- Why Is Trump Urging His Supporters Not to Vote This Election? https://newrepublic.com/post/184269/trump-urging-supporters-not-vote-election 7 comments politics
- Why Is Trump Urging His Supporters Not to Vote This Election? https://newrepublic.com/post/184269/trump-urging-supporters-not-vote-election 967 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders urges young people to vote as a check on Trump at midterm election rally to support Mike Levin http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-me-pol-bernie-sanders-rallies-with-mike-levin-20181026-story.html 61 comments politics
- German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said Sunday that an "unscrupulous" President Donald Trump was trying to sow doubt about the US presidential election by urging his supporters to vote twice, which is illegal https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/german-foreign-minister-heiko-maas-trump-vote-twice-remark-unscruplous-2291227 237 comments worldnews