Hacker News
- A picture of change for a world in constant motion https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/08/07/arts/design/hokusai-fuji.html 3 comments
- A speed-up in Fast Fourier Transforms could change the modern world http://www.fastcompany.com/1810522/mits-math-breakthrough-could-transform-your-phone-tablet-pc-tv-mri-scans 2 comments
- How Trump's nationalism has already changed the world https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/27/politics/trump-nationalism-world-order/index.html 9 comments politics
- 7 Massive Ideas That Can Change the World http://www.wired.com/business/2013/01/ff-seven-big-ideas/all/ 9 comments technology
- 50+ Famous Inventions That Changed The World http://www.thetechland.com/2009/06/50-famous-inventions-that-changed-the-world/ 3 comments technology
- This ancient Siberian DNA may have changed the world https://www.inverse.com/science/ancient-siberian-dna-changed-the-world 3 comments anthropology
- Opinion: Teenagers Are Changing The World. They Should Be Allowed To Vote. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/karendolan/16-year-olds-teenage-activists-right-to-vote 114 comments politics
- Climate Change Is Melting 'The Roof Of The World' http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/tibet-melting-glaciers-avalanches_us_584e552de4b04c8e2bb061ee 3 comments worldnews
- How HTML 5 will change the World (Wide Web) http://www.testfreaks.com/blog/information/html5-change-world-wide-web/ 10 comments technology
- Mikhail Gorbachev Championed 'Glasnost' and 'Perestroika.' Here's How They Changed the World https://time.com/5512665/mikhail-gorbachev-glasnost-perestroika/ 34 comments europe
- The U.S. Is About to Change the Way the World Thinks About UFOs https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2021-06-24/the-us-is-about-to-change-the-way-the-world-thinks-about-ufos 16 comments aliens
- World leaders send message to Biden. climate change https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/world-leaders-reaction-election-biden-climate-b1719134.html 5 comments politics
- The world needs rational American leadership on climate change https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-world-needs-rational-american-leadership-on-climate-change/2019/02/07/1b1e7014-2a4b-11e9-b011-d8500644dc98_story.html?utm_term=.7f8b1985e8e4 29 comments politics
- 3 Incredible Reads From 2013 That Will Change The Way You See The World http://thoughtcatalog.com/ryan-holiday/2013/12/3-incredible-reads-that-will-change-how-you-think/ 3 comments books
- ‘It was like an apocalyptic movie’: 20 climate photographs that changed the world | Climate crisis https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/05/20-climate-photographs-that-changed-the-world 19 comments climate
- How “World-Renowned Idiot” Donald Trump Has Changed His Coronavirus Story https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2020/04/seth-meyers-donald-trump-coronavirus-idiot 53 comments politics
- Scientists 'have achieved quantum supremacy', in discovery that could change the world https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/quantum-supremacy-google-ibm-computing-explained-meaning-science-a9167346.html 3 comments science
- One more war would make everything better: "How A Regime Change In Iran Would Transform The World" http://www.forbes.com/2010/06/24/iran-nuclear-weapon-oil-opinions-columnists-melik-kaylan.html 13 comments politics
- Europe have always been in the front in the fight against climate change - Today Sweden is launching the worlds first Fossil-free steel pilot plant. https://www.h2-view.com/story/fossil-free-steel-project-ready-for-operation/ 20 comments europe
- Wind and solar produce record 10% of world’s electricity, but scientists warn faster change is needed: Even with fall in coal use, it still produces third of world’s electricity requirements. https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/renewable-energy-wind-solar-coal-how-much-electricity-climate-change-a9669651.html 160 comments worldnews
- [Robert Griffin III] Whoever said one person can’t change the world never ate an undercooked bat https://twitter.com/RGIII/status/1247157311128428550?s=20 13 comments nfl
- Puzzle: By changing the outcome of 19 postseason series, you can allow all 30 teams to have won the previous 30 World Series. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assignment_problem 29 comments baseball
- World leaders need to confront Trump's climate change denial - he should be shamed and ridiculed by his allies for his ignorance and persuaded to change https://news.sky.com/story/sky-views-climate-change-is-not-fake-world-leaders-need-to-confront-trumps-denial-11799350 12 comments climate
- The attempt is to change demography of Kashmir through ethnic cleansing and question is: Will the world watch and appease as they did Hitler at Munich? asks Pakistan PM Khan http://www.radio.gov.pk/11-08-2019/genocide-of-kashmiris-by-india-unfolding-rss-ideology-pm 6 comments pakistan
