- Chris Pacia: "On Craig Wright" https://chrispacia.wordpress.com/2017/05/07/on-craig-wright/ 34 comments btc
- Craig Wright is a Fool https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9vxt0o/craig_wright_is_a_fool/ 26 comments btc
- Craig Wright is NOT the face of or "CEO" Bitcoin Cash https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/74jv27/craig_wright_is_not_the_face_of_or_ceo_bitcoin/ 130 comments btc
- Craig Wright on Bitcoin Scalability https://coingeek.com/temp-title-matt/ 235 comments btc
- Craig Wright not Satoshi - finally https://twitter.com/hodlonaut/status/1768300834482278896?s=19&t=wA4ihZww3XtqYCrlbkbpSA 3 comments bitcoin
- Craig Wright: “I am going to come in front of a camera, once.” https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7on0dg/craig_wright_i_am_going_to_come_in_front_of_a/ 11 comments btc
- Australian man Craig Wrights claim he invented bitcoin to be considered by uk court https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/apr/23/australian-man-craig-wrights-claim-he-invented-bitcoin-to-be-considered-by-uk-court 17 comments cryptocurrency
- Craig Wright's "Best Conference Paper" was almost totally plagiarized https://twitter.com/Zectro1/status/1169703880705200128 52 comments btc
- Craig Wright fails to appeal UK case, even after posting he did https://protos.com/craig-wright-fails-to-appeal-uk-ruling-in-bitcoin-case/ 15 comments cryptocurrency
- Latest Court Ruling Is Not A Win For Craig Wright Or His Satoshi Claims https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/craig-wright-did-not-win-latest-trial 4 comments bitcoin
- Craig Wright Says Blockstream Hacked Him to Forge Documents https://beincrypto.com/craig-wright-says-blockstream-hacked-him-to-forge-documents/?amp%3Butm_content=JM&%3Butm_medium=social&%3Butm_source=reddit 5 comments btc
- #FontGate: Bitcoin Pretender Craig Wright Exposed by Calibri Typeface https://www.ccn.com/op-ed/bitcoin-craig-wright-fontgate/2019/07/04/ 42 comments btc
- Chinese Citizen Wei Liu Claims Authorship of Bitcoin Whitepaper to Satirize Craig Wright https://news.8btc.com/chinese-citizen-wei-liu-claims-authorship-of-bitcoin-whitepaper-to-satirize-craig-wright 14 comments btc
- Has Craig Wright Committed Perjury? New Information in the Kleiman Case https://medium.com/@whatbitcoindid/has-craig-wright-committed-perjury-new-information-in-the-kleiman-case-cbaaf2628e93 57 comments btc
- Reminder about what interests Craig S Wright really represents https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/bitcoin-wright-patents/ 86 comments btc
- The illusion of scale in segregated witness Author: Craig Wright https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6maagr/the_illusion_of_scale_in_segregated_witness/ 18 comments btc
- 'Bitcoin founder' Craig Wright's home raided by Australian police http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/dec/09/bitcoin-founder-craig-wrights-home-raided-by-australian-police 39 comments technology
- 'I never considered another player at No. 1' - Wright locked in atop final Craig Button's List https://www.tsn.ca/shane-wright-nhl-draft-prospect-ranking-craig-button-1.1815325 62 comments hockey
- Bitcoin Faketoshi Fails Again? Craig Wright 'Exposed' by Microsoft Office https://www.ccn.com/bitcoin-craig-wright-exposed-by-microsoft/ 15 comments btc
- Longform: The Bitcoin Cash civil wars, ft. Roger Ver and Craig Wright https://decryptmedia.com/2019/01/01/bitcoin-cash-coin-of-the-year/ 7 comments btc
- GQ interview with Craig Wright "F##K OFF!! I'll DISAPPEAR!!!!!!" https://youtu.be/7YUTq7_vO3A?t=3m10s 6 comments btc
- Craig Wright is either a scammer, or he's Satoshi wanting us to believe he's a scammer. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6ok5sr/craig_wright_is_either_a_scammer_or_hes_satoshi/ 25 comments btc
- Craig Wright's Claims About Inventing Bitcoin Still Don't Make Any Goddamn Sense http://gizmodo.com/craig-wrights-claims-about-inventing-bitcoin-still-dont-1782303576 3 comments btc
