Hacker News
- The Problem with Everything-Bagel Liberalism https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/02/opinion/democrats-liberalism.html 2 comments
- An ‘everything app’ would be bad for liberal democracies and free markets https://www.nitinpai.in/2022/10/10/why-an-everything-app-is-bad-news-for-liberal-democracies-and-free-markets 345 comments
- Why Is Everything Liberal https://richardhanania.substack.com/p/why-is-everything-liberal 4 comments
- For Alaska shipwreck survivor, losing everything has been ‘sort of liberating’ https://www.ktoo.org/2020/11/19/for-union-bay-sinking-survivor-losing-everything-but-his-life-has-been-sort-of-liberating/ 76 comments
- When bitcoin was introduced by the Satoshi white paper in 2008, it presented a novel and liberating concept – a peer-to-peer, decentralized payment system that can be used by anyone, anywhere and for everything https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2021/12/14/the-future-of-crypto-the-industry-that-once-focused-solely-on-bitcoin-is-rapidly-evolving/ 6 comments cryptocurrency
- Why is Everything Liberal? https://richardhanania.substack.com/p/why-is-everything-liberal 89 comments moderatepolitics
- Indian liberals want to support everything Muslim, but that’s not the way to equal rights https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/iwjsmi/indian_liberals_want_to_support_everything_muslim/ 5 comments india
- Indian liberals want to support everything Muslim, but that’s not the way to equal rights https://theprint.in/opinion/indian-liberals-want-to-support-everything-muslim-but-thats-not-the-way-to-equal-rights/229420/ 12 comments india
- There is a Russian propaganda tactic called "Own All Narratives" that creates puppet Communist Parties, puppet Liberal Parties, puppet everything, from ultra-liberal to neo-Fascist https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/03/is-trumps-chaos-a-move-from-the-kremlins-playbook 51 comments worldnews
- Bill Maher Tells Hollywood Liberals to Stop Apologizing for Everything http://www.vulture.com/2017/01/bill-maher-stop-apologizing-hollywood-liberals.html 60 comments politics
- John Boehner just confirmed everything liberals suspected about the Republican Party http://www.vox.com/2016/4/28/11526258/john-boehner-ted-cruz-republicans 16 comments politics
- Andrew Cuomo's Pot Problem: In New York, one of the most liberal states in the country, why is the governor doing everything in his power to water down sensible marijuana reform? http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/andrew-cuomos-pot-problem-20150609?utm_source=huffpostlive&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=partner 45 comments politics
- "The intellectual challenge that Ron Paul presents ultimately has nothing to do with him, and everything to do with contradictions within modern liberalism." - Matt Stoller http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/12/matt-stoller-why-ron-paul-challenges-liberals.html 7 comments politics
- Rush Limbaugh: "all you have to know is that everything [liberals] say ... is a lie. That's basically it." http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_121109/content/01125109.guest.html 17 comments politics
- Indian liberals want to support everything Muslim, but that’s not the way to equal rights. Equal rights for Muslim or Hindu women cannot be earned from within the ambit of religion, it requires one to move out of the structure of organised religion. https://theprint.in/opinion/indian-liberals-want-to-support-everything-muslim-but-thats-not-the-way-to-equal-rights/229420/ 5 comments india
- Neil Gorsuch Is Everything Liberals Feared—and More http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/the_breakfast_table/features/2017/supreme_court_june_2017/neil_gorsuch_is_everything_liberals_feared_and_more.html 64 comments politics
- "Now of course, Ron Paul pandered to racists, but the intellectual challenge that he presents ultimately has nothing to do with him, and everything to do with contradictions within modern liberalism." - Alan Grayson's Senior Policy Advisor http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/12/matt-stoller-why-ron-paul-challenges-liberals.html?page=full 44 comments politics
- Glenn Beck is the person the Tea Partiers say makes them "think and rethink" everything they know. So is it really such a big surprise that they think Democrats and liberals are literally Nazis? http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/just-what-is-glenn-beck-telling-them.html 12 comments politics
- Americans are "symbolic conservatives" but "operational liberals." In other words, they like the idea of limited government, but they also like just about everything government does. http://www.tnr.com/blog/jonathan-cohn/79064/voters-are-about-be-disillusioned-the-gop 19 comments politics
- A Giddy Anthony Fauci Says It’s “Liberating” Not to Work for an Ignorant Moron Who Lies About Everything All the Time https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/01/anthony-fauci-trump-vs-biden 59 comments politics
- ‘Everything conservatives hoped for and liberals feared’: Neil Gorsuch makes his mark at the Supreme Court https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/everything-conservatives-hoped-for-and-liberals-feared-neil-gorsuch-makes-his-mark-at-the-supreme-court/2019/09/06/c7b98f90-cfee-11e9-8c1c-7c8ee785b855_story.html?wpisrc=nl_most&wpmm=1 3 comments politics
- "Everything conservatives hoped for and liberals feared." Neil Gorsuch makes his mark at the Supreme Court https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/everything-conservatives-hoped-for-and-liberals-feared-neil-gorsuch-makes-his-mark-at-the-supreme-court/2019/09/06/c7b98f90-cfee-11e9-8c1c-7c8ee785b855_story.html 62 comments politics
- Trump’s New Judges Are Everything Conservatives Hoped For And Liberals Feared https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/trump-federal-judges-conservative-judiciary 42 comments politics
- Forget everything you know about nice, liberal Sweden — that country no longer exists http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/forget-everything-you-know-about-nice-liberal-sweden--that-country-no-longer-exists-9903417.html 40 comments europe
- Don’t like this temple? Choose another : The imperious missionaries of liberalism have no respect for the diversity of India’s belief systems and have taken it upon themselves to reform everything they perceive as outdated and incorrect http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/dont-like-this-temple-choose-another/article4313507.ece 12 comments india
- How Disgust Explains Everything --- "...Haidt continued to zero in on the political uses of the word, noticing that Americans often listed as 'disgusting' such things as racism, brutality, hypocrisy and ambulance-chasing lawyers. 'Liberals say that conservatives are disgusting. Conservatives say..." https://dnyuz.com/2021/12/27/how-disgust-explains-everything/ 6 comments goldandblack
- [The Ringer | O'Connor] Russell Westbrook’s Liberation Tour Is Everything We’d Hoped It’d Be: But we’re no closer to understanding how good the Thunder are as a whole. Their upcoming slate of games should help. https://theringer.com/russell-westbrooks-liberation-tour-is-everything-we-d-hoped-it-d-be-6c35a6c0c5b5#.tk7x2yec4 8 comments nba
- Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. On January 27, 1945, the Red Army liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp. It was the darkest time in German history and we should do everything to ensure that this never happens again. https://m.dw.com/en/holocaust-remembrance-day-there-must-never-be-another-auschwitz/a-60563809 438 comments europe
- Professor Is a Label That Leans to the Left - The overwhelmingly liberal tilt of university professors has been explained by everything from outright bias to higher I.Q. scores. Now new research suggests that critics may have been asking the wrong question. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/18/arts/18liberal.html?partner=rss&emc=rss 5 comments politics