Hacker News
- On C popularity vs. Python, size of stdlib, package managers in languages https://lof.flounder.online/gemlog/2023-12-06%20On%20C%20popularity%20vs%20python,%20size%20of%20stdlib,%20package%20managers%20in%20languages.gmi 18 comments
- 10% of the 666 most popular Python GitHub repos have these f-string bugs https://richardtier.com/2022/04/25/10-of-the-666-most-popular-python-github-repos-have-these-f-string-bugs/ 3 comments
- Python overtakes Java to become the second-most popular programming language https://www.techrepublic.com/article/python-overtakes-java-to-become-the-second-most-popular-programming-language/ 347 comments
- Python Is Now the Most Popular Introductory Teaching Language at Top U.S. Univ http://cacm.acm.org/blogs/blog-cacm/176450-python-is-now-the-most-popular-introductory-teaching-language-at-top-u-s-universities/fulltext 4 comments
- We fixed f-string typos in 69 of the most popular Python repos in only one day. Here’s how https://highertier.com/we-fixed-f-string-typos-in-69-of-the-most-popular-python-repos-in-only-one-day-heres-how/ 6 comments python
- Why is this Haskell-Python binding not more popular? This puzzles me. Any ideas? Opinions? https://john-millikin.com/articles/ride-the-snake/ 28 comments haskell
- GitHub restores popular Python repo hit by bogus DMCA takedown https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/github-restores-popular-python-repo-hit-by-bogus-dmca-takedown/ 8 comments programming
- Meddle, a pharmaceutical themed variant of popular word game (Wordle) | Created with Python + Flask! https://www.harryvu.me/meddle 4 comments python
- TIL that a software engineer filed a Freedom of Information Act request to get access to NSA's training material for teaching Python, the popular programming language. The material is now available for free online for anyone who wants to learn Python using it. https://twitter.com/chris_swenson/status/1225836060938125313 187 comments learnprogramming
- Guido van Rossum "honored" as Python becomes #1 most popular programming language on TIOBE ranking, passing C and Java https://developers.slashdot.org/story/21/10/09/0029238/beating-c-and-java-python-becomes-the-1-most-popular-programming-language-says-tiobe 169 comments programming
- A Cloud Exam Questions site built using Python flask , Webscraping and Bootstrap.Has 600+ AWS questions from other popular sites ,Still a ongoing project ,Any feedback is appreciated https://clouderaquiz-site.herokuapp.com/ 3 comments webdev
- Texas Instruments’ new calculator incorporates popular Python programming language https://www.dallasnews.com/business/local-companies/2021/07/29/texas-instruments-new-calculator-incorporates-popular-python-programming-language/ 108 comments python
- Python Creator Guido Van Rossum Reviews Popular Programming Languages https://www.tectalk.co/python-creator-guido-van-rossum-reviews-popular-programming-languages/ 5 comments python
- Python is now the second most popular language in the world according to TIOBE. This is the highest position that Python reaches since 2001. https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/ 195 comments python
- Ethereum reached over $3400 this year, quadrupling it’s value, and causing the dilemma if it is the new Bitcoin. If you are into programming, this is how to access the Ethereum blockchain, buy and sell Ethereum and manage your wallet using Python, one of the most popular languages in the world. https://laconicml.com/python-for-blockchain-ethereum/ 16 comments cryptocurrency
- Why is Python popular despite being accused of being slow? https://www.sethserver.com/python/why-is-python-so-slow.html 781 comments programming
- Spylls: Hunspell (the most popular OSS) spellchecker ported into Python and explained https://github.com/zverok/spylls 8 comments programming
- Python Overtakes Java To Become The Second-Most Popular Programming Language https://developers.slashdot.org/story/20/11/06/039234/python-overtakes-java-to-become-the-second-most-popular-programming-language 15 comments programming
- Programming language popularity: Python overtakes Java – as Rust reaches top 20 | ZDNet https://www.zdnet.com/article/programming-language-popularity-python-overtakes-java-as-rust-reaches-top-20/ 70 comments rust
- Python is now the second most popular language for programming https://www.newserector.com/python-is-now-the-second-most-popular-language-for-programming 223 comments programming
