Hacker News
- There is a new all time high in number of Bitcoin nodes running https://bitnodes.io/dashboard/7y/ 10 comments
- What hurts Bitcoin is transaction friction, not node-running friction. Miners wake up! We need larger blocks, yesterday. http://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf 13 comments btc
- Why Run a Bitcoin Node? https://youtu.be/nsfyR2KkjWw 6 comments bitcoin
- What is the best software to run a bitcoin cash node and why? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6u22hv/what_is_the_best_software_to_run_a_bitcoin_cash/ 5 comments btc
- I run a Bitcoin Unlimited node. Do I need to do anything? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6ovnh6/i_run_a_bitcoin_unlimited_node_do_i_need_to_do/ 19 comments btc
- If you truly believe in Bitcoin and its future you should think about running a Bitcoin node. https://youtu.be/oX0Yrv-6jVs 3 comments bitcoin
- How do I run a bitcoin node & bitcoin cash node at the same time? None 22 comments btc
- Despite Chinese Ban, 145 Bitcoin Nodes Are Still Running There https://bitcoinmagazine.com/markets/china-has-145-bitcoin-nodes-online 12 comments cryptocurrency
- I want to support Bitcoin Cash. Should I be running a full node? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7hb9h1/i_want_to_support_bitcoin_cash_should_i_be/ 108 comments btc
- Running a Bitcoin Cash Full Node https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6wi4hp/running_a_bitcoin_cash_full_node/ 8 comments btc
- I've got my bitcoin cash node running now - best software? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6ukq94/ive_got_my_bitcoin_cash_node_running_now_best/ 4 comments btc
- I'm finally running my own Bitcoin node full time! https://omnia.turris.cz/en/ 8 comments btc
- I am now running Bitcoin Unlimited - How to change over your Ubuntu node in 5 minutes https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5xbv2e/i_am_now_running_bitcoin_unlimited_how_to_change/ 14 comments btc
- Tutorial: Run a Bitcoin node on Raspberry Pi https://pisavvy.com/run-bitcoin-node-raspberry-pi 4 comments raspberry_pi
- Join me in the revolution, run a Bitcoin full node! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O15mp2QxD80 10 comments bitcoin
- It is now to cheaper to run a legacy bitcoin node for a month than send a single transaction. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6vjqey/it_is_now_to_cheaper_to_run_a_legacy_bitcoin_node/ 28 comments btc
- If you support a SegWit free chain you should start running a Bitcoin ABC full node today! https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6m2yo4/if_you_support_a_segwit_free_chain_you_should/ 71 comments btc
- Never Run A Bitcoin Node and Wallet On The Same Device – The Merkle http://themerkle.com/never-run-a-bitcoin-node-and-wallet-on-the-same-device/ 3 comments btc
- Please help me understand your decision to run or not run a Bitcoin node by taking this 8 question survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16XJIeWFSL7C0FBUPdKza9esXPRpVDSM53OJVth2FD9M/viewform 10 comments btc
- Running a Bitcoin node just got cheaper with the $5 Raspberry Pi Zero http://themerkle.com/news/running-a-bitcoin-node-just-got-cheaper-with-the-5-raspberry-pi/ 3 comments btc
- 21 Inc Bitcoin Computer Can Now Run Bitcoin Classic Nodes https://news.bitcoin.com/21-inc-bitcoin-computer-run-classic-node/ 7 comments btc
- Canada's largest bank Royal Bank of Canada is running its own Bitcoin node. You can check it out here https://www.shodan.io/host/ 13 comments cryptocurrency
- Proof that Bitcoin can’t be stopped: One year after China's crypto mining ban and almost 100 Bitcoin nodes still running https://finbold.com/one-year-after-chinas-crypto-mining-ban-almost-100-bitcoin-nodes-still-running/ 9 comments cryptocurrency
- REFRESHER: Biggest lie in Bitcoins history "Everyone who wants to validate transactions needs to run a node." https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9t95xe/refresher_biggest_lie_in_bitcoins_history/ 80 comments btc