- Craig Wright Cleared of All Charges Except a Conversion Count, Jury Awards $100 Million to W&K Info Defense https://news.bitcoin.com/craig-wright-cleared-of-all-charges-except-a-conversion-count-jury-awards-100-million-to-wk-info-defense/ 24 comments cryptocurrency
- Judge Gives Craig Wright New Deadline - Citing Forgery, Perjured Testimony in Court https://news.bitcoin.com/craig-wright-new-deadline-forgery/ 3 comments btc
- Greg Maxwell emailing Craig Wright is enough proof that Wright should never be listened to again https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9wa556/greg_maxwell_emailing_craig_wright_is_enough/ 59 comments btc
- Reddit mods censor Craig Wright quote, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was right https://coingeek.com/reddit-mods-censor-craig-wright-quote-doesnt-change-fact-right/ 18 comments btc
- Craig Wright on “The Risks of Segregated Witness: Opening the Door to Mining Cartels” http://www.bitcoininsider.org/article/2187/craig-wright-risks-segregated-witness-opening-door-mining-cartels 113 comments btc
- Something wild seems to be brewing with the Satoshi Nakamoto as Craig Wright story! https://forum.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-discussion/something-wild-is-brewing-with-the-satoshi-nakamoto-as-csw-story-t8082.html 25 comments btc
- It doesn't matter who created Bitcoin Or, 'Craig Wright’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week.' http://www.engadget.com/2016/05/05/it-doesnt-matter-who-created-bitcoin/ 3 comments technews
- Craig Wright just ordered by Federal judge to produce his early bitcoin addresses and the details and contact information for his "Tulip" trust by end of the day on Wednesday https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.521536/gov.uscourts.flsd.521536.166.0_1.pdf 101 comments btc
- "What that will actually allow is people to start treating it as cash. . . . "When we’re finished with it, with the addition of blinded thresholds and a few other things, Bitcoin Cash will be truly fungible. ~Dr. Craig S. Wright https://twitter.com/OnWindowly/status/979699094821093376 58 comments btc
- It’s time for another reminder - Craig Wright is NOT Bitcoin Cash. He never was. Bitcoin Cash is all of us including anyone that wants to be a part of it. No single person owns or controls Bitcoin Cash. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/74jv27/craig_wright_is_not_the_face_of_or_ceo_bitcoin/ 341 comments btc
- Dave Kleiman’s estate sues Craig Wright for $10 billion in stolen bitcoin. Hmm... (x-post from /r/Bitcoin) https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/80e2l9/10_billion_lawsuit_filed_against_craig_wright/ 474 comments btc
- "Oh the irony. Banks shun Bitcoin due to fraud risk... Below it... an insider fraud case from a bank."-Dr. Craig S. Wright https://twitter.com/ProfFaustus/status/922771502331777025 121 comments btc
- "BCC / BCH are Bitcoin They follow the whitepaper. BTC has started to leave the idea of a chain of digital signatures behind. That makes it stop as Bitcoin." - Dr. Craig Wright https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6xde1m/an_inconspicuous_change_request_in_bitcoin_abc/dmfajnr/ 216 comments btc
- Craig Wright: "There is no king. There is no glorious leader...There is not going to be some great leader standing above...There's not going to be one person that we come and answer to. It will be the BEST IDEAS." https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6na5um/craig_wright_there_is_no_king_there_is_no/ 12 comments btc
- Craig Wright says miners will be able to ignore Segwit txs., Maxwell says they won't be able to. Who's right? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6lvbac/craig_wright_says_miners_will_be_able_to_ignore/ 79 comments btc
- "[Dr. Craig Wright] is currently working towards regulation and acceptance of virtual currencies." Yep, sounds like Satoshi. http://www.drcraigwright.net/about/ 7 comments btc
- Reported 'Bitcoin founder' Craig Wright's home raided by federal police - raids related to an Australian Tax Office investigation. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/dec/09/bitcoin-founder-craig-wrights-home-raided-by-australian-police 42 comments worldnews