- Maybe All you Need is to Ask - Do you Accept Bitcoin? https://stacker.news/items/474707/r/kr 2 comments bitcoin
- Why bitcoin needs to be spent for adoption https://bitfinsider.com/why-bitcoin-needs-to-be-spent-for-adoption/ 25 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin does not need authority. It IS authority https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7h8nhv/bitcoin_does_not_need_authority_it_is_authority/ 5 comments btc
- We need to start pressuring companies in a big way to accept Bitcoin https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6vimyf/we_need_to_start_pressuring_companies_in_a_big/ 25 comments btc
- Why Bitcoin needs to be in everyone’s investment portfolio https://www.etoro.com/blog/market-insights/why-bitcoin-needs-to-be-in-everyones-investment-portfolio/ 4 comments btc
- I need a lightweight Bitcoin wallet for Linux https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5yh8oj/i_need_a_lightweight_bitcoin_wallet_for_linux/ 4 comments btc
- Taproot Has Been Activated on the Bitcoin Network — What You Need To Know. The Bitcoin network is better than ever. https://www.inbitcoinwetrust.net/taproot-has-been-activated-on-the-bitcoin-network-what-you-need-to-know-234f62c9d551 7 comments cryptocurrency
- Do Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin ABC still need to be split if you want to move one or the other without having to worry about the transaction being replayed on the other chain? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a2cvrv/do_bitcoin_sv_and_bitcoin_abc_still_need_to_be/ 14 comments btc
- Bitcoin Loses Bullish Trendline as Fed Sees Restrictive Rates Needed for Some Time https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2022/08/18/bitcoin-loses-bullish-trendline-as-fed-sees-restrictive-rates-needed-for-some-time/ 53 comments cryptocurrency
- Everything You Need to Know About Fidelity Offering Bitcoin in 401ks https://401kspecialistmag.com/fidelity-to-offer-bitcoin-in-401ks/ 4 comments bitcoin
- 'We Need to Allow Banks' to Hold Bitcoin: FDIC Chair https://decrypt.co/84507/we-need-allow-banks-hold-bitcoin-fdic-chair 10 comments cryptocurrency
- Need a freelancer? Hire them with Bitcoin Cash! https://venezuelaworkers.com/ 7 comments btc
- Debunked: "Bitcoin needs to become a store of value before it can be used as a medium of exchange." https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/8ojwr7/debunked_bitcoin_needs_to_become_a_store_of_value/ 10 comments btc
- Bitcoin attack, ‘Corebleed,’ demonstrates the need for node decentralisation https://bravenewcoin.com/news/bitcoin-attack-corebleed-demonstrates-the-need-for-node-decentralisation/ 30 comments btc
- Cryptocurrency community - needs more bitcoin folk https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6phpfv/cryptocurrency_community_needs_more_bitcoin_folk/ 2 comments btc
- Bitcoin needs to upgrade to at least 4MB on-chain block size https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/69m2uy/bitcoin_needs_to_upgrade_to_at_least_4mb_onchain/ 32 comments btc
- If you support Bitcoin Classic, you need to have a really good reason why you are *not* running a Bitcoin Classic node https://duckduckgo.com/?q=bitcoin+full+node 86 comments btc
- Exchanges and other sites need to change "Bitcoin" to "Bitcoin Core" https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7c5tt2/exchanges_and_other_sites_need_to_change_bitcoin/ 3 comments btc
- Local Bitcoin will be a breakthrough service for BCH. Do we need a trollbox to make the service more engaging? https://local.bitcoin.com 21 comments btc
- Bitcoin Needs to Cross $213,000 To Replace U.S Dollar As a Global Currency: UBS Report https://www.worldcoinindex.com/news/bitcoin-needs-to-cross-213-000-to-replace-u-s-dollar-as-a-global-currency-ubs-report 3 comments btc
- Does Bitcoin Cash Difficulty Algorithm need changing? | CoinGeek.com https://coingeek.com/does-bitcoin-cash-difficulty-algorithm-need-changing/ 9 comments btc
- Why Bitcoin Cash needs all of our support NOW, not in 90 days: "The best defense is a good offense" https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6phusv/why_bitcoin_cash_needs_all_of_our_support_now_not/ 71 comments btc
- At some point folks need to acknowledge blockchain's killer app is already here, and it's bitcoin. There's now been over $1.6 trillion in value sent using BTC. https://twitter.com/Coinnoisseur/status/879468433850683392 42 comments btc
- Bitcoin maximalism is the idea that you need to fix the money first https://fixthemoney.substack.com/p/bitcoin-maximalism-is-the-idea-that 14 comments bitcoin
