Hacker News
- Hyphen is used by 36000 people and has 69 stars on GitHub https://github.com/o0101/- 11 comments
- Dutch minister of health makes a GitHub commit https://github.com/minvws/nl-covid19-notification-app-website/commit/ce16c03b221c1ba1f18035f3a11907039c663871 5 comments
- Show HN: Thumbsup – Quickly summarize GitHub issues and Stack Overflow questions https://thumbsup.bugout.dev 10 comments
- Security alerts on GitHub https://github.com/blog/2470-introducing-security-alerts-on-github 100 comments
- Swift Style Guide by GitHub https://github.com/github/swift-style-guide 49 comments
- The Problem with Putting All the World's Code in GitHub http://www.wired.com/2015/06/problem-putting-worlds-code-github/ 3 comments
- One-year GitHub streak http://bamos.github.io/2014/12/15/one-year-github-streak/ 3 comments
- Show HN: GitHub trash, Quickly remove your GitHub repo http://kureikain.github.io/git-trash/ 2 comments
- Upcoming Changes to GitHub Services https://github.com/blog/1402-upcoming-changes-to-github-services 8 comments
- Githtml - View Html Files from Github Repos On The Fly https://github.com/ryt/githtml 21 comments
- Why people keep asking you to use Github http://lusislog.blogspot.com/2010/10/designed-for-developers-why-people-keep.html 42 comments
- GitHub is back up! https://www.githubstatus.com/ 5 comments programming
- Github down globally https://www.githubstatus.com/ 249 comments programming
- Coders' Copilot code-copying copyright claims crumble against GitHub, Microsoft https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/08/github_copilot_dmca/z 12 comments technology
- How to automate deploying flask app to AWS via a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions https://www.youtube.com/watch?index=10&list=PLbn3jWIXv_iZ566tBk_DTIPGY4fUW4qBn&v=7MrYeA2gm0U 5 comments flask
- For aspiring programmers looking for real-world experience of working in a team using Github we made a tool to help you close your first issue. https://gist.github.com/guyandtheworld/14dfdb6fe5bfe744badaf7ef4c8660d9 2 comments coding
- GitHub - ranahaani/GNews: A Happy and lightweight Python Package that Provides an API to search for articles on Google News and returns a JSON response. https://github.com/ranahaani/gnews 6 comments python
- Game where you guess what language someone codes with based on their Github profile picture https://stereotypical.dev/ 16 comments programming
- Continuous Integration and Deployment of Docker Images using GitHub Actions https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/o0pavu/continuous_integration_and_deployment_of_docker/ 5 comments docker
- Let's write some Emacs Lisp - Using URL and authinfo to get a list of PRs from Github https://youtu.be/nPUMHyEGHlU 3 comments emacs
- GitHub blocks FLoC on all of GitHub Pages https://github.blog/changelog/2021-04-27-github-pages-permissions-policy-interest-cohort-header-added-to-all-pages-sites/ 2 comments stallmanwasright
- Gitlab, Bitbucket, Github etc. hosted alternative with no/high repository limit https://gitlab.com 15 comments git
- What Time: A web application that helps you find what times of day everyone is available. All feedback would be appreciated! Github: https://github.com/omerdemirkan/whattime https://what-time.herokuapp.com/ 23 comments programming
- Please critique my Github https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/acwb8a/please_critique_my_github/ 6 comments cscareerquestions
- GitHub - amanusk/s-tui: Terminal based CPU stress and monitoring utility https://github.com/amanusk/s-tui 9 comments linux
- GitHub User alcor made a tool that compresses text and HTML, attaches it as a fragment onto a URL, and effectively stores a webpage in the text of a URL. https://itty.bitty.site/ 73 comments webdev
- Popular lib go-bindata removed from Github, or why github.com a crappy package repository http://github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata 158 comments golang
- How large of a scope of a project on GitHub is required for it to be respected and appreciated by future employers? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/7oq1mr/how_large_of_a_scope_of_a_project_on_github_is/ 16 comments cscareerquestions
- After reading about go list I made a small powershell script that will list all dependencies of a project, but also query the Github API for license information for all github imported packages https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/7bcf8l/after_reading_about_go_list_i_made_a_small/ 9 comments golang
- elementary now lives on GitHub https://medium.com/elementaryos/elementary-github-bbd454eac547 48 comments linux
- Analyzing programming language statistics of 100,000 Github repositories https://www.ploggingdev.com/2016/12/analyzing-programming-language-statistics-of-100000-github-repositories/ 11 comments programming
- I took a shot at explaining some clever code I wrote. Comes with a functioning example on GitHub! I'd love feedback on how to make future posts more interesting! https://medium.com/@meomix/beautifully-buffered-bytes-ff798eca58a 6 comments javascript
- Committed: A good looking GitHub profile summary http://nischaalc.github.io/committed/ 20 comments webdev
- clckwrks CMS source now on github. A sad farewell to darcs and an optimistic look towards greater contributions from the community. http://www.clckwrks.com/page/view-page-slug/12/clckwrks-now-on-github 31 comments haskell
- Github is Down? https://github.com 8 comments programming
- I made the GitHub contributions calendar into a simulation of Conway's Game of Life. Feedback appreciated! http://gitlife.mrmikea.com 23 comments programming
- Microsoft continues open sourcing spree - Entity Framework ORM now under Apache 2 license on Github! http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2012/07/19/entity-framework-and-open-source.aspx 18 comments programming
- NASA's Github profile - in case anyone wants to checkout their code... https://github.com/nasa 12 comments programming
- For those interested, I just put metareddit's source on github [crosspost from /r/python] http://metareddit.com 5 comments programming
- How GitHub uses Unicorn http://github.com/blog/517-unicorn 5 comments ruby