Hacker News
- Happy 20th Birthday, Y Combinator https://twitter.com/garrytan/status/1899092996702048709 13 comments
- Apply to Y Combinator https://www.ycombinator.com/apply/ 4 comments
- How to Get into Y Combinator https://www.aptible.com/blog/y_combinator.html 37 comments
- The Value of Y Combinator and Accelerators https://medium.com/@mattangriffel/the-value-of-y-combinator-accelerators-cdbeada1e2b9 3 comments
- Deriving the Y Combinator http://www.catonmat.net/blog/derivation-of-ycombinator/ 10 comments
- Traffic from Y Combinator http://bluntobject.wordpress.com/2008/01/22/traffic/ 2 comments
- So you didn't get into Y Combinator, now what? http://imars.posthaven.com/so-you-didnt-get-into-yc-now-what 14 comments
- Moving back to SF and doing Y Combinator again http://kulveer.co.uk/2011/06/07/moving-back-to-sf-and-doing-y-combinator-again/ 24 comments
- Y Combinator: Startup Library http://ycombinator.com/lib.html 2 comments
- Y Combinator Slashes Startup Accelerator Class Size by 40% https://www.theinformation.com/articles/y-combinator-slashes-startup-accelerator-class-size-by-40 3 comments
- Apply early for Y Combinator if you want to be considered https://ntucker.true.io/ntucker/apply-early-for-ycombinator-if-you-want-to-be-considered/ 5 comments
- Y Combinator and the Negative Externalities of Hackernews http://danilocampos.com/2014/09/y-combinator-and-the-negative-externalities-of-hacker-news/ 59 comments
- Y Combinator companies has more funding than sum of all remaining accelerators http://www.appsbi.com/y-combinator-companies-has-more-funding-than-the-sum-total-of-all-remaining-accelerators 2 comments
- How to disagree with others, by Y Combinator's Paul Graham http://expectlabs.quora.com/A-Hierarchy-of-Disagreement 2 comments
- Y Combinator-like acceleration programme at Cambridge University (UK) http://startuplift.com/springboard-accelerate-your-startup/ 5 comments
- The Q Score: How Y Combinator's Startups Are Like Broadway Musicals http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/03/the-q-score-how-y-combinators-startups-are-like-broadway-musicals/254531/ 2 comments
- Exits for Two More Y Combinator Startups, Movity and Etacts http://www.xconomy.com/san-francisco/2010/12/22/exits-for-two-more-y-combinator-startups-movity-and-etacts/ 12 comments
- Y-combinator Startup Launches: Loopt https://loopt.com/loopt/sess/loginpage.web2.1 12 comments reddit.com
- Y-Combinator, a Two-Year-Old, and a Pregnant Wife http://www.tiempoapp.com 10 comments startups
- In light of all the 99% posts, an essay by Paul Graham (Y-Combinator guy who funded Reddit) on the income gap. http://www.paulgraham.com/gap.html 9 comments politics
- New Y-Combinator (investors in Reddit) startup launches - Scribd = "YouTube for documents" - lots of free ebooks already http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/03/06/scribd-youtube-for-text-gets-300k/ 64 comments reddit.com
- The Y Combinator in Arc and Java http://arcfn.com/2009/03/y-combinator-in-arc-and-java.html 8 comments programming
- The Y Combinator [pic] http://scienceblogs.com/loom/2007/09/21/mathematical_markings.php 66 comments programming
- Y Combinator expands to 80 startups http://kenontek.blogspot.com/2012/05/y-combinator-expands-to-80-startups.html 4 comments startups
- Y Combinator and Citadel Alums Launch DeFi Lending Protocol Algofi on the Algorand Blockchain. https://www.algorand.com/resources/ecosystem-announcements/algofi-to-launch-defi-lending-protocol-on-algorand 10 comments cryptocurrency
- Announcing Y Combinator Startup News (First nontrivial Arc app) http://ycombinator.com/announcingnews.html 12 comments reddit.com
- Y Combinator: "We’d like to fund a study on basic income" https://blog.ycombinator.com/basic-income 31 comments economy
- Y Combinator's Sam Altman sees India breeding multiple $10 billion startups http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/emerging-businesses/startups/y-combinators-sam-altman-sees-india-breeding-multiple-10-billion-startups/articleshow/49177368.cms 15 comments india
- New (Y Combinator?) startup: "... a new kind of ad server. There is no click fraud." http://madhens.zeegry.com/index 26 comments reddit.com
- Reddit names Y Combinator CEO Michael Seibel as Alexis Ohanian’s replacement https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/10/21285835/reddit-board-replacement-alexis-ohanian-michael-seibel-y-combinator 11 comments technology
- The Y Combinator touch: How this Silicon Valley incubator is helping Indian entrepreneurs http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/startups/the-y-combinator-touch-how-this-silicon-valley-incubator-is-helping-indian-entrepreneurs/articleshow/53788619.cms 4 comments india
- How Elon Musk and Y Combinator Plan to Stop Computers From Taking Over https://medium.com/backchannel/how-elon-musk-and-y-combinator-plan-to-stop-computers-from-taking-over-17e0e27dd02a#.kcen81y8y 5 comments artificial
- Paul Graham: SOPA supporters are no longer welcome at Y Combinator events http://venturebeat.com/2011/12/22/paul-graham-sopa-supporters-are-no-longer-welcome-at-y-combinator-events/ 7 comments programming
- The Y Combinator (Slight Return) or: How to Succeed at Recursion Without Really Recursing http://mvanier.livejournal.com/2897.html 5 comments programming
- Silicon Valley Bank’s failure is an extinction-level event for startups, says Y Combinator’s Garry Tan https://www.marketwatch.com/story/y-combinators-garry-tan-calls-svb-closure-an-extinction-level-event-for-startups-3a052d4 16 comments technology
- Silicon Valley Bank’s failure is an extinction-level event for startups, says Y Combinator’s Garry Tan https://www.marketwatch.com/story/y-combinators-garry-tan-calls-svb-closure-an-extinction-level-event-for-startups-3a052d4?link=sfmw_fb 28 comments technology
- We started working on this when we were fresh out of college and today it's a Y Combinator backed project - We would love to get your feedback! https://www.producthunt.com/search?q=lastbit%20lite&posteddate=30%3Adays 65 comments cryptocurrency
- Y Combinator Cuts Ties With Peter Thiel After Ending Part-Time Partner Program https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanmac/y-combinator-cuts-ties-with-peter-thiel-ends-part-time?utm_term=.ilqxpzp6v#.dvlox7xdz 6 comments programming
- I'm a founder in the current Y Combinator batch (staying anonymous for reasons, but verified by mods). I always wanted a YC founder to do this, so ask me anything! https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/6najyy/im_a_founder_in_the_current_y_combinator_batch/ 220 comments startups
- Ex-Reddit CEO Ellen Pao's "Project Include" will cut ties with tech incubator Y Combinator. The reason: Donald Trump supporter Peter Thiel is a part-time partner at Y Combinator http://www.afr.com/technology/peter-thiels-support-for-donald-trump-is-now-killing-deals-in-silicon-valley-20161024-gs9oht 3 comments technology