- Fidelity is bullish on bitcoin - "Why investors need to consider bitcoin separately from other digital assets." https://www.fidelitydigitalassets.com/bin-public/060_www_fidelity_com/documents/FDAS/bitcoin-first.pdf 9 comments bitcoin
- Bitcoin Leverage Trading 101 — Everything You Need To Understand What Happened on December 3, 2021. Don’t get trapped by the Whales anymore. https://www.inbitcoinwetrust.net/bitcoin-leverage-trading-101-everything-you-need-to-understand-what-happened-on-december-3-2021-15f84b5882ed 27 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Golden Cross: Everything You Need To Know About The Bullish Signal https://www.newsbtc.com/analysis/btc/bitcoin-golden-cross-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-bullish-signal/ 31 comments cryptocurrency
- User on r/bitcoin demonstrates fear of the truth about Bitcoin and scaling on chain getting out, says certain people need to be "targeted and actively shut down." https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/79dk7d/if_by_pairing_he_cant_decide_craig_wright_has/dp1p2av/?context=10000 6 comments btc
- It's like everyone is trying to re-invent Bitcoin on top of Bitcoin, while Bitcoin itself is more than capable of doing what it needs to do. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4k74cr/maaku7_i_dont_know_anyone_who_is_actually_working/d3cqz1z 24 comments btc
- That’s why I don’t believe so called stable-coins and Bitcoin Cash is all what you need, since the last BUSD issues https://www.theblock.co/post/218971/circle-says-3-3-billion-of-usdc-reserves-are-with-silicon-valley-bank 8 comments btc
- The Taliban Are Banning Bitcoin, Without Trying to Understand Why Bitcoin Is Vital to Afghans. This ban is already doomed to fail, as Afghans need Bitcoin too much daily in the face of this totalitarian regime. https://inbitcoinwetrust.substack.com/p/the-taliban-are-banning-bitcoin-without 55 comments bitcoin
- Double Spend Relay in XT was contested by owner Mike Hearn and introduces risks to zero-conf not needed in Bitcoin Cash. https://github.com/BitcoinUnlimited/BitcoinUnlimited/pull/1109#issuecomment-410503792 134 comments btc
- Whoever made the infomercial video for Bitcoin.org needs to remake it as Bitcoin cash and explain how segwit coin differs. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7gsh4b/whoever_made_the_infomercial_video_for_bitcoinorg/ 3 comments btc
- Bitcoin miners revived a dying coal plant – then CO2 emissions soared. Critics say the enormous electricity consumption needed to sustain cryptocurrency is fueling the climate crisis and now threatens a partial resurrection of coal in the US. "...it’s a disaster for the climate.” https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/feb/18/bitcoin-miners-revive-fossil-fuel-plant-co2-emissions-soared 81 comments energy
- On-Chain "Mobile" Style Social Games Could Be The Viral Element That Bitcoin Cash Needs To Go Mainstream https://www.yours.org/content/on-chain--mobile--style-social-games-could-be-the-viral-element-that-b-c3b390de8960 6 comments btc
- The French Revolution comes to r/litecoin: "we need to STOP putting Charlie on a fucking pedestal." - Who's gonna copy-paste code for them from Bitcoin now?.. https://np.reddit.com/r/litecoin/comments/87ff6n/lets_be_honest_if_we_want_ltc_is_succeed_we_need/ 37 comments btc
- Purse needs to hurry up and take BCH. They have to come to terms with BTC being dead as Bitcoin already and move on. These merchants are dragging their feet which is hurting customers and the entire use of crypto cash experience https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7v4dkg/purse_needs_to_hurry_up_and_take_bch_they_have_to/ 58 comments btc
- "UASF is the best thing that ever happened to Bitcoin. It's like the assholes all decided to leave the party. Hell YES, let me help open the door for you, here's your coat sir, do you need anything on your way out, bye now, best of luck to you sir, love ya, mean it!!!" ~ u/jessquit https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6kf5or/uasfers_preparing_for_the_inevitable_necessity/djlmrd9/?context=2 19 comments btc
- David Jerry: Bitcoin needs to be resilient enough to survive contentious HFs WITHOUT the supervision of BS core devs. If it is to last in the long run https://twitter.com/digitsu/status/817284208276049921 80 comments btc
- "Trolls can't stop hating on him!" Hey u/theymos, maybe banning u/ydtm from r\bitcoin (three months after he had posted only a total of 2 posts there) wasn't enough. Maybe you need to ban all *mention* of u/ydtm on r\bitcoin also. Stop giving free publicity to u/ydtm! https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/40hirh/ive_finally_been_banned_from_rbitcoin_for_witch/ 15 comments btc