Hacker News
- Special K, a Hallucinogen, Raises Hopes and Concerns as Treatment for Depression http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/10/business/special-k-a-hallucinogen-raises-hopes-and-concerns-as-a-treatment-for-depression.html 71 comments
- Special-needs man tortured while attackers stream it on Facebook http://nypost.com/2017/01/04/special-needs-man-tortured-while-attackers-stream-it-on-facebook/ 5 comments politics
- Trump asks judge to pass cost of “special master” to the American taxpayer https://www.msnbc.com/american-voices/watch/trump-asks-judge-to-pass-cost-of-special-master-to-the-american-taxpayer-148205637982 1101 comments politics
- Justice Department says Trump's request for special master would impede criminal probe, national security risk assessment https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/08/30/justice-department-donald-trump-special-master-request-document-investigation/7937554001/ 50 comments politics
- [Duarte] Dave Roberts said Jake Reed was "really emotional" after the victory and his first career save. Doc added that this moment was very special for him personally and he's really happy for Jake. https://twitter.com/michaeljduarte/status/1564805872777191424?s=12&t=8kNOaOnv7ma_XIlr8FqJUA 6 comments baseball
- [Rubén Rodríguez (Fox Sports)] Pep Guardiola's response about Club América for their upcoming pre-season game: "América is special, they play with Mexicans only". The problem? Chivas (América's main rival) is the club who plays with Mexicans only. https://twitter.com/ruubenrod/status/1549570636699295745?s=19&t=fGTW_4ZJVMRIdz2hVlCQOA 151 comments soccer
- Jan Oblak: At Wanda Metropolitano there is a special atmosphere. When the place id full, it is like having 1 or 2 extra players https://as.com/futbol/2021/10/16/champions/1634380664_557203.html 17 comments soccer
- [Hensley] Ravens special teams coordinator Chris Horton on development of kicker Jake Verity: "If you’re a specialist, this is a place you want to come to, because I can guarantee you one thing – you will get better. There will be opportunities for you; if not here, then somewhere else.” https://twitter.com/jamisonhensley/status/1430605888843403266?s=21 11 comments nfl
- [Highlight] Week 5 2003- Dante Hall defies all logic on this punt return againt the Denver Broncos where every special teams gunner tackles air...... but not the X-Factor https://streamable.com/3jjc99 55 comments nfl
- Better Know the Ones Left Off the Ballot #25, Relief Pitching Special: Jeremy Affeldt, Jason Frasor, and Joe Beimel https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/o1gpq5/better_know_the_ones_left_off_the_ballot_25/ 8 comments baseball
- Barr will not appoint special counsels to probe Trump's election fraud claims, or Hunter Biden https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-biden-hunter/barr-will-not-appoint-special-counsels-to-probe-trumps-election-fraud-claims-or-hunter-biden-iduskbn28v271 5 comments politics
- [San Jose Giants] This ain’t our first rodeo! Saddle up and join us Friday, June 5 as we celebrate #SJGiants alum, Madison Bumgarner, and his rodeo alias Mason Saunders...complete with a shirsey giveaway, roping promotions and special Turkey Mike’s BBQ menu items. ⚾️🐎 https://twitter.com/SJGiants/status/1232409278721343488 21 comments baseball
- Trek Emonda ALR 5 Disc vs Specialized Tarmac Disc Sport (2019 sales) https://www.trekbikes.com/gb/en_GB/bikes/road-bikes/performance-road-bikes/%C3%A9monda/%C3%A9monda-alr/%C3%A9monda-alr-5-disc/p/24166/ 11 comments bicycling
- The brains of people with excellent general knowledge are particularly efficiently wired, finds a new study by neuroscientists using a special form of MRI, which found that people with a very efficient fibre network had more general knowledge than those with less efficient structural networking. https://news.rub.de/english/press-releases/2019-07-31-neuroscience-what-brains-people-excellent-general-knowledge-look 1675 comments science
- Researchers create phone app that can determine the likelihood of fluid behind the eardrum with a probability of detection of 85%. This is on par with current methods used by specialists to detect fluid in the middle ear, which involve specialized tools that use acoustics or a puff of air. https://www.washington.edu/news/2019/05/15/smartphone-app-can-hear-ear-infections/ 14 comments science
- Pep Guardiola says that Man City are still lacking something special to be able to win the Champions League. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/pep-guardiola-aims-dig-manchester-13459979 272 comments soccer
- Conservative lawmakers introduce resolution to impeach Rod Rosenstein, who oversees special counsel probe on Russia https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/07/25/conservative-lawmakers-introduce-resolution-calling-for-impeachment-of-rod-rosenstein-who-oversees-special-counsel-probe-on-russia/?utm_term=.65dac8372245 6 comments politics
