Hacker News
- Why can't programmers design software? https://qnoid.com/2011/02/23/Why-cant-programmers-design-software.html#main 23 comments
- A Better Programmer: Part 1 — Software Design https://medium.com/@aka.rider/a-better-programmer-part-1-software-design-b4312c9696dc 12 comments programming
- "The Pragmatic Programmer" changed the way I think about the software design process. https://www.nceclusters.no/globalassets/filer/nce/diverse/the-pragmatic-programmer.pdf 23 comments programming
- C++ design patterns and architecture for building computational/numerical software for non computer scientist/classical programmer. https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/cpp 27 comments cpp
- How Do C# Programmers Software Design? -- Invitation to participate in a research study https://forms.gle/KFtgDNNR6arRZYJ96 34 comments csharp
- New €5 coin designed by Python programmer using free software http://pythonide.blogspot.com/2008/10/how-to-make-money-with-free-software.html 6 comments opensource
- How React.js Programmers Do Software Design? -- Invitation to participate in a research study https://forms.gle/KFtgDNNR6arRZYJ96 9 comments reactjs
- (video) A Programmer Testifies under Oath of Designing and Implementing Vote-Rigging Software used to "Control the Votes in Florida".. http://alternet.org/blogs/video/40755/ 117 comments reddit.com
- Hello all, I’m a C# programmer for nearly 20 years. I'm starting a new series on software architecture for games. I’ll discuss ways to implement common design patterns, how to keep code organized and maintainable, best practices, and how to write clean modular systems. I hope you'll find it useful. https://youtu.be/TIj5Hnhcd1w 3 comments csharp
- Hello all, I’m a programmer for nearly 20 years. I'm starting a new series on software architecture for games. I’ll discuss ways to implement common design patterns, how to keep code organized and maintainable, best practices, and how to write clean modular systems. I hope you'll find it useful. https://youtu.be/TIj5Hnhcd1w 2 comments programming
- As far back as 1967, a programmer named Melvin Conway was writing about software development when he noticed a funny thing: You could tell a lot about an organization by the kind of computer programs it designed. http://simplicity.laserfiche.com/want-better-programs-do-a-reorg/ 213 comments programming
- Thingsee One,designed to democratize the IoT by allowing users to easily configure a particular function, i.e. without needing to be a software programmer or hardware tinkerer to do so. Cool idea. http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/10/thingsee-one-kickstarter/?ncid=reddit_social_share 7 comments technology
- "Programming language design has a strange dogma that ... distilling the smallest possible set of elegant core axioms is both possible and profitable. From there, offering this set of axioms leaves the dirty business of making workable software to blue-collar workaday programmers." http://www.modernperlbooks.com/mt/2011/01/minimalism.html 124 comments programming