Hacker News
- Babies at Work: It’s Weird That It’s Weird https://medium.com/@wifelette/babies-at-work-its-weird-that-it-s-weird-b285b070d456 2 comments
- Weird Logos That Work (and Why They Do) http://vectortuts.com/articles/20-weird-logos-that-work-and-why-they-do/ 12 comments
- FF57a1 Nightly on macOS says "damaged" when trying to launch. Have to use weird work-around. Is this a known bug? https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/6tvjkw/ff57a1_nightly_on_macos_says_damaged_when_trying/ 4 comments firefox
- 32 weird ways to fight climate change that just might work https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/climate-change/32-weird-ways-to-fight-climate-change-that-just-might-work 58 comments climate
- Weird DNS Issue, dig works, everything else doesn't https://pastebin.com/RwgES0fh 14 comments raspberry_pi
- America’s ‘weird’ economy isn’t working – can Democrats convince voters they can fix it? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/10/arizona-midterms-crucial-senate-race 90 comments politics
- Sandra Toffoloni (Nancy Benoit's sister): It’s weird, I didn’t hear my phone ring. I really thought the work, I’ve been putting in for 15 yrs trying to keep & elevate my sister’s legacy hadn’t gone unnoticed. Guess my family is an afterthought…again. I don’t…I don’t even know where to fucking start https://twitter.com/butisitfunny/status/1546605179948113923 328 comments squaredcircle
- "whoa I just got this weird but fascinating idea to use Lisp itself as an issue tracker and work journal" [twitter thread] https://twitter.com/meekaale/status/1468188278331518977 8 comments lisp
- User registration using Laravel Sanctum with fetch API call works without X-XSRF-TOKEN header, but with weird CORS error https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/sanctum#spa-authentication 13 comments laravel
- User registration using Laravel Sanctum with fetch API call works without X-XSRF-TOKEN header, but with weird CORS error https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/sanctum#spa-authentication 4 comments reactjs
- Conservatives Love Coal Miners — Until They Go on Strike: The Right has worked hard in recent years to portray itself as defenders of beleaguered coal miners. But over a thousand miners are currently on strike in Alabama and we haven’t heard a peep about it from conservative talking heads. Weird. https://jacobinmag.com/2021/05/conservatives-coal-miners-strike-alabama-unfair-labor-practices-workers 334 comments politics
- When the Kids are the Henchmen | On the weirdness of Trump using his kids to do his political dirty work. https://thebulwark.com/when-the-kids-are-the-henchmen/ 34 comments politics
- Does anyone else find it weird how none of the high earning hedge fund managers actually work anymore? They are all retired but make billions how does that even make sense? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-15/the-10-best-paid-hedge-fund-managers-made-7-7-billion-in-2018 6 comments wallstreetbets
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts - Excellent deep dive into how the language actually works. Goes beyond syntax and how-to-code to explain the hows and whys that will help someone become a much better programmer. http://specialization.world/understand-javascript 6 comments javascript
- dAPP BOI is LIVE -- "It is an Ethereum based, ERC-20 compliant token that has 1 function. Each token can be redeemed for 1 hour of me contributing design work or consultation to your crypto project. It’s a simple premise but has the room to get very, very weird." https://dappboi.com/ 60 comments ethereum
- From B/R: Giannis 'Feels Weird' to Work Out with Rivals; Rejected Carmelo, LeBron Invites https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/a4b6ix/from_br_giannis_feels_weird_to_work_out_with/ 597 comments nba
- can't for the life of me get 144hz working. My setup is a bit weird. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1818611#p1818611 14 comments archlinux
- I'm building hexapod with Arduino nano and SSC-32 type servo controller. It works fine except it does this weird twitching on legs. Running phoenix code. What might cause this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZArTbsjv3oA 43 comments arduino
- What is this weird Twitter army of Amazon drones cheerfully defending warehouse work? https://techcrunch.com/2018/08/23/what-is-this-weird-twitter-army-of-amazon-drones-cheerfully-defending-warehouse-work/ 3 comments economy
- What is this weird Twitter army of Amazon drones cheerfully defending warehouse work? https://techcrunch.com/2018/08/23/what-is-this-weird-twitter-army-of-amazon-drones-cheerfully-defending-warehouse-work/ 23 comments technology
- My PC can't boot past Windows logo. Safe mode works but color is weird. https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/8wggiw/my_pc_cant_boot_past_windows_logo_safe_mode_works/ 15 comments techsupport
