- This video provides an introduction to the philosophy of science to prove that science still needs philosophy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=3JI2wx9v-sw 7 comments philosophy
- Why philosophy needs myth | Some see Plato as a pure rationalist, others as a fantastical mythmaker. His deft use of stories tells a more complex tale. https://aeon.co/essays/was-plato-a-mythmaker-or-the-mythbuster-of-western-thought 10 comments philosophy
- Brown Shirts, Green Dreams | Those of us who genuinely care about the environment and our neighbors need to discard all hints of far-right “philosophy” that’s becoming popular among a growing, and violent, community of eco-fascists. https://www.noemamag.com/brown-shirts-green-dreams/ 3 comments climate
- The living philosophy of Diogenes: simplify — set aside status money and power, overcome your body’s need for comfort and the good life is in easy abundance. Also tolerate no intellectual bullshit and troll Plato whenever possible https://thelivingphilosophy.substack.com/p/the-living-philosophy-of-diogenes 223 comments philosophy
- Artificial Intelligence needs philosophy to solve long-standing hurdles that prevent it from strides forward. The essay focuses on why phenomenal consciousness, that aspect of the mind that carries a qualitative character, cannot as yet be assimilated into present functional accounts of the mind. https://medium.com/science-and-philosophy/why-artificial-intelligence-needs-philosophy-e2879478f2ae 35 comments philosophy
- Why We All Need Philosophy https://markmanson.net/why-we-all-need-philosophy 5 comments philosophy
- America Needs a New Economic Philosophy. Foreign Policy Experts Can Help. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/02/07/america-needs-a-new-economic-philosophy-foreign-policy-experts-can-help/ 6 comments politics
- Why the world needs Iris Murdoch’s philosophy of ‘unselfing’ https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/why-the-world-needs-iris-murdoch-s-philosophy-of-unselfing-1.3890900?mode=amp 39 comments philosophy
- Bild: Within the Bayern board, there is a growing conviction that a coach with a clear attacking philosophy and tactical finesse is needed - such as Erik ten Hag from Ajax, for example https://www.bild.de/bild-plus/sport/fussball/fussball/fc-bayern-muenchen-das-steckt-hinter-der-eierei-um-niko-kovac-61850982.bild.html 64 comments soccer
- Who here would like to join a philosophy and politics conversation group that needs some linguists to help with understanding language? https://www.reddit.com/r/linguistics/comments/9t4hyh/who_here_would_like_to_join_a_philosophy_and/ 6 comments linguistics
- Granit Xhaka heaps praise on revolutionary Arsenal boss Unai Emery: “We needed some time to get to know the character and philosophy of the new manager. It is going well and I am improving. On a tactical level, the manager has really helped me. But we can still improve.” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-6273117/amp/granit-xhaka-praises-revolutionary-arsenal-boss-unai-emery-helping-improve.html?__twitter_impression=true 37 comments soccer
- Why physicists need philosophy https://blog.oup.com/2017/12/physicists-need-philosophy/ 12 comments philosophy
- Slow Thought: why we need a philosophy of slow thought about what it means to live https://aeon.co/essays/take-your-time-the-seven-pillars-of-a-slow-thought-manifesto 3 comments philosophy
- Tech and Philosophy Need To Fix Their Relationship Problem https://stanfordreview.org/tech-and-philosophy-need-to-fix-their-relationship-problem/ 6 comments philosophy
- Why Science Needs Applied Philosophy http://blogs.sciencemag.org/sciencecareers/2012/02/why-science-nee.html 136 comments philosophy
- Young guy getting into philosophy . NEED HELP https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/6rofn0/young_guy_getting_into_philosophy_need_help/ 5 comments philosophy
- When philosophy needed Muslims, Jews and Christians alike https://aeon.co/ideas/when-philosophy-needed-muslims-jews-and-christians-alike 25 comments philosophy
- The fact that a philosophy post needs to be locked says much about the current state of our society. https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/5lfrqg/the_fact_that_a_philosophy_post_needs_to_be/ 10 comments philosophy
- 'Philosophy needs to be given its proper place at the heart of UK education' https://www.tes.com/news/school-news/breaking-views/philosophy-needs-be-given-its-proper-place-heart-uk-education 291 comments philosophy
