Hacker News
- Why the Robots Might Not Take Our Jobs After All: They Lack Common Sense http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/23/upshot/why-the-robots-might-not-take-our-jobs-after-all-they-lack-common-sense.html?abg=0&abt=0002&ref=technology 2 comments
- Foxconn unit to cut over 10,000 jobs as robotics take over https://asia.nikkei.com/business/ac/foxconn-unit-to-cut-over-10-000-jobs-as-robotics-take-over 373 comments worldnews
- What happens if robots take all the jobs? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-happens-if-robots-take-all-the-jobs/ 30 comments politics
- Better Than Human (or how robots will take all our jobs) http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/12/ff-robots-will-take-our-jobs/all/ 6 comments technology
- Turbo Clean robot takes over the most disliked job in a commercial kitchen - cleaning dirty dishes https://www.turingtribe.com/story/turbo-clean-robot-takes-over-the-most-disliked-job-in-a-commercial-kitchen-cleaning-dirty-dishes-5prvfrjz7ngkw3ks7 6 comments artificial
- Jeb Bush warns robots taking US jobs is not science fiction http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/jeb-bush-warns-robots-taking-us-jobs-is-not-science-fiction/article/2619145 3 comments technology
- How Will The Free-Market Adapt To Robots Taking Jobs https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/6q7kem/how_will_the_freemarket_adapt_to_robots_taking/ 6 comments economy
- Every industrial robot takes up to 6 jobs, study finds http://www.marketwatch.com/story/over-6-million-jobs-at-risk-from-robots-new-study-finds-2017-03-29 39 comments politics
- The Treasury Secretary is ‘not worried at all’ about robots taking jobs. Here’s why he could be wrong. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2017/03/24/treasury-secretary-steven-mnuchin-robots-replacing-human-workers-is-not-even-on-our-radar-screen/ 10 comments politics
- Bill Gates: The robot that takes your job should pay taxes http://artificialbrain.xyz/bill-gates-the-robot-that-takes-your-job-should-pay-taxes/ 9 comments robotics
- White House: Robots may take half of our jobs, and we should embrace it http://www.marketwatch.com/story/white-house-robots-may-take-half-of-our-jobs-and-we-should-embrace-it-2016-12-21 103 comments technology
- White House: Robots may take half of our jobs, and we should embrace it http://www.marketwatch.com/story/white-house-robots-may-take-half-of-our-jobs-and-we-should-embrace-it-2016-12-21 25 comments politics
- Robots Will Take Two-Thirds of All Jobs In the Developing World, UN Says http://motherboard.vice.com/read/robots-will-take-two-thirds-of-all-jobs-in-the-developing-world-un-says 24 comments technology
- Mexico taking US factory jobs? Blame robots instead https://apnews.com/265cd8fb02fb44a69cf0eaa2063e11d9 18 comments politics
- Robots won’t just take jobs, they’ll create them http://techcrunch.com/2016/05/13/robots-wont-just-take-jobs-theyll-create-them/ 4 comments technology
- Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs http://freeprogrammingbook.com/showarticles.php?file_id=27 3 comments artificial
- Do Robots Take People's Jobs? http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/industrial-robots/john-dulchinos-adept-do-robots-take-peoples-jobs#comments 23 comments robotics
- Elon Musk: Free cash handouts ‘will be necessary’ if robots take humans' jobs https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/18/elon-musk-automated-jobs-could-make-ubi-cash-handouts-necessary.html 89 comments economy
- Elon Musk: Free cash handouts ‘will be necessary’ if robots take humans' jobs https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/18/elon-musk-automated-jobs-could-make-ubi-cash-handouts-necessary.html 331 comments worldnews
- Tax on robots that take jobs would be 'stupid': manufacturers https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/innovation/98471632/tax-on-robots-that-take-jobs-would-be-stupid-manufacturers 26 comments technology
- Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-pwc-robotics-jobs-20170324-story.html 61 comments politics
- Former CKE chief Andy Puzder on automation: If robots take your job, 'the minimum wage is zero' http://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/23/andy-puzder-on-automation-if-robots-take-your-job-the-minimum-wage-is-zero.html 19 comments technology
- The robot that takes your job should pay taxes, says Bill Gates https://qz.com/911968/bill-gates-the-robot-that-takes-your-job-should-pay-taxes/ 36 comments politics
