- Why I’m Not Abandoning Slf4Zio in Favor of Zio-Logging https://medium.com/@m.langer798/why-im-not-abandoning-slf4zio-in-favor-of-zio-logging-16d0ae70a1b9 7 comments scala
- Full-stack Scala 3 with the ZIO stack workshop with Daniel Ciocirlan during the Scalar Conference https://www.scalar-conf.com/full-stack-scala-3-with-the-zio-stack-workshop-with-daniel-ciocirlan 4 comments scala
- Cats Effect vs ZIO https://softwaremill.com/cats-effect-vs-zio/ 24 comments scala
- "Peeking Inside the Engine of ZIO SQL" by Jaroslav Regec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezs7dMbbGlY 2 comments scala
- Announcing the first release of ZIO OpenAI https://twitter.com/jdegoes/status/1620407429090639878?s=46&t=FIqAvPei-LS1MMP-r51z-Q 3 comments scala
- Zio cache shared in multiple unsafe https://zio.dev/reference/core/runtime 2 comments scala
- Chiude la discoteca, il titolare: «Ragazzi maleducati e ignoranti, siamo stanchi dei loro “zio” e “bro”» https://www.ilgazzettino.it/italia/cronaca_nera/baby_gang_discoteca_chiusura_giovani_maleducati_ignoranti_titolare_stanco-6835941.html 123 comments italia
- ZIO Fundamentals Training https://scalac.io/training/zio-fundamentals-training/ 7 comments scala
- ZIO 2.0 course from Rock the JVM https://rockthejvm.com/p/zio 16 comments scala
- Structuring ZIO 2 applications, by Adam Warski https://softwaremill.com/structuring-zio-2-applications/ 22 comments scala
- Scomparsa di Saman Abbas, interrogato in carcere lo zio accusato dell'omicidio https://www.rainews.it/articoli/2022/01/caso-saman-interrogato-in-carcere-lo-zio-accusato-dellomicidio-ba3ad963-50e1-4c09-81f1-b5e58dc81a40.html 35 comments italy
- Working with shared dependencies in ZIO Test https://hmemcpy.com/2021/11/working-with-shared-dependencies-in-zio-test/ 6 comments scala
- John De Goes: Improvements to the ZIO Organization https://degoes.net/articles/zio-professionalism 171 comments scala
- Removes integration with Quill, which is now part of the ZIO organization, which I will not support https://github.com/tpolecat/doobie/pull/1587 11 comments programming
- Where the ZIO Roadmap is Headed Next? Guest appearance at Capital One blog by John A. De Goes https://www.capitalone.com/tech/software-engineering/zio-roadmap/ 5 comments scala
- Rebuilding ZIO From Scratch With Adam and Kit- Friday 7 pm BST (Concurrency and Declarative Encoding) https://www.meetup.com/ZIO-Meetup-SF/events/280789240 3 comments scala
- Advances In The ZIO 2.0 Scheduler https://ziverge.com/blog/advances-in-the-zio-2-scheduler/ 79 comments scala
- ZIO vs. Cats Effect for api https://github.com/dream11/zio-http 39 comments scala
- Scampia, picchiano e buttano in un cassonetto lo zio accusato di abusi sui tre nipotini: la polizia lo salva dal linciaggio. https://www.lastampa.it/cronaca/2021/05/16/news/scampia-bimbi-abusati-la-polizia-salva-lo-zio-dal-linciaggio-1.40278939 38 comments italy
- ZIO HTTP basic app example https://loicdescotte.github.io/posts/zio-http-example/ 2 comments scala
- ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala https://github.com/zio/zio 2 comments programming
- Berlin art college withdraws funding to Israelis seeking to unlearn Zionism https://www.972mag.com/zionism-germany-antisemitism/ 13 comments worldnews
- Sidney: bestemmia in barese e lo zio emigrato lo riconosce per strada “non ci vedevamo da 15 anni, commosso” https://www.pugliareporter.com/2020/08/10/sidney-bestemmia-in-barese-e-lo-zio-emigrato-lo-riconosce-per-strada-non-ci-vedevamo-da-15-anni-commosso/ 136 comments italy
