- Trump’s for-profit presidency https://www.vox.com/politics/391338/trump-business-truth-social-crypto-liv-hotel-conflicts 44 comments politics
- President Donald Trump Claims Closing Border with Mexico Would be 'Profit-Making Operation' https://www.newsweek.com/president-donald-trump-claims-closing-border-mexico-would-be-profit-making-1380814 72 comments politics
- In a complete turnaround from his previous position, President-elect Donald Trump is nearing a settlement of the fraud cases brought in New York and California involving his now defunct for-profit Trump University http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/donald-trump-nearing-settlement-trump-university-fraud-case-article-1.2878780?cid=bitly 4 comments politics
- "For-Profit President": A Look at How Trump Is Pushing Wholesale Corporate Takeover of the Gov't https://www.democracynow.org/2017/2/20/for_profit_president_a_look_at 7 comments politics
- The Winners of Trump’s Washington Fifty-one insiders who profited off the presidency. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-presidency-insider-profits.html 3 comments politics
- Trump Jr: 'Nonsense' that family's profiting from presidency https://apnews.com/14a2355aba214af9af72d54a1adf6c66/trump-jr:-'nonsense'-that-family's-profiting-from-presidency 65 comments politics
- Trump Jr: ‘Nonsense’ that family’s profiting from presidency https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/luxury-property-ad-blitz-heralds-trump-sons-visit-to-india/2018/02/20/d8e8d88a-16ad-11e8-930c-45838ad0d77a_story.html 63 comments politics
- U.S. Supreme Court ends Trump lawsuits alleging he illegally profited off presidency https://globalnews.ca/news/7597585/supreme-court-trump-emolument-lawsuits/amp/ 18 comments politics
- Trump once again seems to have profited from the presidency. What else is new? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/01/23/trump-once-again-seems-have-profited-presidency-what-else-is-new/ 22 comments politics
- Attorneys General Shocked At Court's Decision To Allow Donald Trump To 'Brazenly' Profit From Presidency https://www.newsweek.com/attorney-general-response-emoluments-donald-trump-1448590 508 comments politics
- Eric Trump Blames Democrats for Ruining His Plans to Profit Off the Presidency https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/02/eric-trump-blames-democrats-for-ruining-his-plans 121 comments politics
- Harley-Davidson Profit Is Wiped Out by President Trump’s Tariffs https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-29/harley-profit-wiped-out-by-tariffs-as-sales-continue-slumping 119 comments business
- Harley-Davidson Profit Is Wiped Out by President Trump’s Tariffs https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-29/harley-profit-wiped-out-by-tariffs-as-sales-continue-slumping 140 comments politics
- Trump Organization to be subpoenaed over claims Trump profited from presidency https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2018/dec/04/trump-live-latest-news-michael-flynn-mueller-russia-investigation-us-politics-today 4 comments politics
- By the numbers: How Trump properties profited from his presidency https://www.axios.com/donald-trump-properties-taxpayer-campaigns-presidency-91e3755d-23cd-42d1-897d-c0c81ac509dd.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twsocialshare&utm_campaign=organic 3 comments politics
- Trump Jr.: 'Nonsense' to suggest family is profiting from presidency http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/374798-trump-jr-rejects-idea-family-is-profiting-from-presidency 42 comments politics
- Trump business ethics pledges left room for profiting off his presidency https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-business-ethics-pledges-left-room-for-profiting-off-his-presidency/ 3 comments politics
- DOJ Is Defending Trump's Right to Profit From the Presidency http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/11/doj-is-defending-trumps-right-to-profit-from-the-presidency.html 177 comments politics
- Trump will spend weekend at U.S. Women’s Open, profiting from presidency https://thinkprogress.org/trump-will-spend-weekend-at-u-s-womens-open-profiting-from-presidency-2dcc6e7971a1 13 comments politics
- Departing Ethics Chief: Sure Looks Like Trump Is Profiting From Presidency https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/07/07/departing-ethics-chief-sure-looks-trump-profiting-presidency 30 comments politics
- Donald Trump is using presidency for profit and personally enriching himself and his family in the process http://independentreview.xyz/2016/12/19/donald-trump-using-presidency-profit-personally-enriching-family-process/ 10 comments politics
