- 19 countries list who they least want to win the World Cup http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/11/upshot/world-cup-opinions-in-19-countries-likes-dislikes-predictions.html?_r=1 20 comments soccer
- Now That Osama Is Gone, Who Is On The World's Most Wanted List? http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/04/the-worlds-most-wanted-list 9 comments worldnews
- Russia puts Japanese ICC judge on wanted list | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20230727_21/ 11 comments worldnews
- Alleged drug lord on world's most wanted list arrested in Amsterdam | Drugs trade https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/23/alleged-drug-lord-on-worlds-most-wanted-list-arrested-in-amsterdam 6 comments worldnews
- The world’s largest weed company wants to list itself on the Nasdaq (Canopy: TWMJF) https://news.vice.com/en_ca/article/vbpney/the-worlds-largest-weed-company-wants-to-list-itself-on-the-nasdaq 8 comments wallstreetbets
- Dani Alves - Pep Guardiola wanted to coach Brazil and had an entire plan and squad list in his head for the world cup https://youtu.be/arL6iseJba4 39 comments soccer
- Are you a WP developer who has an interest in open source? Are you an aspiring WP developer that wants to look at some real-world examples, or perhaps even contribute to existing projects? I'm working on a list of all existing open-source Windows Phone applications! https://github.com/y2bd/openwp 16 comments windowsphone
- Bill Gates Doesn't Want To Be Rich Anymore: 'I Will Move Down And Eventually Off Of The List Of The World's Richest People' https://www.benzinga.com/general/entertainment/22/07/28069438/bill-gates-doesnt-want-to-be-rich-anymore-i-will-move-down-and-eventually-off-of-the-list-2 215 comments worldnews
- Bill Gates Doesn't Want To Be Rich Anymore: 'I Will Move Down And Eventually Off Of The List Of The World's Richest People' https://www.benzinga.com/general/entertainment/22/07/28069438/bill-gates-doesnt-want-to-be-rich-anymore-i-will-move-down-and-eventually-off-of-the-list-2 77 comments economics
- Bill Gates Doesn't Want To Be Rich Anymore: 'I Will Move Down And Eventually Off Of The List Of The World's Richest People' https://www.benzinga.com/general/entertainment/22/07/28069438/bill-gates-doesnt-want-to-be-rich-anymore-i-will-move-down-and-eventually-off-of-the-list-1 94 comments economy
- Narendra Modi may join the list of world leaders who don’t want to speak English http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/06/05/narendra-modi-may-join-the-list-of-world-leaders-who-refuse-to-speak-english/ 6 comments india
- Want to know where the US troops are around the world? Here's a list of all bases with populations.. now I wonder why they're in Cyprus instead of guarding the US/Mexico border.. http://siadapp.dmdc.osd.mil/personnel/military/history/hst0809.pdf 5 comments reddit.com
- [Relevo] Meeting in Seville to discuss the future of Lopetegui at Sevilla. The board have already contacted Sampaoli but he wants to wait until the World Cup. He is not the only option on the list https://twitter.com/relevo/status/1576305205120929793 24 comments soccer
- Bryan Danielson lists one of his goals in AEW: I want to be world champion, because being in championship matches is unlike anything else. Those matches, they’ve got a different tension. I love the feeling of a big title match. Those are the feelings and emotions I’m chasing. https://www.si.com/wrestling/2022/09/14/aew-wwe-week-in-wrestling-bryan-danielson-world-champion 22 comments squaredcircle
- Lionel Scaloni on Paulo Dybala: "He has to have continuity. His technique, his category and hierarchy is evident, but he has to play. He went to Roma for that, his coach (Mourinho) wants him and for us he is good. He will prove in these months if he can be on the world cup list." https://www.tycsports.com/seleccion-argentina/lionel-scaloni-seleccion-argentina-julian-alvarez-enzo-fernandez-paulo-dybala-lista-mundial-de-qatar-2022-id455180.html 56 comments soccer
- This is the website that DOD posts security clearance decisions for contractors. It lists every denied clearance and revocation from 1996-Current with reasons and descriptions. If you want to know what disqualifies you in the real world, start reading. http://www.dod.mil/dodgc/doha/industrial/2014.html 39 comments army
- It took the CIA 10 years+ plus a few billion dollars and finally they say what the Indians have been saying for nearly 4 decades. Instead of CIA informants? who Pakistan’s ISI might want to arrest - This list includes the world famous cycle tyre chor Dawodd Ibrahim http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/06/15/cia_informants_a_few_suggestions_as_to_who_pakistan_s_isi_might_want_to_arrest#.tfnnothnibq;reddit 18 comments india
- The US Medical System: "I’m sorry, but when I’m sick, the very last thing in the world I want is a list of fucking errands to run." http://www.violentacres.com/archives/340/return-from-the-dead 9 comments reddit.com
- Khaled Lateif, Egyption FA board member, reminds Salah that "your mom is still in Egypt, so you can't do whatever you want" Also says he's been withdrawn from the squad list due to his "poor performance at the world cup" Also says he has to do military service. https://twitter.com/khaledlateif/status/1034309016241860608 79 comments soccer
- Norway's sovereign wealth fund, the largest in the world worth more than $1 trillion, wants to be able to invest in companies that are not listed on the stock market, it said in a letter published on Wednesday. https://www.thelocal.no/20180111/norway-wealth-fund-wants-to-invest-in-unlisted-groups 17 comments worldnews
- AZM: "When I looked at the IWGP Women's and Strong belts, I thought that Strong was the shortest route to the world. Well, on my list of things I want to do right now, I want to have a match in America, and the IWGP has had matches overseas as well, but Strong seemed to have a lot more freedom." https://twitter.com/HDSubss/status/1726619654364467334 9 comments squaredcircle
- Calls for Queensland government to stop approving large, foreign-owned wind farm developments amid fears area could become "industrial wasteland". South-Korean owned developer wants to build 94-wind turbine development that will border World Heritage listed rainforest, west of Cairns. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-14/chalumbin-wind-farm-fnq-protests-world-heritage-rainforest/100857160 9 comments worldnews