- Wall Street Journal reports Facebook gave select companies access to user records in special deals https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/wall-street-journal-reports-facebook-gave-select-companies-access-to-user-records-in-special-deals/2018/06/08/b7cdf866-6b61-11e8-a335-c4503d041eaf_story.html 5 comments politics
- Mexico special agents found dead after cartel kidnapping http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-43112150 10 comments worldnews
- Outraged a Democrat beat a pedophile, Alabama GOP votes to end special elections https://shareblue.com/outraged-democrat-beat-pedophile-alabama-gop-votes-end-special-elections/ 1711 comments politics
- Texas gov called special session to protect bigots and rapists, won't for hurricane victims https://shareblue.com/texas-gov-called-special-session-to-protect-bigots-and-rapists-wont-for-hurricane-victims/ 5 comments politics
- Who Wears Special Clothing When They Ride? http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-41081756 10 comments bicycling
- Buffon on who he wants to draw: "I want to test myself at the Bernabéu and Camp Nou again, I want to play in another special evening game at Old Trafford. I want to experience the electric atmosphere of Celtic Park once more." https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/6vqufu/buffon_on_who_he_wants_to_draw_i_want_to_test/ 195 comments soccer
- Why is the green background used for special effects? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6q271z/why_is_the_green_background_used_for_special/ 8 comments askscience
- Shadow Warrior: Special Edition [-100% off] https://www.humblebundle.com/store/shadow-warrior-special-edition 42 comments linux_gaming
- What Charges Special Counsel Mueller Will Consider Involving Donald Trump, Jr. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacobfrenkel/2017/07/17/what-charges-special-counsel-mueller-will-consider-involving-donald-trump-jr/amp/ 34 comments politics
- [KUTV] Joe Ingles buys a young blind Jazzfan a $10,000 special pair of glasses to help him see again. http://kutv.com/news/local/special-glasses-help-blind-boy-see-jazz-joe-ingles-see-boy-changes-everything 243 comments nba
- A special counsel on Russia is an all-or-nothing deal for Republicans http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/17/politics/robert-mueller-russia/index.html 7 comments politics
- Mariners special pre-game presentation honoring Ichiro https://www.facebook.com/mariners/videos/vb.33054718978/10155269433208979/?type=3&theater 8 comments baseball
- We Need a Special Counsel to Investigate the Trump Administration http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2017/02/how_congress_can_pressure_trump_to_appoint_a_special_counsel.html 6 comments politics
- Rapoport: Rams say John Fassel, the special teams coordinator, will be the interim coach. https://twitter.com/rapsheet/status/808408459788091392 8 comments nfl
- Russia Releases First Ever Video Footage Of Its Special Forces Operating In Syria http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-11/rare-footage-revealed-russian-special-forces-operating-syria 4 comments worldnews
- Planning for the future with a special needs kid https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/5huoef/planning_for_the_future_with_a_special_needs_kid/ 11 comments personalfinance
- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guided a special operations drill targeting the South. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-southkorea-iduskbn14004j 6 comments worldnews
- Vir Das to Have His Own Netflix Comedy Special [np] http://movies.ndtv.com/television/vir-das-to-have-his-own-netflix-comedy-special-1459745 55 comments india
- UK special forces and MI6 involved in Yemen bombing, report reveals | Investigation appears to contradict official UK claims http://www.theguardian.com/news/defence-and-security-blog/2016/apr/11/uk-special-forces-and-mi6-involved-in-yemen-bombing-report-reveals 6 comments worldnews
- Specially crafted message will crash iOS if lock screen notifications are enabled https://blog.malwarebytes.org/mobile-2/2015/05/iphone-crash-what-you-need-to-know/ 6 comments sysadmin
- Alleged Benghazi mastermind captured by US Special Forces http://7online.com/news/alleged-benghazi-mastermind-captured-by-us-special-forces/118959/ 4 comments politics
- Texas abortion bill could come up again in a second special session http://www.statesman.com/news/news/dewhurst-2nd-special-session-likely-if-key-bills-d/nysht/ 3 comments politics
- What does reddit think of "Special Topics in Calamity Physics"? http://www.amazon.com/Special-Topics-Calamity-Physics-Marisha/dp/067003777X 5 comments books