Hacker News
- How to go from zero to 400,000 push notifications in one day http://islandofdoom.com/how-to-go-from-zero-to-400000-push-notifications-in-one-day/ 11 comments
- Zero-cost push notifications to your phone or desktop via PUT/POST https://ntfy.sh/ 20 comments android , ios
- Pi Zero "in stock" notifications that actually work http://pizero.starbuckstech.com/ 3 comments raspberry_pi
- Apple will update iOS notification summaries after BBC headline mistake | It's unfortunately not possible for Apple Intelligence to make zero errors. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2025/01/apple-plans-software-update-after-ai-summaries-get-news-headlines-wrong/ 26 comments technews
- I created HTMX Toaster - a zero setup notifications library that can be triggered from the server, let me know your opinion on it! https://terziev1.github.io/htmx-toaster 39 comments htmx
- Send end-to-end encrypted push notifications from Pi Zero W (w/ free trial android app) https://simplepush.io/blog/2017/09/03/raspberry-pi-zero-w-end-to-end-encrypted-push-notifications/ 5 comments raspberry_pi
- Not another raspberry pi zero home security camera (with motion + cloud upload + web arming + slack notification) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdc-cunningham/raspi-home-security-cam/master/ver_1/20171103_222647.jpg 6 comments raspberry_pi
- No plant will go thirsty again! A Raspberry Pi Zero W, a soil moisture sensor and Slack notifications. https://www.raspberrycoulis.co.uk/diy-hacks/pi-zero-w-soil-moisture-sensor-and-slack/ 3 comments raspberry_pi