- Bitcoin documentary from 2015 resembles BCH far more than BTC. Even core proponents talked about the importance of Bitcoin being a medium of exchange for the developing world. Today folks like Samson Mow state that BTC is not for the poor. BTC has changed but BCH has the same values and goals. https://youtu.be/-qDnyjRqDmA?t=2775 14 comments btc
- More than half of the world’s new oil and gas pipelines are located in North America, with a boom in US oil and gas drilling set to deliver a major blow to efforts to slow climate change, a new report has found. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/25/us-oil-gas-boom-climate-change-report 17 comments worldnews
- Satellite confirms key NASA temperature data: The planet is warming, and fast | If anything, the researchers found, the pace of climate change could be somewhat more severe than previously acknowledged, at least in the fastest warming part of the world — its highest latitudes https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2019/04/17/satellite-confirms-key-nasa-temperature-data-planet-is-warming-fast/?utm_term=.1055501d8ab3 6 comments worldnews
- Climate change to expose half of world’s population to disease-spreading mosquitoes by 2050, study finds https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change-disease-mosquitoes-zika-virus-yellow-fever-dengue-spread-a8809996.html 227 comments worldnews
- Climate change is exacerbating world conflicts, says Red Cross president - ‘It’s obvious some of the violence we are observing … is directly linked to climate change,’ says Peter Maurer https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/21/climate-change-is-exacerbating-world-conflicts-says-red-cross-president 10 comments worldnews
- One little thing that BCH has that BTC lost on aug1: the mercuric momentum of 1000s of enthusiastic *doers* who will change the world. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7bcf8q/did_you_know_that_more_than_1500_businesses_are/ 12 comments btc
- Citing The Bible, The EPA Just Changed Its Rules For Science Advisors: Referencing the Book of Joshua, EPA head Scott Pruitt announced sweeping changes to the agency's science advisory boards, opening the door to more input from the business world. https://www.buzzfeed.com/zahrahirji/epa-pruitt-new-science-advisors?utm_term=.dl9k5wjgb#.kg3oek5kz 32 comments politics
- Factory Farms Put Climate at Risk, Experts Say in Urging Health Officials to Speak Out - In a letter, 200 experts called on the next director-general of the World Health Organization to confront the role factory farming plays in climate change. http://www.alternet.org/environment/factory-farms-put-climate-risk-experts-say-urging-health-officials-speak-out 30 comments worldnews
- Elon Musk on Twitter: "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world." https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/870369915894546432?s=09 4 comments space
- Australia PM adviser says climate change is 'UN-led ruse to establish new world order' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/11591193/australia-pm-advisor-says-climate-change-a-un-led-ruse.html 2 comments politics
- Can Netflix Survive in the New World It Created?: What started as a DVD-mailing service has changed the way we watch TV. Now Netflix has to do it again. (And again. And again.) http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/19/magazine/can-netflix-survive-in-the-new-world-it-created.html 8 comments technology
- World Suffering Surge in Extreme Rainfall Due to Climate Change. “One out of 10 record-breaking rainfall events observed globally in the past 30 years can only be explained if the long-term warming is taken into account. For the last year studied, 2010, it is even one event out of four.” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-08/world-suffering-surge-in-extreme-rainfall-due-to-climate-change 17 comments science
- World Future Council has proposed that central banks simply print the money needed for climate change adaptation and the transition to a low-carbon economy. http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2015-05-11-climate-changers-want-to-rob-central-banks/#.vvhi8ghrkuv 11 comments worldnews
- IPCC report: world must urgently switch to clean sources of energy. Clean energy will have to at least treble in output and dominate world energy supplies by 2050 in order to avoid catastrophic climate change, a UN report is set to conclude on Sunday. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/apr/12/ipcc-report-world-must-switch-clean-sources-energy 592 comments science
- The world is spending half a trillion dollars on fossil fuel subsidies every year, according to a new report by the Overseas Development Institute - seven times more supporting coal, oil and gas than on helping poorer nations fight climate change http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24833153 37 comments worldnews
- China is surprise good guy at Durban climate conference: World's biggest carbon emitter says it might sign an agreement to change its ways. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/africa/south-africa/111205/china-surprise-good-guy-at-durban-climate-conferenc 22 comments worldnews