- Weird IRA question: Can I contribute to an IRA outside work and get tax credit, if my employer offers a plan but I don't use it? https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/are-you-covered-by-an-employers-retirement-plan 5 comments tax
- [Steam Controller] A few games do not work with steam controller. Weirdly, some do work fine. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Gamepad#Steam_Controller_not_pairing 9 comments linux_gaming
- Repost: 4 weird facts about Adam Back: (1) He never contributed any code to Bitcoin. (2) His Twitter profile contains 2 lies. (3) He wasn't an early adopter, because he never thought Bitcoin would work. (4) He can't figure out how to make Lightning Network decentralized. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/47fr3p/4_weird_facts_about_adam_back_1_he_never/ 98 comments btc
- Weird white spot on laptop screen. Pixels still work but it is discolored. Can't exactly describe, so pictures below. https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/6w9z29/weird_white_spot_on_laptop_screen_pixels_still/ 12 comments techsupport
- Weird internet that works and doesn't work at the same time https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/6u18uv/weird_internet_that_works_and_doesnt_work_at_the/ 6 comments techsupport
- Does it look weird if I'm out of school, but not working for an extended period? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6sxv9c/does_it_look_weird_if_im_out_of_school_but_not/ 3 comments cscareerquestions
- Science AMA Series: We are scientists working on the first-ever NASA mission dedicated to studying pulsars, the ‘weird’ stellar objects that were accidentally discovered 50 years ago. Ask Us Anything! https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/6s5623/science_ama_series_we_are_scientists_working_on/ 113 comments science
- [Vivlamore] Dwight Howard: "I’ve been working on my 3’s, really trying to add some range to my game. Which is going to be weird for people to see, I guess. They are used to seeing me in the paint battling. But in order for me to play longer, I have to expand my game" http://www.myajc.com/sports/basketball/dwight-howard-said-working-point-shot/1p1flnf8v02sed5qlpemdm/ 240 comments nba
- How does this weird Double-Sales page method work? https://valosfogyas.com/ 5 comments marketing
- Working with a Northwestern Mutual Agent and they want me to sign up for disability insurance and have a medical examiner come to my house. This all seems really weird...but I know nothing about any of this. Advice would be greatly appreciated. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/5hhkbt/working_with_a_northwestern_mutual_agent_and_they/ 9 comments personalfinance
- Weird problem, can you just copy Notepad.exe and paste it onto another computer and make it work? https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/4w7bk1/weird_problem_can_you_just_copy_notepadexe_and/ 14 comments techsupport
- Another weird little web project I've been working on — can you spot the difference? http://www.omgtldr.com/pixels/ 17 comments webdev
- Quite the nonstandard game. Weird sacrifice that ultimately didn't work out. Comments? http://www.chess.com/livechess/game?id=425229869 13 comments chess
- TSA spends $212 million per year to try to spot people that look weird at airports. It doesn't work. http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2010-05-24-airportcheckin24_st_n.htm 3 comments reddit.com
- The fucking weird and creepy world of Predator drone pilots who drive to work, kill people thousands of miles away and then go home and play with the kids. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/digitalnation/blog/2009/10/new-video-fighting-from-afar.html 901 comments worldnews
- Reddit, two subway trains (Red Line) collided in DC today. 6 dead so far. People still trapped inside. The weird thing is that I take this line to and from work everyday and I left work late today. http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=87683&catid=158 3 comments reddit.com
- 20 Weird Logos That Work (and Why They Do) http://bite-dose.com/cool-things/20-weird-logos-that-work-and-why-they-do/ 48 comments reddit.com
- [VIDEO] Weird video effect -- how does this work?? http://youtube.com/watch?v=eelwlnvoucs 24 comments reddit.com
- Here's a weird one. I was just working in Word 2016 on my Win10 PC, when I noticed that my display in in grayscale. Everything. It's not my monitor. When I restart, the logoff screen and start up screens are all in color. It's just when I log back in to Windows that everything fades back to grey. https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/7bs170/heres_a_weird_one_i_was_just_working_in_word_2016/ 6 comments techsupport