Hacker News
- How interest-free banking works: The case of JAK http://www.feasta.org/documents/review2/carrie2.htm 43 comments
- [Heyman] Japanese star righthander Yoshinobu Yamamoto is expected to be posted soon, perhaps early next week. Could get the market moving. Just about every big market team is interested in the righthander who’s only 25. Poised, athletic, dominant. https://x.com/jonheyman/status/1725558347754045738?s=46&t=sFQ1esZ2sOxJBCUP0CZX3g 17 comments baseball
- Brussels prepares diplomatic offensive to stop the advance of China and Russia in Latin America. An internal document warns that the EU is losing ground in the region, while Beijing’s economic interests and Moscow’s political influence have gained a stronger foothold https://english.elpais.com/international/2022-08-18/brussels-prepares-diplomatic-offensive-to-stop-the-advance-of-china-and-russia-in-latin-america.html 17 comments economics
- January 6 committee's interest in Meadows goes beyond conversations with Trump https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/18/politics/mark-meadows-january-6-committee/index.html 28 comments politics
- SpaceX CFO Bret Johnsen , on SpaceX’s acquisition of Swarm Technologies: Found a company that had interesting IP and a team we can leverage. We have not done acquisitions in the past, but would consider something in future if it met right requirements https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1435244519088328704 21 comments space
- [Romano] Cristiano Ronaldo’s agent Mendes is in Torino. He’s looking for options for Ronaldo - PSG are not interested. 🇵🇹 #CR7 Mendes approached Manchester City to sign Ronaldo - still NO bid. Juventus want €30m, Man City are not intentioned to pay any fee & want to keep Gabriel Jesus. https://twitter.com/fabrizioromano/status/1430642177315639296?s=21 5 comments soccer
- [theScore] Braves interested in Ozuna return, Freeman extension https://www.thescore.com/news/2041895 142 comments baseball
- [Maiocco] Kyle Shanahan shoots down any thought the #49ers might have interest in Earl Thomas. “Nothing against Earl, but there wasn’t interest just because we have our team.” https://t.co/inQ8qzX5P4 https://twitter.com/MaioccoNBCS/status/1298347819749634049?s=09 77 comments nfl
- "This place is not a place of honor" -- The interesting puzzle of 'Nuclear semiotics' and how to warn future civilizations away from our nuclear waste dumps https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Interference_Task_Force 119 comments linguistics
- Setup and IDE recommendations for an interest group https://www.haskell.org/downloads/#minimal 42 comments haskell
- Conflicts of Interest in Nutrition research: Backlash over meat dietary recommendations raises questions about Corporate ties to Nutrition scientists https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2759201 155 comments science
- Manchester City interested in Nicolás de la Cruz – the Uruguayan, which has been one of the great figures of River Plate, has a release clause of €22M https://www.ovaciondigital.com.uy/futbol/manchester-city-anda-pasos-nicolas-cruz.html 15 comments soccer
- The International Criminal Court (ICC) has rejected a request to investigate alleged war crimes in Afghanistan. Such an investigation "would not serve the interests of justice", the statement said. The rejection comes a week after the US revoked the entry visa of an ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-47912140 4 comments worldnews
- Anyone interested in Excel/Google Sheets tutorials for marketers? https://www.reddit.com/r/marketing/comments/an27zs/anyone_interested_in_excelgoogle_sheets_tutorials/ 120 comments marketing
- Pearls of Elixir - Interesting patterns from popular Elixir packages https://minhajuddin.com/2019/02/01/pearls-of-elixir-interesting-patterns-from-popular-elixir-packages/ 9 comments elixir
- The World Is More Interested Than Usual In The U.S. Midterm Elections. Here's Why https://www.npr.org/2018/11/05/662622835/the-world-is-more-interested-than-usual-in-the-u-s-midterm-elections-heres-why 56 comments politics
- Trump's Supreme Court Pick Could Be Seated Just in Time for a Massive Conflict of Interest http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a22745724/donald-trump-supreme-court-brett-kavanaugh-russia/ 17 comments politics
- Newcastle are interested in signing Mexican international Diego Reyes. https://twitter.com/skysports_keith/status/1020012206145130496?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1020012206145130496&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.skysports.com%2Ftransfer-centre 15 comments soccer
- [Sami Mokbel] Arsenal interested in Mainz's Abdou Diallo and Wolfsburg's Ohis Felix Uduokhai, both recommended by Sven Mislintat. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-5184565/arsenal-squad-set-huge-shake-up.html 16 comments soccer