- I was told you need an extensive knowledge of Platonic philosophy and the Bible in order to understand "The Confessions" by St. Augustine. Is this true? https://global.oup.com/academic/product/st-augustines-confessions-9780199537822?cc=ca&lang=en& 11 comments books
- Rand Paul: Agencies Use It Or Lose It Philosophy On Gov’t Spending Needs To Stop http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/29/rand-paul-agencies-use-it-or-lose-it-philosophy-on-govt-spending-needs-to-stop/ 12 comments politics
- The string theory wars show us how science needs philosophy – Massimo Pigliucci | Aeon Essays https://aeon.co/essays/the-string-theory-wars-show-us-how-science-needs-philosophy?utm_source=aeon+newsletter&utm_campaign=eba5a1d6e4-daily_newsletter_10_august_20168_10_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_411a82e59d-eba5a1d6e4-69120353 13 comments philosophy
- The string theory wars show us how science needs philosophy https://aeon.co/essays/the-string-theory-wars-show-us-how-science-needs-philosophy?utm_source=aeon+newsletter&utm_campaign=eba5a1d6e4-daily_newsletter_10_august_20168_10_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_411a82e59d-eba5a1d6e4-68626497 50 comments philosophy
- Do We Need Government? (The Social Contract) – 8-Bit Philosophy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttu8va9_x1g 10 comments philosophy
- African philosophy needs to blossom. Being exclusionary won't help http://theconversation.com/african-philosophy-needs-to-blossom-being-exclusionary-wont-help-62720 3 comments philosophy
- Why kids — now more than ever — need to learn philosophy. Yes, philosophy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2016/02/03/why-kids-now-more-than-ever-need-to-learn-philosophy-yes-philosophy/?utm_content=buffer93d2a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer 532 comments philosophy
- Bertrand Russell on Why Everyone Needs Philosophy http://becomingrational.com/bertrand-russell-on-why-everyone-needs-philosophy/ 3 comments philosophy
- Why I Left Academia: Philosophy’s Homogeneity Needs Rethinking http://read.hipporeads.com/why-i-left-academia-philosophys-homogeneity-needs-rethinking/ 319 comments philosophy
- Does Philosophy Betray Both Reason and Humanity?: We need a revolution in the academy, argues Nicholas Maxwell. http://philosophypress.co.uk/?p=1213 13 comments philosophy
- Does mathematics need a philosophy? [Logic Matters blog] http://www.logicmatters.net/2013/10/does-mathematics-need-a-philosophy-1/ 37 comments philosophy
- Philosophy isn't dead yet - science is a mess and needs help http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/may/27/physics-philosophy-quantum-relativity-einstein 89 comments philosophy
- Guy In Philosophy Class Needs To Shut The Fuck Up http://www.theonion.com/articles/guy-in-philosophy-class-needs-to-shut-the-fuck-up,1804/ 224 comments philosophy
- Philosophy, bro! (A plain-English explanation of all of your Metaphysical Needs) http://www.philosophybro.com/2012/05/biopower-and-you-general-summary.html#more 13 comments philosophy
- ask philosophy: need your take on this interview : Manuel DeLanda talks Deleuze... as a beginner, which parts of it are thin .. ? http://www.techgnosis.com/delandad.html 11 comments philosophy
- How Chinese philosophy helped me live with my son’s special needs. http://www.bigquestionsonline.com/features/the-tao-of-aidan 6 comments philosophy
- We Need 'Philosophy of Journalism' http://chronicle.com/article/we-need-philosophy-of/49119 15 comments philosophy
- "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness" http://www.joppeluiten.nl/dalai%20lama.htm 56 comments reddit.com
- Go Ahead, Speak for Yourself: Not every opinion needs to be underwritten by your race or gender or other social identity | By Kwame Anthony Appiah, NYU Professor of Philosophy, adapted from his forthcoming book "The Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity" https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/10/opinion/sunday/speak-for-yourself.html 495 comments philosophy
- Getting rich in order to give to the poor: The jury’s out, but it seems morally shaky - "Trial of philanthropic crypto poster boy Sam Bankman-Fried exposes the flaws in a philosophy that negates the need for social change" https://www.theguardian.com/business/commentisfree/2023/oct/08/getting-rich-in-order-to-give-to-the-poor-the-jury-is-out-but-it-seems-morally-shaky 74 comments philosophy
- Great "interview" with AC Grayling: ..."Every professor of philosophy needs a nine-year-old daughter. Mine has a habit of saying, "Daddy, that is a very silly idea." She is always right..." http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2009/jul/05/a-c-grayling-this-much-i-know 44 comments philosophy