- Everyone talks about anti-cheat, but what about Media Foundation? https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/issues/899 83 comments linux_gaming
- Biden’s Plan to Save the IRS Is Good for Everyone but Wealthy Tax Cheats https://newrepublic.com/article/164269/biden-irs-build-back-better 155 comments politics
- [The Athletic] ‘Almost everyone is using something’: Getting a grip on how MLB pitchers are cheating https://theathletic.com/2183861/?source=twitterhq 99 comments baseball
- [Slusser] A’s manager Bob Melvin, getting yet another round of Astros questions, says Oakland HAD called league about possible cheating BEFORE Fiers allegations. “Everyone was fed up with it,” he says of numerous Houston opponents. https://twitter.com/susanslusser/status/1227648676664758273?s=21 87 comments baseball
- For everyone wondering why BTC maxi’s are supporting TRON now, please remember: they will lie, cheat, steal, and use people, to push a narrative that fits their agenda. https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/e3fudl/former_btc_maximalist_admits_that_maxis_lied/ 21 comments btc
- Antitrust 101: Why everyone is probing Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. Being the biggest player isn't illegal—but cheating to stay that way sure is. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/11/antitrust-101-why-everyone-is-probing-amazon-apple-facebook-and-google/ 17 comments technology
- How Vittorio's Brambilla engineer (Robin Herd) cheated everyone to get pole position in 1975 Swedish Grand Prix https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/archive/article/march-2010/74/porridge-robin-herd 122 comments formula1
- [ Ars Technica ] Google deprecates Octane JavaScript benchmark, because everyone is basically cheating https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/04/google-deprecates-octane-javascript-benchmark-because-everyone-is-basically-cheating/ 4 comments chromeos
- Google deprecates Octane JavaScript benchmark, because everyone is basically cheating https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/04/google-deprecates-octane-javascript-benchmark-because-everyone-is-basically-cheating/ 5 comments javascript
- Romanian woman throws 10.000 EUR in to a river because that's what her gipsy fortune teller told her would keep her husband who's working abroad from cheating on her. Welcome to 2016's Romania everyone! http://adevarul.ro/locale/pitesti/o-femeie-aruncat-10000-euro-intr-un-rau-asa-i-a-spus-vrajitoare-vraja-trebuia-sa-l-impiedice-sot-insele-1_5851164c5ab6550cb86b56c6/index.html 47 comments europe
- Indiana GOP’s House Leader resigns after texting sexually explicit video of himself cheating on wife to everyone on his “Contacts” list http://www.salon.com/2015/09/30/indiana_gops_house_leader_resigns_after_texting_sexually_explicit_video_of_himself_cheating_on_wife_to_everyone_on_his_contacts_list/ 255 comments politics
- Why Not Subpoena Everyone in D.C. Cheating Scandal — Michelle Rhee included? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2013/04/12/why-not-subpoena-everyone-in-d-c-cheating-scandal-rhee-included/ 6 comments politics
- Ohio parents sue their olympic gold medalist daughter for telling stories that cast them in a bad light... so everyone knows that they are not selfish, don't bully her and haven't cheated her financially. http://msn.foxsports.com/olympics/story/olympic-medalist-being-sued-by-parents-090712 34 comments nottheonion
- Rupert Murdoch, tax cheat: Remember how outraged everyone on Fox was that GE paid no taxes last year? Funny story... http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2011/07/12/fox_taxes/index.html 3 comments reddit.com
- For everyone who's just putting down the pitchforks after the Vishy simul drama, here's a nice stream from GM Srinath Narayanan focusing on cheating and fair play abuse detection, featuring Kevin Goh Wei Ming and Tania Sachdev. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJG5Z4hWWRQ 3 comments chess
- [Reference Sheet] Community help needed to create a general Programming "Cheat" Spreadsheet for everyone! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vwutaxkenxlydyv1byelcnl8r1b66ghzqxnossgg_be/edit#gid=0 22 comments coding
- [Gary Brackett] "We never cheated we worked harder than everyone else and studied an enormous amount of film. Than during the game we played the tendencies" https://twitter.com/garybrackett58/status/829320839472488448 49 comments nfl
- This is college. Everyone cheats. Everyone cheats in life in general.- Konstantin Ravvin, Student, University of Central Florida http://abcnews.go.com/gma/video/students-busted-cheating-12106292 87 comments reddit.com
- "This is college. Everyone cheats, everyone cheats in life in general," Ravvin said. "I think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone in this testing lab who hasn't cheated on an exam." (UCF Cheating Scandal) http://abcnews.go.com/business/widespread-cheating-scandal-prompts-florida-professor-issues-ultimatum/story?id=11737137&page=1 4 comments reddit.com
- [Rome] Joe Musgrove: "Everyone hears that we cheated and they hear that there was the whole trash can deal going on, but no one sees the work that we were putting in every day to prepare ourselves and give ourselves an advantage.” https://twitter.com/chandler_rome/status/1213578664916520960?s=21 324 comments baseball
- Couture on Sid: “Everyone cheats on faceoffs. I cheat, Jumbo cheats. That’s how you try & win draws. He’s one of the best at it.” #Penguins https://twitter.com/wyshynski/status/738805457821671424 165 comments hockey
- People argue that Armstrong didn't cheat because everyone else obviously cheated, however Armstrong did not only cheat but he was a ringleader and used fear and intimidation tactics to keep his place on top. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/cycling/lancearmstrong/9600577/Lance-Armstrong-was-ringleader-of-biggest-doping-conspiracy-in-sporting-history-say-USADA.html 41 comments bicycling
- Draymond Green on Portland assistant trying to alert the ref that he was taking too long to check in: “Asking for a delay of game don’t help you in the playoffs. But that’s the league we in. Everyone cheating the game, whether it’s cheap ass fouls or asking for delay of games.” https://streamable.com/o25a3 273 comments nba
- [Marc Priestly] Knowing how it feels to be branded a cheat in F1, when I did nothing wrong (Spygate), I have complete respect for the job everyone’s done at RB whilst surrounded by negativity towards them. You feel deserving of celebration & respect, yet many unfairly judge you differently. https://twitter.com/f1elvis/status/1728830029097009573 41 comments formula1
- The Real-Life Diet of Derrick Henry, Who Thinks Everyone Deserves a Cheat Day https://www.gq.com/story/real-life-diet-derrick-henry 63 comments nfl
- If we're losing 100s of billions of tax dollars to offshore accounts, tax cheats, tax-havens, etc. why not throw out the tax code and just collect a small amount that everyone has to pay, no-ifs-ands-or-buts. http://www.uspirg.org/home/reports/report-archives/tax--budget-policy/tax--budget-policy--reports/tax-shell-game-what-do-tax-dodgers-cost-you 17 comments politics