- Importing module without type definition in react-typescript https://www.npmjs.com/package/blink-detection 6 comments typescript
- A Typescript-first State Machine library for React https://github.com/cassiozen/usestatemachine 4 comments typescript
- Using React Portals with TypeScript https://www.artmann.co/articles/using-react-portals-with-type-script 3 comments reactjs
- React docs: new "Using TypeScript" usage guide page! https://react.dev/learn/typescript 29 comments reactjs
- Codebases written in React + Typescript. Needed this when I first started, might help you too! [Not OC] https://react-typescript-cheatsheet.netlify.app/docs/basic/recommended/codebases 2 comments reactjs
- TypeScript & React: What's the difference between 'React.HTMLProps<T>' and 'JSX.IntrinsicElements["T"]' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72241421/typescript-react-whats-the-difference-between-react-htmlpropst-and-jsx 2 comments reactjs
- React PWA v2 is here with Vite, TypeScript, React v18, and more https://github.com/suren-atoyan/react-pwa 4 comments reactjs
- I created an open-source procedural dungeon generator and editor using TypeScript and React https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/kwq0rp/i_created_an_opensource_procedural_dungeon/ 9 comments gamedev
- TypeScript Playground with React Support https://www.neilb.net/tsplayground/ 4 comments javascript
- TypeScript + React (and Preact): Extending JSX Elements https://fettblog.eu/typescript-react-extending-jsx-elements/ 3 comments reactjs
- TypeScript: Extend props in React component conditionally based on input https://www.reddit.com/r/typescript/comments/cou2x2/typescript_extend_props_in_react_component/ 8 comments typescript
- Apollo + React Hooks + TypeScript = 🥰 by: James Reggio, Web Platform Lead, Convoy https://youtu.be/IxmrRiA9Gso 6 comments reactjs
- How do you know which types to use in a React typescript project? https://www.reddit.com/r/reactjs/comments/b32aoy/how_do_you_know_which_types_to_use_in_a_react/ 3 comments typescript
- Are there React + Redux with Typescript Examples? https://redux.js.org/basics/example 5 comments reactjs
- TypeScript Support Just Landed in Create React App https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/pull/4837 10 comments typescript
- I built a metasearch engine with React, Redux, Express and TypeScript https://github.com/JoshuaScript/spresso-search 5 comments reactjs
- Setup your own Webpack 4 config for React with Typescript https://sevketyalcin.com/blog/setup-your-own-webpack-config-for-react-with-typescript/ 13 comments reactjs
- Ultimate React Component Patterns with Typescript 2.8 https://levelup.gitconnected.com/ultimate-react-component-patterns-with-typescript-2-8-82990c516935 5 comments reactjs
- Adventures in creating a React component library with Create React App and TypeScript https://medium.com/@stokedbits/adventures-in-creating-a-react-component-library-with-create-react-app-and-typescript-26d1116a7d87 9 comments reactjs
- Easy TypeScript with React Native http://blog.novanet.no/easy-typescript-with-react-native/ 9 comments reactnative
- Converting an ES6 React Component class to TypeScript https://devsandbox.io/articles/converting-react-to-typescript/ 11 comments reactjs
- Tips to migrate from sphaghetti ASP.NET MVC & jQuery to React + Typescript https://reciosonny.com/how-to-integrate-reactjs-in-existing-asp-net-mvc-app/ 3 comments reactjs
- Using Redux Toolkit’s createReducer with React Context and TypeScript https://jacobwicks.github.io/2020/08/16/use-redux-toolkit-createreducer-with-react-context-and-typescript.html 3 comments reactjs
- Being explicit with your own React Hook + TypeScript return type https://www.slightedgecoder.com/2019/02/10/being-explicit-with-your-own-react-hook-typescript-return-type/ 5 comments reactjs
- For Review: Simon game (React + TypeScript) https://simon-react-tsc.netlify.com/ 4 comments reactjs
- An alternative to React Redux by React Hooks API (For both JavaScript and TypeScript) https://medium.com/@dai_shi/an-alternative-to-react-redux-by-react-hooks-api-for-both-javascript-and-typescript-c5e9a351ba0b 6 comments reactjs
- Downhill with the react+redux+typescript train https://github.com/wkrueger/wkrueger.github.io/blob/master/md/redux1/20180715-downhill.md 8 comments reactjs
- Simplify GraphQL app development with the right setup for Apollo React hooks & Typescript https://dgraph.io/blog/post/apollo-react-hooks-with-typescript/ 2 comments typescript
- Why Create React App + TypeScript is awesome? To-do list app tutorial https://www.frontendtyped.com/2019/03/31/react-ts 3 comments typescript
- Anyone have setup instructions for Vitest + Typescript + React testing library? My setup is failing to extend matchers on Vitest Types https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom/issues/439 4 comments reactjs
- I modified React Content Script to give an easy template to get started with React and Typescript when building your chrome extensions. https://github.com/RickWillcox/react-typescript-chrome-extension-template 3 comments chrome_extensions
- 👋 I am searching react native code 🔮 best practise with typescript. This is my code. Can anyone please review and share feedbacks about this code pattern? I know this is not good because I am new in react ecosystem. https://github.com/ImAbhishekTomar/ReactNativeSlider/blob/master/Slider/slider.component.tsx 9 comments reactnative
- This Week In React #137: Code Extraction, Server Components, Signals, Forget compiler, Next.js, Astro, Deno, Remix, Preact, Signia, TypeScript... https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/137 12 comments reactjs
- I created Deskreen with Typescript. This is a free open source desktop app that makes any device with a web browser a second screen for your computer. Built with ElectronJS, React and other web technologies. https://github.com/pavlobu/deskreen 15 comments typescript
- Role-based authentication with react-router & typescript https://www.tuckerblackwell.com/handle-auth-with-react-router-and-typescript/ 4 comments reactjs
- I made a site to display your currently playing song on last.fm. Made with React, TypeScript, React Three Fiber (Three.js), and Zustand https://ascent.kalmarv.xyz/ 2 comments reactjs
- Strongly-typed React Redux Code with TypeScript https://www.carlrippon.com/strongly-typed-react-redux-code-with-typescript/ 3 comments typescript
- This Week In React #147: RSCs, Next.js, Remix, Redwood, Error Boundary, JSX, Raycast, Spotify, Triplex, useHooks, ReMDX, Astro, Pastel, TypeScript... https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/147 3 comments reactjs
- Levelling up in chess is just as cool as levelling up in React! I present to you: Spicy Chess - a tactics training app. Built using NextJS, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit and Styled Components. I'd love to hear your feedback! https://spicychess.com 2 comments reactjs
- Treat: Themeable, statically extracted CSS‑in‑JS with near‑zero runtime, including first class support for TypeScript and React (by Seek) https://seek-oss.github.io/treat/ 3 comments reactjs