Hacker News
- Scythians Between Russia and Ukraine https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=63123 67 comments
- Analysis of ancient Scythian leather samples shows two were made from human skin https://phys.org/news/2023-12-analysis-ancient-scythian-leather-samples.html 8 comments
- Ancient genomes trace the origin and decline of the Scythians https://phys.org/news/2021-03-ancient-genomes-decline-scythians.html 11 comments
- Ancient Horse DNA Shows Scythian Warriors Were Adept Domesticators https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/27/science/horses-genetics-domestication-scythians.html 16 comments
- This week's archaeological news: Ice age writing systems, Viking captives, and a new Scythian-style culture https://ancientbeat.substack.com/p/ancient-beat-42-ice-age-writing-systems 5 comments anthropology
- Athenian-type helmet from Scythian barrow in Ukraine https://u-krane.com/athenian-type-helmet-from-scythian-barrow-in-ukraine/ 2 comments europe
- A 9th-century BCE burial mound provides evidence that the origins of the nomadic Scythians may lie farther east than previously thought, and that Herodotus' strange description of their royal funerals may be based on an element of truth. https://archaeology.org/issues/january-february-2025/collection/origins-of-the-scythians/top-10-discoveries-of-2024/ 31 comments history
- Scythian Queen from Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan: could she be the famous Queen Tirgatao? https://u-krane.com/scythian-queen-from-tovsta-mogyla-kurgan-could-it-be-the-famous-queen-tirgatao/ 4 comments europe
- Scythian Faces on Golden Pectoral from Tovsta Mogyla Kurgan, Ukraine https://u-krane.com/scythian-faces-on-golden-pectoral-from-tovsta-mogyla-kurgan/ 3 comments europe
- How the Scythian bow was used for war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA3ujJj7PGo 8 comments history
- There was an attempted coup in Hungary. The country’s intelligence services said they prevented the seizure of power by the Scythian Hungary groups. https://ua-stena.info/en/there-was-an-attempted-coup-in-hungary/ 4 comments europe
- Ancient Scythians used human skin for leather, confirming Herodotus' grisly claim https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/ancient-scythians-used-human-skin-for-leather-confirming-herodotus-grisly-claim 15 comments anthropology
- Human and animal skin identified by palaeoproteomics in Scythian leather objects from Ukraine https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0294129 14 comments history
- Human and animal skin identified by palaeoproteomics in Scythian leather objects from Ukraine https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0294129 5 comments science
- Even though they've been extinct for 2.000 years, Hungary could soon recognize Scythians as an ethnic group after 1371 people in Hungary declared themselves to be Scythians in the national census https://rtl.hu/belfold/2023/11/29/szkitak-nemzetiseg-honos-kisebbseg-orszaggyules-mta-allasfoglalas-kihaltak-pocs-alfred 113 comments europe
- Scythian Gold returned to Ukraine from the Netherlands https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-society/3792441-scythian-gold-returned-to-ukraine-from-the-netherlands.html 11 comments europe
- Scythian artifacts returned to Ukraine after long dispute with Russia https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/scythian-artifacts-returned-ukraine-after-long-dispute-with-russia-2023-11-27/ 8 comments worldnews
- Scythian Husband and Wife burial that is 3,000 years old found in Ukraine https://u-krane.com/scythian-husband-and-wife-burial-that-is-3000-years-old-found-in-ukraine/ 6 comments europe
- As Russians steal Ukraine’s art, they attack its identity, too – Russian forces have looted tens of thousands of pieces, including avant-garde oil paintings and Scythian gold. Experts say it is the biggest art heist since the Nazis in World War II, intended to strip Ukraine of its cultural heritage https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/14/world/asia/ukraine-art-russia-steal.html 4 comments europe
- Melitopol mayor says occupiers steal Scythian gold collection from local museum https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-society/3470870-melitopol-mayor-says-occupiers-steal-scythian-gold-collection-from-local-museum.html 7 comments worldnews
- Ukraine has legal right to Crimean artefacts, Dutch court rules - Russia had sought to take control of ‘Scythian gold’ on loan to museum in Amsterdam https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/26/ukraine-has-legal-right-to-crimean-artefacts-dutch-court-rules 21 comments europe
- Putin's Defense Minister Hopes To Use 3,000-Year-Old DNA To Clone Ancient Scythian Warriors https://allthatsinteresting.com/russians-clone-scythian-army 69 comments science
- Ukrainian archaeologists have found Scythian sword http://micetimes.asia/zaporizhia-archaeologists-have-found-scythian-sword/ 6 comments worldnews
- "What is the Scythian translation for the Melanchlaeni, the black-cloaks?" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi 6 comments linguistics
- How many Punjabis+Gujjars+Jatts actually believe that they descend from Scythians or Huns? https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/8oyb3m/how_many_punjabisgujjarsjatts_actually_believe/ 12 comments india
- Ukraine's Scythian treasures Russia tries to appropriate https://informnapalm.org/en/scythians-hostage-to-russians/ 4 comments europe
- Let's talk about Scythians! https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/5bipdq/lets_talk_about_scythians/ 18 comments history
- If anyone is interested in hearing what Ossetian (a descendent of the Scythian language) sounds like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiSrHcMlMu8 41 comments europe
- Scythian and Kurdish http://landofkarda.blogspot.be/2010/04/scythian-proto-kurdish-language.html 5 comments linguistics
- Hidden Chamber Found at Scythian Burial Mound Reveals Golden Treasure of Drug-Fueled Rituals: 2,400-Year-Old Gold Vessels had Traces of Opium and Cannabis. http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/secret-chamber-found-scythian-burial-mound-reveals-golden-treasure-drug-020362 13 comments worldnews
- Bones in Tomb Belong to Macedonian King Philip II, Father of Alexander the Great—He suffered from frontal & maxillary sinusitis likely from old facial trauma. He was blinded when eye hit with arrow in siege of Methone in 354 BC. Woman warrior, likely daughter of Scythian King Ateas, is with him. http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/remains-of-alexander-the-greats-father-confirmed-found-141009.htm 57 comments history
- Bones in Tomb Belong to Macedonian King Philip II, Father of Alexander the Great—He suffered from frontal & maxillary sinusitis likely from old facial trauma. He was blinded when eye hit with arrow in siege of Methone in 354 BC. Woman warrior, likely daughter of Scythian King Ateas, is with him. http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/remains-of-alexander-the-greats-father-confirmed-found-141009.htm 627 comments worldnews
- Raising a Horn to Nordic Drinking - Its roots in Scandinavian culture go back to Iron Age. During Classical Antiquity, Thracians & Scythians were known for drinking from actual horns but in Bronze Age Mycenaean Greece, although they kept the shape, clay or metal were used. http://www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/01/2014/raising-a-horn-to-nordic-drinking-heritage 17 comments history
- A well know bowyer made a Scythian bow replica. Came out to 120 lbs of draw at 28" http://paleoplanet69529.yuku.com/topic/39830/scythian-bow-replica?page=1 3 comments history
- Interesting Facts about the Scythians http://listverse.com/2010/01/05/top-10-interesting-facts-about-the-scythians/ 4 comments history