- Functional Effects with ZIO https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/i6k7og/functional_effects_with_zio/ 6 comments scala
- 5 pitfalls to avoid when starting to work with ZIO https://medium.com/wix-engineering/5-pitfalls-to-avoid-when-starting-to-work-with-zio-adefdc7d2d5c 4 comments scala
- Uncertainty around ZIO, its intention and its place in the Scala ecosystem https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/g1p5ur/uncertainty_around_zio_its_intention_and_its/ 27 comments scala
- ZIO environment meets constructor-based dependency injection https://blog.softwaremill.com/zio-environment-meets-constructor-based-dependency-injection-6a13de6e000 8 comments scala
- What can ZIO do for me? A Long Polling example with sttp. https://medium.com/@pascal.mengelt/what-can-zio-do-for-me-32281e4e8b16 3 comments scala
- Is ZIO schedule polymorphic in its effect type? https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/dfdp24/is_zio_schedule_polymorphic_in_its_effect_type/ 8 comments scala
- Is anyone writing trifunctor typeclasses for ZIO? https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/c2jk3z/is_anyone_writing_trifunctor_typeclasses_for_zio/ 4 comments scala
- Salvini: «Io ho 60 milioni di figli, mi devo occupare di loro». Sala: «Non lo voglio nemmeno come zio>> https://video.corriere.it/politica/salvini-se-hai-figli-loro-mangiare-anche-se-l-europa-dice-no-io-ho-60-milioni-figli-mi-devo-occupare-loro/f7edc4bc-8843-11e9-9099-5a05167d4d6a 9 comments italy
- r/italy: Che ne pensate di Zio Paperone? https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/comments/ae67dg/ritaly_che_ne_pensate_di_zio_paperone/ 69 comments italy
- TIL che Ramon Mercader, l'assassino di Lev Trotsky, è anche lo zio(fratellastro della madre) di Christian De Sica https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ram%C3%B3n_mercader 7 comments italy
- Supervision & error handling in ZIO, Akka and Monix (part 3) + series summary https://blog.softwaremill.com/supervision-error-handling-in-zio-akka-and-monix-part-3-series-summary-abe75f964c2a 7 comments scala
- Napoli, la madre va con il boss del clan rivale, lui per vendicarsi spara allo zio ma ferisce un'altra persona http://m.ilmessaggero.it/primopiano/cronaca/napoli_madre_va_con_boss_clan_rivale_allo_zio-2595397.html 22 comments italy
- Perché odio mio zio Adolf Hitler: venduto il celebre articolo scritto dal nipote nel 1939 http://pochestorie.corriere.it/2017/05/06/perche-odio-mio-zio-adolf-hitler-venduto-il-celebre-articolo-del-diario/ 6 comments italy
- (È Biella) Zio mette foto della nonna su Facebook. Ed il nipote l'aggredisce con un bastone. http://biella.diariodelweb.it/biella/articolo/?nid=20170421_411443 4 comments italy
- TRAGICA FATALITA' Lorenzo, morto in discoteca in Salento: lo zio perde la vita in incidente stradale mentre va al funerale http://m.ilmessaggero.it/m/messaggero/articolo/primopiano/1512576 8 comments italy
- È morto Gigi Angelillo, storica voce italiana di Zio Paperone http://www.orgoglionerd.it/news/2015/07/morto-gigi-angelillo-storica-voce-di-zio-paperone 10 comments italy
- TIL che l'agente segreto spagnolo che uccise Lev Trotsky a Città del Messico con una piccozza da ghiaccio era lo zio di Christian De Sica. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/ram%C3%B3n_mercader 29 comments italy