- [Heyman] Jays have interest in Lorenzo Cain. They’re believed to prefer a four-year deal. However he’s thought to have strong market. https://twitter.com/jonheyman/status/941350938870190080 30 comments baseball
- Chastised by E.U., a Resentful Greece Embraces China’s Cash and Interests https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/26/world/europe/greece-china-piraeus-alexis-tsipras.html 10 comments europe
- NFL draft in Philly draws record fan interest http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/20170323_nfl_draft_in_philly_draws_record_fan_interest.html 61 comments nfl
- Newsweek report to show Trump financial conflicts of interest http://player.theplatform.com/p/7wvmtc/msnbcembeddedoffsite?guid=n_maddow_newsweek_160913 12 comments politics
- William Carvalho Continues to Add Interested Clubs in England http://www.zerozero.pt/news.php?id=177815 31 comments soccer
- [Bogut] Interesting no one is talking about a wreckless play from this week. Guess its just the "top 5 dirty" players who are capable. #checkthetape https://twitter.com/andrewbogut/status/708913007196155905 166 comments nba
- For anyone interested, the British Basketball League Cup Final is today, just follow this link. http://www.skysports.com/more-sports/basketball/news/29876/10122947/watch-bbl-cup-final-live 3 comments sports
- I made a website for freelance developers! I thought some of you guys might be interested http://freelancedevelopers.net/ 20 comments webdev
- Brett Lawrie communicates thru A's PR dept not interested in talking to Blue Jays writers. https://twitter.com/rgriffinstar/status/623621136887054337 38 comments baseball
- Top House Republican and Senate Democratic leadership have next to no interest in passing any sort of legislation to deal with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) threat in Iraq and Syria, according to aides. http://www.politico.com/story/2014/09/congress-isil-110727.html 4 comments politics
- Oh, they have enough weapons. Now the serious game begins as Reva pointed out. The investigation of the attack is not interesting. I suspect the findings have already been reached before the first investigator got to work. Now the question is how India responds. - Wikileaks publishes 500k new emails https://search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/?viewemailid=8402 14 comments india
- Interesting analysis on the increased popularity of short corners in the MLS http://www.mlssoccer.com/video/2013/07/23/why-usmnt-embracing-short-corner-between-lines 7 comments soccer
- An interesting read on how it takes more energy to power an iPhone than a refrigerator. Takes into account a user's fair share of all the energy that is consumed by the mobile device (cell towers, data centers, WiFi networks, and so on). http://www.geek.com/mobile/your-iphone-could-use-more-energy-than-a-refrigerator-1567814/ 9 comments apple
- Thunder and Derek Fisher Mutually Interested In Re Signing http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/228682/thunder-derek-fisher-mutually-interested-in-re-signing 48 comments nba
- Jack Brabham: "Oh I loved beating Ferrari, just loved it. It was the greatest satisfaction. In 1960, they invited me to come to Italy and meet Enzo to talk about driving for him, and I never even went. I wasn't interested. I was only interested in beating them, not joining them" http://plus.autosport.com/premium/feature/5358/original-aussie-grit/ 25 comments formula1
- Ukraine may be prepared to release Yulia Tymoshenko, the imprisoned former prime minister, for urgently needed medical care in Berlin. The country's current president, Viktor Yanukovych, is interested in defusing international pressure, but some in his party are refusing to back down http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,825217,00.html 5 comments worldnews
- In a pure coincidence, Gaddafi impeded U.S. oil interests before the war http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/06/11/libya/index.html 6 comments politics
- David Sedaris - funny wordsmith, interesting author | BookGazette http://bookgazette.com/2010/david-sedaris-funny-wordsmith-interesting-author/ 4 comments books
- "...implements an interesting provision called 'imminent infringement', which allows the government to charge people who they think might be about to infringe with a civil offense..." http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=18815 5 comments politics
- Hannity, Limbaugh, et al are all members of the 2% to gain from you following what they tell you to do - even if it is against your best interests. Are you people (Tea Partiers, et al) really that gullible? http://www.examiner.com/x-2772-la-democrat-examiner~y2009m4d4-with-the-success-of-limbaugh-oreilly-hannity-and-beck-is-there-really-a-liberal-media-bias 18 comments politics
- The NSA unclassified a rather interesting document: Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages http://www.nsa.gov/public/pdf/extraterrestrial_messages.pdf 6 comments reddit.com