- Roger Ver on Twitter: The goal is not that everyone can afford to run a node. The goal is that everyone can afford to use Bitcoin. #BitcoinCash https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/930923794620968961 422 comments btc
- Great News: Bitcoin Core 0.15.0 will automatically disconnect nodes running the Segwit2X fork (B2X) https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6sbnvn/great_news_bitcoin_core_0150_will_automatically/ 236 comments btc
- If you support Bitcoin Classic, you need to have a really good reason why you are *not* running a Bitcoin Classic node https://duckduckgo.com/?q=bitcoin+full+node 86 comments btc
- The Easiest Way To Run a Full Bitcoin Node: Bitcore Comes To Microsoft Azure https://blog.bitpay.com/bitcore-for-microsoft-azure 6 comments btc
- Video Tutorial: Run a FREE Bitcoin XT Node on Google Compute Engine within 5 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGZuATPdVo0 8 comments btc
- Peter McCormack makes the argument big blockers have been saying for years - "I don't believe Bitcoin grows to billions of users with everyone: - Running a node..." https://twitter.com/PeterMcCormack/status/1214173926953246724 24 comments btc
- Here Is The Main Reason Why You Must Run a Bitcoin Full Node. Running a full node is a no-brainer for those who understand the why of Bitcoin. https://www.inbitcoinwetrust.net/here-is-the-main-reason-why-you-must-run-a-bitcoin-full-node-686f8e863de2 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Cash Node v0.21.0 Formally Released as Drop-In Replacement for Running ABC Client https://coinspice.io/news/bitcoin-cash-node-v0-21-0-formally-released-as-drop-in-replacement-for-running-abc-client/ 6 comments btc
- Debunked: "Users should run full network nodes in order to verify their transactions. This keeps Bitcoin decentralized because you don't have to trust the nodes of miners." http://archive.is/GrLQJ 32 comments btc
- It’s mind boggling to hear people say Bitcoin blocks should be so small that you can run full nodes on tiny hard drives to self-validate txs but in the same vein think $100 tx fees are okay. I highly doubt these same people are even validating their own txs w/such high fees. https://twitter.com/davidshares/status/944193438664282114 33 comments btc
- Bitcoin on Twitter: "BTC's block size has been constrained to a mere 1MB so anyone can afford to run a node, but users are expected to transact on #LightningNetwork which requires multiple hard drives and an always-online full node that causes users to lose all their money if it goes offline. Hmmm" https://twitter.com/Bitcoin/status/1100857855396200448 97 comments btc
- There are currently 1121 Lightning nodes. Because LN requires each user to run a node that is always online, it's safe to say the node count represents the total number of users. Can LN scale Bitcoin to billions of users? https://twitter.com/Bitcoin/status/979247182401294336 103 comments btc
- So, we want BITCOIN nodes that can be run by people with limited resources, but want BITCOIN to be used for only for high value transactions. Am I the only one that sees a problem with this logic? • /r/Bitcoin :D https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/5hbrxn/so_we_want_bitcoin_nodes_that_can_be_run_by/ 81 comments btc
- Nodes=Miners and *only* miners. Proof: Satoshi comment in the original Bitcoin code repo, "To support the network by running a node, select: Options->Generate Coins" https://github.com/trottier/original-bitcoin/blob/92ee8d9a994391d148733da77e2bbc2f4acc43cd/readme.txt 16 comments btc
- I'm currently running a Bitcoin Core node on my Raspberry Pi. How do I change it to Bitcoin Classic without having to re-download the entire blockchain? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4qqvfu/im_currently_running_a_bitcoin_core_node_on_my/ 33 comments btc
- It’s proven beyond doubt now that Bitcoin is not a gold-like hedge, but a high risk asset class that’s first in line to be sold even before normal stocks. The “store of value” side is now completely debunked in addition to the “everyone needs to run a non-mining full node” side. https://twitter.com/olivierjanss/status/1238020542076256256?s=21 103 comments btc