- Why Programmers Can’t Stop Programs With Ctrl-C, but Used to Be Able To, and Why They Should Be Able to Again https://kevinlawler.com/ctrl-c 16 comments practices
- Interesting analogy to teach non-programmers what higher level programming is about. http://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2013/10/02/how-can-programmers-conceive-abstract-things-like-computer-programs-and-codes/ 11 comments programming
- How effective are brainwave entrainment programs in boosting IQ, concentration, and focus? I've been using Neuro-Programmer 2, and I'm afraid it's messing with my brain! http://www.transparentcorp.com/products/np/ 6 comments science
- A new programmable self-folding smart material has been developed. The new material is capable of being pre-programmed to assume dozens of complex shapes without resetting or reprogramming. http://news.meta.com/2016/01/08/new-polymer-can-remember-shapeshift/ 109 comments science
- Bro, do you even program? The case of non-programming programmers http://antjanus.com/blog/uncategorized/know-im-programmer-cant-program/ 139 comments webdev
- Where do the Chinese programmers learn programming? https://www.sayonetech.com/blog/which-country-has-best-computer-programmers-and-developers/ 13 comments learnprogramming
- What programming language would be suitable for this programme https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/n4kfp3/what_programming_language_would_be_suitable_for/ 10 comments learnprogramming
- European Union Consolidating Space Programs Under Expanded & Renamed GNSS Agency, EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUASP) http://www.parabolicarc.com/2021/01/17/european-union-consolidating-space-programs-under-expanded-renamed-gnss-agency/ 3 comments space
- IBM is releasing a free course and forum next week to teach COBOL programming language, as US states struggle to find programmers for old unemployment systems https://www.inputmag.com/tech/ibm-will-offer-free-cobol-training-to-address-overloaded-unemployment-systems 13 comments technology
- I Was A Computer Programmer. I Know Computer Programming. The Indians Programmers The Treason Lobby Wants To Import Are No Alan Turings—They’re Just CHEAP., by John Derbyshire http://www.unz.com/jderbyshire/i-was-a-computer-programmer-i-know-computer-programming-the-indians-programmers-the-treason-lobby-wants-to-import-are-no-alan-turings-theyre-just-cheap/ 4 comments india
- How do programmers decide if they need to program in Java, C#, C++, etc.? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/a2hu9o/how_do_programmers_decide_if_they_need_to_program/ 142 comments learnprogramming
- Programming Paradigms for Dummies: What Every Programmer Should Know https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/9uf6m9/programming_paradigms_for_dummies_what_every/ 15 comments learnprogramming
- Study of Experienced Programmers’ Acquisition of New Programming Languages (on the example of Rust) http://cs242.stanford.edu/assets/projects/2017/parastoo-gdietz44.pdf 14 comments rust
- Teach Programming to become a better Programmer https://www.zeroequalsfalse.press/2018/06/10/teach/ 141 comments programming
- There’s a reason that programmers always want to throw away old code and start over: they think the old code is a mess. They are probably wrong. The reason that they think the old code is a mess is because of a cardinal, fundamental law of programming: It’s harder to read code than to write it. https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/04/06/things-you-should-never-do-part-i/ 1043 comments programming
- Is web programming in JS a race to the bottom, is there too many JS programmer on the market ? https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/7c7p62/is_web_programming_in_js_a_race_to_the_bottom_is/ 33 comments javascript
- [Advice] How do I audit a programming team if I'm not a programmer? https://www.reddit.com/r/growmybusiness/comments/6shj60/advice_how_do_i_audit_a_programming_team_if_im/ 8 comments growmybusiness
- No socially responsible programmer should assist any program of domestic surveillance http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/cpsr-speech.html 66 comments programming
- Javascript/Node programmer looking to get into "real" programming. https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/6mclxg/javascriptnode_programmer_looking_to_get_into/ 12 comments rust
- What is the best first language to learn? Conducting a survey for the IST program at my school. If you are a professional programmer, please help! https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5xdo61/what_is_the_best_first_language_to_learn/ 8 comments learnprogramming
- Introdutory Ada Programming Book: A Book for Beginner Programmers and Beginners to Ada https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.ada/df2yzgpyddk 14 comments programming
- "ExCAPE aims to change programming from a purely manual task to one in which a programmer and an automated program synthesis tool collaborate to generate software that meets its specification." https://excape.cis.upenn.edu/about.html 5 comments programming
- Creating courses on learning functional programming. Would love feedback from new(er) programmers than my colleagues. Feedback? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/4wcana/creating_courses_on_learning_functional/ 9 comments learnprogramming
- How much does your math or competitive programming success determine your success as a game programmer? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/4hh6kh/how_much_does_your_math_or_competitive/ 10 comments gamedev
- What I learned about programmers by reading 200+ programming jokes https://www.apico.net/blog/what-else-i-learned-about-programmers-after-reading-200-programming-jokes-part-2.html?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=reddit&utm_source=news 42 comments programming
- Programming Languages v. Programmer Happiness: Survey for High School Math Class. Please help! 2-7 minutes max http://goo.gl/forms/kpszvwiepg 10 comments programming
- Doing a "100 Program Challenge". Hope it will help me and other beginner programmers learn more about programming :) What does Reddit think? http://liquidthink.net/introduction-100-program-challenge-series-python/ 22 comments programming
- Need programmers for survey on the quality of mathematics education in Computer Science college/university programs. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GQPPHHX 5 comments cscareerquestions
- Programming question... New to Arduino, experienced programmer http://www.instructables.com/files/orig/FUD/0MSO/GH8AB6SF/FUD0MSOGH8AB6SF.tmp 7 comments arduino
- My brother is a programmer. I want to get him a funny/sarcastic christmas gift related to programming and know nothing about programming and need some ideas. http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/funnygift 28 comments programming
- Functional Programming for the Object-Oriented Programmer by Brian Marick http://leanpub.com/fp-oo 4 comments ruby
- "Programmers are still suspected of being crazy when they consider this functional programming language for their daily work" http://godi.camlcity.org/godi/why.html 206 comments programming
- A note to programmers, if you are programming for a popuar device, your software WILL be pulled to bits like guys like this. (PS3 hackers IRC chat log) http://pastebin.com/m0zxsjab 105 comments programming
- www.iprogrammingclub is officially Online! A club where you can learn programming for free. Taught by fellow programmers. http://www.iprogrammingclub.com 45 comments learnprogramming
- "Programming language design has a strange dogma that ... distilling the smallest possible set of elegant core axioms is both possible and profitable. From there, offering this set of axioms leaves the dirty business of making workable software to blue-collar workaday programmers." http://www.modernperlbooks.com/mt/2011/01/minimalism.html 124 comments programming
- Sysadmins arent (necessarily) programmers, they're people who can program http://www.standalone-sysadmin.com/blog/2010/01/sysadmins-arent-necessarily-programmers-theyre-people-who-can-program/ 8 comments programming
- Two former Madoff computer programmers arrested for helping him with special computer programs they developed to operate the $65 billion Ponzi scheme http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticnews/idusn1346294620091113 3 comments politics
- New D programming language pumps up programmer productivity Options http://www.linux.com/feature/124320 127 comments programming
- Holding a program in one's head--how a good programmer is like a good mathematician http://www.paulgraham.com/head.html 278 comments reddit.com
- Java Programmers are the Erotic Furries of Programming http://lukewelling.com/2006/08/03/java-programmers-are-the-erotic-furries-of-programming/ 54 comments programming