Hacker News
- Cows painted with zebra-like striping can avoid biting fly attack https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/08/us/cows-painted-zebras-avoid-flies-scn-trnd/index.html 68 comments
- Zebra Stripe Pattern Database http://www.grevyszebratrust.org/stripe-recognition.html 8 comments
- Zebras’ stripes discourage biting flies from landing https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/02/why-do-zebras-have-stripes-flies/583114/ 52 comments
- Sperm swimming is caused by the same patterns that are believed to dictate zebra stripes https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1002670 35 comments science
- Scientists Have Discovered How Zebra Stripes Work https://www.veterinarydaily.com/2023/03/scientists-have-discovered-how-zebra.html 3 comments nature
- Zebras Are Actually Black With White Stripes, Ecologist Reveals https://www.folkspaper.com/topic/zebras-are-actually-black-with-white-stripes-ecologist-reveals-5699791960932352.html# 64 comments science
- Baby Zebra Is Born With Dots Instead Of Stripes - First Time Ever Recorded (10 Pics) https://kingdomstv.com/is-born-with-dots-instead-of-stripes-first-time-ever-recorded-10-pics/ 73 comments nottheonion
- Why painting zebra stripes on cows could save the agriculture industry major money https://www.cbsnews.com/news/zebra-stripes-on-cows-could-save-agriculture-industry-millions-experiment-japan-shows-deters-flies/ 14 comments nottheonion
- Scientists are amazed after painting cows in zebra stripes – they get bitten 50% less than usual. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/08/us/cows-painted-zebras-avoid-flies-scn-trnd/index.html 13 comments science
- The Zebra stripes may prevent the flies from landing, and could have been one the evolutionary drivers of the zebra pattern. Scientist provided further evidence to this hypothesis looking at horse flies behaviour around zebras and uniformly coloured domestic horses. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0210831 43 comments science
- At last a function for zebra stripes: keeping biting flies away https://theconversation.com/zebras-stripes-are-a-no-fly-zone-for-flies-111888 9 comments science
- Do zebras have stripes as an adaptation against biting flies? https://metafact.io/factchecks/61-zebras-have-stripes-as-an-adaptation-against-biting-flies 4 comments askscience
- Egyptian zoo paints stripes on a donkey in an attempt to pass it off as a zebra http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5992563/are-eeyore-thats-zebra-egyptian-zoo-paints-stripes-donkey-bid-fool-visitors.html 27 comments worldnews
- Zebra stripes aren't for camouflage, new study says http://www.digitaljournal.com/science/zebra-stripes-aren-t-for-camouflage-new-study-says/article/455654? 8 comments science
- Zebra stripes are not for camouflage, study finds https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/zebra-stripes-not-camouflage-new-study-finds 17 comments science
- Zebra evolved stripes to avoid attack of biting flies, says new analysis, not for camouflage or social purposes. http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/scientists-solve-riddle-zebras%E2%80%99-stripes 4 comments science
- Scientists announce a new theory on why zebras have stripes. Zebras have them to prevent bites from flies, not predation by lions. http://www.realclearscience.com/journal_club/2014/04/01/zebras_have_stripes_to_avoid_flies_not_lions_108573.html 6 comments science
- NASA’s Van Allen Probes Reveal Zebra Stripes In Earth’s Radiation Belts http://www.ecanadanow.com/science/space/2014/03/22/nasas-van-allen-probes-reveal-zebra-stripes-in-earths-radiation-belts/ 4 comments science
- Islanders Goalie Prospect in Dust-Up, but more importantly what is the deal with Finnish referees? Yellow helmets? Star-burst zebra stripes? What the what? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/islanders-goalie-prospect-mikko-koskinen-gets-billy-smith-131823155.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter 8 comments hockey
- How Did the Zebra Get Its Stripes? http://sandwalk.blogspot.com/2012/02/how-did-zebra-get-its-stripes.html 6 comments science
- How the zebra got its stripes - a scientific explanation http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120209101730.htm 10 comments science
- Zebra Striping: Does it Really Help? http://www.alistapart.com/articles/zebrastripingdoesithelp 9 comments programming
- Looking through the eyes of zebra predators, researchers found no evidence supporting the notion that zebras' black and white stripes are for protective camouflage or that they provide a social advantage. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160122170837.htm 2 comments science
- Why Do Zebras Have Stripes? New Study Makes Temperature Connection. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2015/01/150113-zebras-stripes-evolution-animals-science-africa/?google_editors_picks=true 4 comments science
- Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows. They found that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50%. https://www.realclearscience.com/quick_and_clear_science/2019/10/07/painting_zebra_stripes_on_cows_wards_off_biting_flies.html 3 comments science
- Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows. They found that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50%. https://www.realclearscience.com/quick_and_clear_science/2019/10/07/painting_zebra_stripes_on_cows_wards_off_biting_flies.html 8 comments science
- Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows. They found that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50%. https://www.realclearscience.com/quick_and_clear_science/2019/10/07/painting_zebra_stripes_on_cows_wards_off_biting_flies.html 6 comments science
- Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows. They found that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50%. https://www.realclearscience.com/quick_and_clear_science/2019/10/07/painting_zebra_stripes_on_cows_wards_off_biting_flies.html 4 comments science
- It is belived by the Scientists that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows. They found that it decreased the number of biting flies landing on the cows by 50%. https://rakoza.com/painting-zebra-stripes-on-cows-wards-off-biting-flies/ 4 comments science
- Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows. They found that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50%. https://www.realclearscience.com/quick_and_clear_science/2019/10/07/painting_zebra_stripes_on_cows_wards_off_biting_flies.html 3 comments science
- Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows. They found that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50%. https://www.realclearscience.com/quick_and_clear_science/2019/10/07/painting_zebra_stripes_on_cows_wards_off_biting_flies.html 2038 comments science
- Painting a cow to look something like a zebra has been found to reduce fly bites by 50%. Researchers believe painting stripes on to cattle is a world-first and could become an environmentally friendly alternative to pesticides. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/11/if-the-shoo-fits-cows-painted-with-zebra-stripes-keep-flies-in-line 69 comments science
- Age old mystery solved: Zebra stripes help shoo flies. The animals' black-and-white pattern helps repel bloodthirsty, disease-carrying flies by disrupting their vision and making it difficult for the biters to land, according to a study by California scientists. http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2014/140401/ncomms4535/full/ncomms4535.html 491 comments science
- A zebra's unmistakeable stripes may have evolved to make the animals unattractive to blood-sucking flies, say scientists. http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/16944753 4 comments science
- How zebras get their stripes may be explained by a model using diffusiophoresis, validating the mechanism proposed by Alan Turing and known as Turing patterns, where previous models had blurred edges https://theconversation.com/how-animals-get-their-skin-patterns-is-a-matter-of-physics-new-research-clarifying-how-could-improve-medical-diagnostics-and-synthetic-materials-217035 2 comments science
- Painting cows with zebra stripes cuts insect attacks — a 50% reduction in the number of biting flies on the cows body and a 20% reduction in fly-repelling behaviour (foot stamping, tail flicking, skin twitching) was observed in cows painted with white stripes. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0223447 8 comments science
- Psaki says it's 'pretty unlikely that the zebra is going to change his stripes over the next two years' when asked about Facebook's Trump ban https://www.businessinsider.com/psaki-reacts-to-facebooks-2-year-suspension-of-trumps-account-2021-6 73 comments politics
- Why do people on hallucinogenic drugs so often see spirals or concentric circles? Because the human visual system is a polar-to-Cartesian coordinate transform, and linear disturbances in the brain spread with diff. eq.s similar to those that give zebras stripes. Worth reading. https://plus.maths.org/content/uncoiling-spiral-maths-and-hallucinations 143 comments math
- Turing was right: Two proteins fit decades-old prediction - in 1952 he sketched out a biological model in which two chemicals — an activator and an inhibitor — could interact to form the basis for everything from the color patterns of a butterfly’s wings to the black and white stripes of a zebra. http://phys.org/news/2012-04-turing-proteins-decades-old.html 41 comments science
- Scientists solve the riddle of zebras’ stripes: The scientists found that biting flies, including horseflies and tsetse flies, are the evolutionary driver for zebra stripes. Experimental work had previously shown that such flies tend to avoid black-and-white striped surfaces http://news.ucdavis.edu/search/news_detail.lasso?id=10879 17 comments science