Hacker News
- Yes it's a bubble, so what? https://www.researchaffiliates.com/en_us/publications/articles/668-yes-its-a-bubble-so-what.html 102 comments
- “Yes, Bitcoin Is a Bubble and It’s About to Burst” https://www.thefelderreport.com/2017/06/24/yes-bitcoin-is-a-bubble-and-its-about-to-burst/ 2 comments
- Hell Yes We're in a Bubble https://medium.com/@davepell/hell-yes-we-are-in-a-bubble-f45a92398416 3 comments
- Maples: Yes, There's a Bubble http://techcrunch.com/2011/03/01/angel-turned-vc-mike-maples-yes-theres-a-bubble/ 11 comments
- Is Bitcoin a Bubble? Economists Say ‘Yes’ https://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2017/12/13/is-bitcoin-a-bubble-96-of-economists-say-yes/ 226 comments
- Yes, we're in a tech bubble. Here's how I know it http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2014/05/08/yes-were-in-a-tech-bubble-heres-how-i-know-it/ 3 comments business
- Yes, That is a Tech Bubble You See Growing http://www.businessinsider.com/1-billion-unicorn-ceo-yes-its-a-tech-bubble-2015-6 7 comments technology
- [Max Kellerman] "Stephen A, are you suggesting conjugal visits in the bubble?" [SAS] "YES" https://twitter.com/AOalphamale/status/1293570260684201984?s=19 3 comments nba
- A report that MLB is considering a 'bubble' for its postseason speculates that 'Greater Chicago' could be a hub. Yes, that includes Milwaukee. https://amp.jsonline.com/amp/3342717001 961 comments baseball
- The GOP’s big ‘yes’ to ‘no’ "The absurdity of going to the wire on funding the Department of Homeland Security tells us that many in the party, particularly right-wingers in the House, do not care how their inability to govern in an orderly fashion looks to citizens outside the conservative bubble" http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/republicans-keep-saying-yes-to-being-the-party-of-no/2015/03/01/ccfa1b8c-bec3-11e4-8668-4e7ba8439ca6_story.html?tid=rssfeed 227 comments politics
- NASA Designs "Warp Ship" for Interstellar Travel - To travel in a bubble of warped space, cut flight time from years to weeks. And yes, it's named the Enterprise. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/06/11/this-is-the-amazing-design-for-nasas-star-trek-style-space-ship-the-ixs-enterprise/ 268 comments science
- "Yes, we are in a tech bubble again -- but only dumb money will lose this time around. That's what 39% of attendees said in a pop poll at the Wired Business Conference in New York City on Tuesday. [3 May 2011]" http://money.cnn.com/2011/05/03/technology/startup_funding_sacca/index.htm 43 comments business
- Yes, the airport scanners hurt you: "In layman's terms... the resonant effects of the THz waves bombarding humans unzips the double-stranded DNA molecule. This ripping apart of the twisted chain of DNA creates bubbles between the genes that can interfere with the processes of life itself: " http://macedoniaonline.eu/content/view/17090/56/?3 13 comments science