- Tusk warns of state power grabs after Orbán move https://www.politico.eu/article/donald-tusk-to-epps-viktor-orban-supporters-re-consider-expelling-his-fidesz-party/ 3 comments europe
- Trump's only impeachment lesson is to grab more power https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/13/politics/donald-trump-power-justice-department/index.html 8 comments worldnews
- Seth Meyers slams the GOP 'power grab' against North Carolina's governor-elect http://www.businessinsider.com/seth-meyers-slams-republican-power-grab-in-north-carolina-2016-12 27 comments politics
- GOP's illegal power grab in North Carolina http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/17/opinions/gop-power-grab-in-north-carolina-barber/index.html 1156 comments politics
- Mitch McConnell has shown the nation his version of power grab https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/429125-mitch-mcconnell-has-shown-the-nation-his-version-of-power-grab 30 comments politics
- Power Grab In Libya Threatens Oil Industry https://oilprice.com/energy/energy-general/power-grab-in-libya-threatens-oil-industry.html 5 comments worldnews
- Top Republican blasts new FCC net neutrality proposal as a "power grab" http://www.vox.com/2015/2/4/7979069/thune-blasts-net-neutrality 9 comments politics
- TOR users become FBI's No.1 hacking target after legal power grab http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/09/19/fbi_overseas_hacking_powers/ 93 comments privacy
- GOPer Ken Blackwell Talks 'Obama's Power Grab' -- And Jon Stewart Tears Him Down (VIDEO) http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/04/goper-ken-blackwell-talks-obamas-power-grab----and-jon-stewart-tears-him-down-video.php 19 comments politics
- The Republican Power Grab Hidden in Indiana’s Zero-Week Abortion Ban. These laws are part of the backlash against progressive prosecutors, too. https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2022/08/republican-power-grab-zero-work-abortion-ban-holcomb-indiana-mears/ 8 comments law
- The Republican Power Grab Hidden in Indiana’s Zero-Week Abortion Ban. These laws are part of the backlash against progressive prosecutors, too. https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2022/08/republican-power-grab-zero-work-abortion-ban-holcomb-indiana-mears/ 4 comments politics
- El Salvador president may push to extend the presidential term as part of the Bitcoin constitutional overhaul. The perceived power grab created a rift with the US..... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-27/bitcoin-helped-tank-el-salvador-bonds-now-they-re-rising-back 23 comments cryptocurrency
- Trump’s Post-Election Power Grab Isn’t Just Selfish, It’s Dangerous to Democracy https://truthout.org/articles/trumps-post-election-power-grab-isnt-just-selfish-its-dangerous-to-democracy/ 17 comments politics
- Trump's coup is morphing into a grift — but Mitch McConnell sees it as a power grab https://news.yahoo.com/trumps-coup-morphing-grift-mitch-182002302.html 8 comments politics
- Wisconsin judge blocks Republicans’ lame-duck power grab https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/wisconsin-judge-blocks-republicans-lame-duck-power-grab/2019/03/21/c83dc884-4c16-11e9-9663-00ac73f49662_story.html?utm_term=.3d32cebfefa0&tid=sm_rd 18 comments politics
- Brexit Ball Passed by MPs against the will of the Scottish Parliament. This bill has been called a "Tory Power grab" as it is taking powers which are devolved away from the Scottish government in order to have them controlled by the UK government... https://stv.tv/news/politics/1418551-brexit-bill-clause-passed-without-holyrood-s-consent/ 8 comments worldnews
- VIDEO FLASHBACK: Obama & Democrats in 2005: 51 Vote 'Nuclear Option' Is 'Arrogant' Power Grab Against the Founder's Intent... http://www.breitbart.tv/obama-dems-in-2005-51-vote-nuclear-option-is-arrogant-power-grab-against-the-founders-intent/ 14 comments politics
- 'A Power Grab': Postal Union Slams Trump for Holding USPS Funds Hostage to Force 'Draconian Cuts' | "This administration is committed to fulfilling the decades-long pursuit by some to sacrifice our public Postal Service at the altar of private profit." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/04/24/power-grab-postal-union-slams-trump-holding-usps-funds-hostage-force-draconian-cuts 330 comments politics
- Op-Ed: Trump just made another huge and illegal power grab. Be very alarmed https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-08-10/president-trump-executive-order-unconstitutional 322 comments politics
- Power Grab in Poland? Academics see ominous provisions in new higher ed law. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/08/02/academics-oppose-proposed-higher-education-law-poland 16 comments europe
- Greg Abbott’s Authoritarian Power Grab of Houston’s Public Schools: The Texas governor wants to make a big name for himself in the conservative movement, and students are being left behind. https://newrepublic.com/article/171291/houston-school-abbott-power-grab 45 comments politics
- The same people using their social media power to make you dump your BCC, are the same one holding, and waiting for cheaper price to grab'em, because they know price will rise, and can profit from the FUD. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6s1ojg/the_same_people_using_their_social_media_power_to/ 3 comments btc
- How Section 5 blocked a GOP power grab in Texas -- "Republicans have been going all-out to dilute minorities’ political influence... And Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act has emerged as perhaps the most powerful obstacle standing in their path." http://tv.msnbc.com/2013/06/06/how-section-5-blocked-a-gop-power-grab-in-texas/ 7 comments politics