- Bill Gates says robots that take your job should pay taxes http://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-robots-pay-taxes-2017-2 212 comments technology
- Elon Musk calls for universal income after robots take human jobs: 'People will have time to do other things, more complex things, more interesting things' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/elon-musk-universal-income-robots-ai-tesla-spacex-a7402556.html 334 comments worldnews
- A Plan In Case Robots Take The Jobs: Give Everyone A Paycheck http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/03/technology/plan-to-fight-robot-invasion-at-work-give-everyone-a-paycheck.html 23 comments economy
- Robots to Take Over Half of US Jobs Within Next Several Years, Expert Warns http://sputniknews.com/science/20150324/1019915020.html 83 comments technology
- Mnuchin on robots taking US jobs: 'It's not even on our radar screen ... 50-100 more years' away http://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/24/robots-could-threaten-four-out-of-10-us-jobs-by-2030.html 28 comments robotics
- Robots poised to take over wide range of military jobs http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/military/sd-me-robots-military-20170130-story.html 4 comments technology
- Uber offers drivers free retirement planning before robots eventually take their jobs http://www.theverge.com/2016/8/24/12626794/uber-driver-retirement-betterment-self-driving-lawsuit 13 comments technology
- Experts say robots will take 47% of our jobs is this true? And if so is it a problem? A guide to the coming robot revolution http://www.tumotech.com/2014/08/04/experts-say-robots-will-take-47-of-our-jobs-is-this-true-and-if-so-is-it-a-problem-a-guide-to-the-coming-robot-revolution/ 17 comments technology
- Only 13% of Americans are scared that robots will take their jobs, a recent poll shows. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/05/gallup-13-percent-of-americans-are-scared-that-robots-will-take-their-jobs.html 12 comments technology
- Robots that read human body language promise to boost productivity without taking our jobs - Body language detection marks a new paradigm shift in human-robot interactions in an industrial setting. https://www.zmescience.com/science/robots-that-read-human-body-language-promise-to-boost-productivity-without-taking-our-jobs/ 11 comments technology
- Elon Musk says people should receive a universal income once robots take their jobs: 'People will have time to do other things, more complex things, more interesting things' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/elon-musk-universal-income-robots-ai-tesla-spacex-a7402556.html 3625 comments technology
- No matter how you look at it, game development is one of many jobs that robots cannot take over or automate them. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5c5vsh/no_matter_how_you_look_at_it_game_development_is/ 18 comments gamedev
- When Robots Take Our Jobs, Should Everyone Still Get a Paycheck? A concept called universal basic income is gaining traction as a way to help people deal with machines taking over the job market http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/when-robots-take-our-jobs-should-everyone-still-get-paycheck-180958483/ 316 comments technology
- Everybody Knows Robots Will Take Our Jobs, But We Can't Admit It. Why? Millennials are facing a massive financial crisis and no one—including millennials—seems worried. http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a42876/millennial-financial-crisis-technology/ 48 comments politics
- Robots aren’t just taking our jobs — they’re becoming our bosses. In warehouses, call centers, and other sectors, intelligent machines are managing humans, and they’re making work more stressful, grueling, and dangerous. https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/27/21155254/automation-robots-unemployment-jobs-vs-human-google-amazon 62 comments business
- Will Robots Take My job? Voi come siete messi? Futuri disoccupati o non rischiate nulla? https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/ 89 comments italy
- These are the 'robot proof' jobs of the future: Pew Research - "Anything that involves dealing directly with the public and taking care of them, either their needs in health or other places" https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/01/these-are-the-robot-proof-jobs-of-the-future-pew-research.html 64 comments technology