- Why people get Biden’s job numbers wrong https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/11/americans-job/ 9 comments politics
- Is it wrong to call them "Minus numbers." https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/ac1rgl/is_it_wrong_to_call_them_minus_numbers/ 32 comments math
- Donald Trump boasts about January jobs growth...and gets the number wrong http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-latest-jobs-growth-january-labor-department-economy-employment-a7562386.html 4 comments politics
- Things Which Can Go Wrong with Complex Numbers https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/things-can-go-wrong-complex-numbers/ 14 comments math
- A Hindu explains how Amir Khan got the Wrong Number! http://khabrii.com/a-hindus-open-letter-to-amir-khan/ 5 comments india
- NSA admits wrongly adding 16,000 phone numbers to ‘alert list’ http://www.kurzweilai.net/nsa-admits-wrongly-adding-16000-phone-numbers-to-alert-list 33 comments politics
- Wrong Number Generator http://www.iliketotallyloveit.com/gadgets/wrong-number-generator-1/ 9 comments reddit.com
- Coronavirus contact tracers face daunting job: hang-ups, lies and wrong numbers https://chicago.suntimes.com/coronavirus/2020/7/31/21345926/contact-tracers-tracing-coronavirus-covid19-illinois-pritzker-howard-brown 36 comments economy
- Currency transfer wrong account number - what happens to my money? Bit stressed https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/8w2u6l/currency_transfer_wrong_account_number_what/ 11 comments personalfinance
- No, there haven’t been 18 school shootings in 2018. That number is flat wrong. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/no-there-havent-been-18-school-shooting-in-2018-that-number-is-flat-wrong/2018/02/15/65b6cf72-1264-11e8-8ea1-c1d91fcec3fe_story.html?utm_term=.5a3bfc88128f 9 comments politics
- No, there haven’t been 18 school shootings in 2018. That number is flat wrong. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/no-there-havent-been-18-school-shooting-in-2018-that-number-is-flat-wrong/2018/02/15/65b6cf72-1264-11e8-8ea1-c1d91fcec3fe_story.html 93 comments politics
- Selfies gone wrong: India leads in number of ‘selfie related deaths’ http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/selfies-gone-wrong-india-leads-in-number-of-selfie-related-deaths/story-tzxonfkgmm62dzhksxoqim.html 6 comments india
- Trump is touting an enthusiasm gap with Biden. But his campaign may be looking at the numbers the wrong way. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/powerup/2020/07/02/powerup-trump-is-touting-an-enthusiasm-gap-with-biden-but-his-campaign-may-be-looking-at-the-numbers-the-wrong-way/5efcd62b602ff108071936d0/ 7 comments politics
- Hurricane victims call sex hotline after FEMA mistakenly tweets wrong number http://wgntv.com/2017/09/22/hurricane-victims-call-sex-hotline-after-fema-mistakenly-tweets-wrong-number/ 561 comments nottheonion
- Wrong Number? Broward Judicial Candidate Chris Brown Makes Changes After Campaign Sent Text Messages From Judge’s Telephone Number https://redbroward.com/2022/07/28/wrong-number-broward-judicial-candidate-chris-brown-makes-changes-after-campaign-sent-text-messages-from-judges-telephone-number/ 2 comments nottheonion
- Assistant referee puts up the wrong number on the board for a substitution, a Denmark staff member comes to help him https://www.clippituser.tv/c/dblaya 12 comments soccer
- Michigan native slammed by calls after Trump campaign shares wrong phone number https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/532657-trump-supporters-get-trolled-after-campaign-shared-wrong-phone 3 comments politics
- One Number Shows Something Is Fundamentally Wrong with Our Conception of the Universe https://www.space.com/hubble-constant-discrepancy-explained.html 3 comments space
- One Number Shows Something Is Fundamentally Wrong with Our Conception of the Universe https://www.livescience.com/hubble-constant-discrepancy-explained.html 18 comments space
- Did Trump Blame Samsung for Missing FBI Text Messages? President Gets Number of Messages Wrong http://www.newsweek.com/did-trump-blame-samsung-missing-fbi-text-messages-gets-number-wrong-789077 11 comments politics
- India’s ‘Phone Romeos’ Look for Ms. Right via Wrong Numbers https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/22/world/asia/indias-phone-romeos-look-for-the-right-one-through-wrong-numbers.html?_r=0 7 comments india
- Donald Trump wrongly says the number of illegal immigrants is 30 million or higher. "We rate this claim Pants on Fire." http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2015/jul/28/donald-trump/donald-trump-says-number-illegal-immigrants-30-mil/ 252 comments politics
- Mark Sanford gives voters his personal cell phone number...What could go wrong? This. http://columbia-sc.patch.com/articles/mark-sanford-being-deluged-with-phone-calls-from-democrats 8 comments politics
- Dad is thinking of buying a condo while I attend school so I can stay there. What do you all think? (I revised numbers because they were wrong earlier!) https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/693fu4/dad_is_thinking_of_buying_a_condo_while_i_attend/ 13 comments personalfinance