- Common Lisp alternatives to popular Python packages - documenting CL one Python package at a time https://python-to-cl.readthedocs.io/ 6 comments lisp
- pyforest v.1.0.0 - auto-import of all popular Python Data Science libraries https://github.com/8080labs/pyforest 51 comments datascience
- Python popularity reaches an all-time high https://www.infoworld.com/article/3401536/python-popularity-reaches-an-all-time-high.html 22 comments technews
- C++ Knocks Python From Top Three Popular Programming Languages https://www.solutionfactory.in/cplusplus-knocks-python-from-top-three-popular-programming-languages.html 10 comments cpp
- Python Developers Survey 2018 Results: "Surprisingly, compared to the previous year, Flask usage has grown by 15 percentage points among the respondents of our survey and as such, this year Flask has become the most popular web framework." ~ JetBrains https://www.jetbrains.com/research/python-developers-survey-2018/ 22 comments flask
- Data analysis has become more popular than web development among Python users https://www.jetbrains.com/research/python-developers-survey-2018/ 76 comments datascience
- Honestly expected emacs to be higher on this list of popular python IDEs https://www.kdnuggets.com/2018/12/most-popular-python-ide-editor.html 10 comments emacs
- Python is becoming the world’s most popular coding language https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2018/07/26/python-is-becoming-the-worlds-most-popular-coding-language 5 comments coding
- Python is becoming the world’s most popular coding language https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2018/07/26/python-is-becoming-the-worlds-most-popular-coding-language 1334 comments programming
- Python is becoming the world’s most popular coding language https://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2018/07/daily-chart-15 247 comments webdev
- If you ever wondered why Go has not become more popular then Python here is a great explanation. https://www.quora.com/Why-hasn-t-Go-overtaken-Python-in-popularity/answer/Serguei-Fedorov?amp%3Bsrid=QHFJ&share=393933a5 55 comments golang
- Skype interview feature allows you to have a video call on top of a code editor that supports 7 popular programming languages: C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby https://blogs.skype.com/tips/2017/08/25/how-to-have-technical-and-coding-interviews-over-skype/ 19 comments microsoft
- Qt versus Wx: How do two of the most popular Python frameworks compare? https://opensource.com/article/17/4/pyqt-versus-wxpython 35 comments programming
- Python interface for generating caffe networks, with examples to generate popular networks for classification and object detection example - Residual networks. https://github.com/jay-mahadeokar/pynetbuilder 6 comments computervision
- Python is Now the Most Popular Introductory Teaching Language at Top U.S. Universities http://cacm.acm.org/blogs/blog-cacm/176450-python-is-now-the-most-popular-introductory-teaching-language-at-top-us-universities/fulltext 85 comments coding
- Take a popular program or app written in C++ and discuss the difficulties writing it in another language like Python, for instance. http://www.blender.org/ 5 comments learnprogramming
- GOP policy site nets wacky ideas - "The fourth most popular idea for improving national security is 'we need to employ some of those invincible black knights from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.'" http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0510/37946.html 5 comments politics
- Growth in Python Project Popularity http://blog.showmedo.com/2008/01/08/growth-in-python-project-popularity/ 6 comments programming
- 2022 Update: Understanding Best Practice Python Tooling by Comparing Popular Project Templates https://medium.com/@jonas.r.kemper/2022-update-understanding-best-practice-python-tooling-by-comparing-popular-project-templates-5872602fe617?sk=a7ed50c63851d81093697c62b740396a 2 comments python
- Flask leading (behind django) in popularity this year in python frameworks among web2py, pyramid, tornado, pylon, turbogears. http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=python%20django%2C%20python%20flask%2C%20python%20pyramid%2C%20python%20turbogears%2C%20python%20tornado&cmpt=q 3 comments flask