Hacker News
- HTML-first, framework-agnostic implementation of shadcn/UI – franken/UI https://www.franken-ui.dev/ 84 comments
- Ubuntu 24.04 yields a 20% advantage over Windows 11 on Ryzen7 Framework laptop https://www.phoronix.com/review/framework-16-windows-linux 32 comments
- OpenMCT: A web based mission control framework https://github.com/nasa/openmct 19 comments
- Django Rest Framework takes down their docs in solidarity with BLM https://www.django-rest-framework.org/ 3 comments
- Nuxt.js – A minimal framework for server-rendered Vue.js applications https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js 2 comments
- Better Web App Development--a video comparison of web frameworks [VIDEO] http://oodt.jpl.nasa.gov/better-web-app.mov 4 comments
- I scraped 250K Frontend jobs for 12 months and here are the Most Demanded Frontend Frameworks in 2024 (From January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024) https://www.devjobsscanner.com/blog/the-most-demanded-frontend-frameworks/ 8 comments javascript
- This Week in Neovim 62: Neovim turns 10 years old and opens official merch store, plugin testing framework extracted from core & official pkl integration from Apple https://dotfyle.com/this-week-in-neovim/62 9 comments neovim
- Totally new solution framework for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) in MATLAB https://blogs.mathworks.com/matlab/2023/10/03/the-new-solution-framework-for-ordinary-differential-equations-odes-in-matlab-r2023b/ 9 comments matlab
- The first release of the libcamera (an open source camera stack and framework for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS) team is out! https://twitter.com/libcamera/status/1581941610413056000 14 comments linux
- Amazon Robotics Janus framework lifts continual learning to the next level https://www.amazon.science/latest-news/amazon-robotics-continual-learning-reinforcement-learning-janus-framework 2 comments robotics
- 5 of the Top 10 Fastest Web Server Frameworks are Written in Rust - TechEmpower Round 21 https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r21&test=composite 30 comments rust
- Europe includes cryptocurrencies in new framework for digital payments https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2021/11/24/europe-includes-cryptocurrencies-in-new-framework-for-digital-payments/ 6 comments cryptocurrency
- Serv: an (experimental) alternative to library based http frameworks https://github.com/connorwiniarczyk/serv 4 comments rust
- Announcing neuronika 0.1.0, a deep learning framework in Rust https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/o0actf/announcing_neuronika_010_a_deep_learning/ 37 comments rust
- IsExternalInit - Conveniently use C# 9's record and init keywords in older target frameworks like .NET Standard with the installation of a single NuGet package https://www.reddit.com/r/csharp/comments/jyuds7/isexternalinit_conveniently_use_c_9s_record_and/ 3 comments csharp
- Digital signage using rails framework? https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/is1bjq/digital_signage_using_rails_framework/ 6 comments rails
- RecksJS — a JSX framework, where RxJS Observables are Loved https://recks.gitbook.io/recks/ 23 comments javascript
- PEST beta is now available — An elegant PHP Testing Framework. https://pestphp.com 27 comments laravel
- Top 5 CSS Framework 2020 - W3hubs Blog https://blog.w3hubs.com/top-5-css-framework/ 6 comments angularjs
- Microsoft says .NET Framework porting project is finished: If your API's not on the list, it's not getting in https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/10/15/net_framework_port_end/ 27 comments programming
- Code First Entity Framework with Dotnet Core https://www.blogofpi.com/code-first-entity-framework-core/ 4 comments csharp
- An automation framework for behaviour driven testing on .NET Core https://medium.com/asos-techblog/behaviour-driven-automation-testing-in-net-core-using-bdtest-685b55d73d93 5 comments dotnetcore
- Entity Framework DB-First - can I inherit from base model in order to add my functionality? https://www.reddit.com/r/csharp/comments/b7n22j/entity_framework_dbfirst_can_i_inherit_from_base/ 12 comments csharp
- Django Rest Framework and Java Script Tutorials https://www.reddit.com/r/django/comments/aesoc6/django_rest_framework_and_java_script_tutorials/ 3 comments django
- What do you think about the rocket framework? https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/9wjh9w/what_do_you_think_about_the_rocket_framework/ 32 comments rust
- Butter Cake: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox https://himasrafeek.github.io/buttercake/ 7 comments css
- Django REST Framework Tutorial Part 2 - Authentication and Permissions https://sunscrapers.com/blog/django-rest-framework-login-and-authentication/?utm_source=reddit 3 comments django
- So many technologies, so many languages, so many frameworks... What should I focus on first? https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/8ocxrl/so_many_technologies_so_many_languages_so_many/ 56 comments web_design
- Writing Custom CSS vs. Using Frontend Frameworks https://stackoverflow.com/q/49054018/1533054 110 comments webdev
- Hello. my customer has a huge architectures in place and we are struggling to create a Patch Management for Application Frameworks. Have you a suggestion what should we have to consider? A user case, a whitepaper to read, anything will help. Thanks. https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/78vj8v/hello_my_customer_has_a_huge_architectures_in/ 5 comments devops
- Rupture: A compression side-channel attack framework (BREACH) https://ruptureit.com/index.html 3 comments netsec
- Sprinkles - a "programming-less" web framework I built https://sprinkles.tobiasdammers.nl/ 5 comments webdev
- Javascript frameworks of 2017? https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/5gkzby/javascript_frameworks_of_2017/ 46 comments javascript
- I'm writing an small image processing framework for the web, it has its own small image editor to test out new filters let me know what you think! https://github.com/andersonreyes/jsprocess 3 comments javascript
- Useful CSS Frameworks 2014 http://thedesignpixel.com/useful-css-frameworks-libraries-and-tools.html 3 comments css
- Microsoft continues open sourcing spree - Entity Framework ORM now under Apache 2 license on Github! http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2012/07/19/entity-framework-and-open-source.aspx 18 comments programming
- Searching for examples of pure math becoming frameworks for science http://www2.bc.cc.ca.us/math/what_is_math.htm 27 comments math
- Damn Small PHP Frameworks. Because size does matter. http://jeez.eu/2009/09/12/damn-small-php-frameworks-because-size-does-matter/ 25 comments programming
- Lamson is a Python based SMTP (E-Mail) server and application framework that let's you write e-mail applications the way you'd write modern web applications. http://lamsonproject.org/ 85 comments programming