- [andrewsiciliano] Sean McVay and Les Snead had trouble calling Jared Verse. McVay: “Wrong damn number!” One digit off. https://twitter.com/andrewsiciliano/status/1783707965108912364?s=46 28 comments nfl
- When people are informed of one wrongful conviction, they are substantially more likely to support criminal justice reform than when they are given credible estimates of the number of wrongfully convicted individuals. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11292-019-09360-7 22 comments science
- Old job put wrong SSN on W2; Father filed that number by mistake while I was a dependent. Should I worry? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/acpndm/old_job_put_wrong_ssn_on_w2_father_filed_that/ 10 comments personalfinance
- Record number of UK voters think decision to leave EU is wrong: Just 40% still back the decision to leave the EU and only 23% back the government's handling of the negotiations https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-poll-voters-eu-leave-wrong-theresa-may-negotiations-deal-yougov-a8383826.html 21 comments worldnews
- Redskins feature players on each of their 2012-13 season tickets. Get the name wrong on one player and the number wrong on another. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/dc-sports-bog/post/redskins-season-tickets-identify-roy-helu-as-robert/2012/08/01/gjqamltwpx_blog.html?wprss=rss_dc-sports-bog 9 comments nfl
- Tea party rally in Ann Arbor goes hilariously wrong as they get out numbered 2 to 1 by college students [pics]. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/4/16/857831/-pics:-tea-partying-in-ann-arborwaffles-are-delicious! 191 comments politics
- "...[the FCC] is considering relaxing a key rule and allowing businesses to call or text your cellphones without authorization if they say they called a wrong number. The banking industry and collections industry are pushing for the change." http://www.dailyfinance.com/on/fcc-relax-robocall-rule/ 104 comments technology
- Why Do We Assume Patents Are Valid When Patent Office's Own Numbers Show They Get Things Wrong All The Time? http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120816/01045920068/why-do-we-assume-patents-are-valid-when-patent-offices-own-numbers-show-they-get-things-wrong-all-time.shtml 240 comments technology
- NYC Mayor Eric Adams: "“It would send the wrong message to have an exception for one player [Kyrie Irving] when we’re telling a countless number of NYC employees, ‘If you don’t follow the rules, you won’t be able to be employed.’” https://streamable.com/jvdndt 459 comments nba
- [Malika Andrews] Here is New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Kyrie Irving: “It would send the wrong message to have an exception for one player when we’re telling a countless number of NYC employees, ‘If you don’t follow the rules, you won’t be able to be employed.’” https://twitter.com/malika_andrews/status/1498324410041655308 11 comments nba
- The Federal Reserve is wrong so often. I see the numbers also, and do MUCH better than they do. We will have a very good Third Quarter, a great Fourth Quarter, and one of our best ever years in 2021. We will also soon have a Vaccine & Therapeutics/Cure. That’s my opinion. WATCH! - Donald J. Trump https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1271096748983955461 190 comments moderatepolitics
- Number theorist fears all published math is wrong. "I think there is a non-zero chance that some of our great castles are built on sand," he said, arguing that we must begin to rely on AI to verify proofs. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/8xwm54/number-theorist-fears-all-published-math-is-wrong-actually 6 comments technology
- A large growing number of users on unsupported Macs are installing macOS 10.14 Mojave with closed source patches of unknown content, while asking the author to keep the patches "secure" by not open sourcing them as they may "get into the wrong hands" https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/macos-10-14-mojave-on-unsupported-macs-thread.2121473/page-326#post-26585822 39 comments programming
- French secret service: a policeman thought he sent by SMS informations over an islamist to a colleague. Only problem: he sent it to the wrong number, that is to the islamist under surveillance https://m6info.yahoo.com/info-m6-services-de-renseignements-par-erreur-un-policier-appelle-lislamiste-quil-surveille-105006111.html 13 comments europe
- Indian men unable to find a girlfriend resort to ringing wrong numbers in hope of striking up a relationship as police report 700 complaints of ‘phone romeos’ each day http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4341772/lonely-indian-men-resorting-ringing-wrong-numbers.html 81 comments india
- The dark portrait of America that Donald J. Trump sketched in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention is a compendium of doomsday stats that fall apart upon close scrutiny. Numbers are taken out of context, data is manipulated, and sometimes the facts are wrong. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/07/22/fact-checking-donald-trumps-acceptance-speech-at-the-2016-rnc/ 331 comments politics