- Donald Trump urged to sell off business interests amid concerns he could profit from presidency http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/donald-trump-urged-to-divest-his-business-interests-amid-concerns-he-could-profit-from-presidency-a7430011.html 5 comments politics
- Trump hotel sales pitch boasts of profit potential from foreign governments. Trump Organization looks to sell its lease on Washington DC hotel accused of of being conduit for improperly enriching the president https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/14/trump-international-hotel-washington-dc-foreign-governments 9 comments politics
- Trump Profiting From Presidency by Selling White House-Branded Merchandise Via His ‘Trump Store’ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-white-house-shop-store-merchandise-us-president-a8835361.html 520 comments politics
- President Trump’s company reveals how much foreign profit it donated to the U.S. Treasury: $151,470 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2018/03/06/the-presidents-company-wont-say-how-much-money-it-made-in-foreign-profits-last-year-have-you-got-a-guess/ 3 comments politics
- Donald Trump Jr. said that any talk of his family profiting from his father’s presidency is “nonsense” . https://nypost.com/2018/02/21/trump-jr-nonsense-that-family-profits-from-presidency/ 21 comments politics
- Trump's Christmas Gift to Himself: Study Details How President Will Profit Off GOP Tax Bill https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/12/23/trumps-christmas-gift-himself-study-details-how-president-will-profit-gop-tax-bill 7 comments politics
- Trump Is Trying To Profit Off Of Hurricane Harvey By Using The Presidency To Sell Hats http://www.politicususa.com/2017/08/27/trump-profit-hurricane-harvey-presidency-sell-hats.html 5 comments politics
- Crew releases report: profiting from the presidency: a year’s worth of president trump’s conflicts of interest https://www.citizensforethics.org/press-release/crew-releases-report-profiting-presidency-years-worth-president-trumps-conflicts-interest/ 5 comments politics
- Fact-Checking Trump’s Claim That He ‘Prepaid Millions’ in Income Taxes | The president’s assertion, misleading at best, distracts from the reality that he has paid little or no income tax most years, largely because his business losses far outweighed his profits. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/02/us/politics/trump-taxes-prepay-fact-check.html?action=click&module=news&pgtype=homepage 7 comments politics
- Advocates Say Illinois Ban on Private Immigrant Detention Centers, a 'Firewall' Against Trump's Attacks on Immigrants, Should Be Model for Country "We will not allow private entities to profit off of the intolerance of this president." byJessica Corbett, staff writer https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/06/24/advocates-say-illinois-ban-private-immigrant-detention-centers-firewall-against 3 comments politics
- Never-Before-Seen Trump Tax Documents Show Major Inconsistencies | The president’s businesses made themselves appear more profitable to lenders and less profitable to tax officials. One expert calls the differing numbers “versions of fraud.” https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-inc-podcast-never-before-seen-trump-tax-documents-show-major-inconsistencies 2746 comments politics
- Donald Trump’s first term as US president was supremely profitable for his hotels, estates, and other properties, which were endorsed during several dozen political events last year. https://qz.com/index/1188274/donald-trumps-conflict-of-interests-include-64-political-events-hosted-at-his-properties/ 119 comments politics
- The Trump Organization has not been tracking all possible payments it receives from foreign governments, despite President Trump’s promise to donate all profits earned from foreign governments to the U.S. Treasury in an effort to avoid conflicts of... http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/334948-trump-organization-not-tracking-foreign-cash-at-hotels-report 16 comments economy
- Trump’s promotion of Doral for G-7 summit will be used against him in court | The brief cites the selection — since reversed — as evidence that Donald Trump is profiting off the presidency. https://www.tampabay.com/news/nation-world/2019/10/22/trumps-promotion-of-doral-for-g-7-summit-will-be-used-against-him-in-court/ 27 comments politics
- "I'm Not Willing to Do That": Trump Says He Won't Take Climate Action Because It Would Threaten Corporate Profits: The U.S. president reportedly worked to weaken G20 commitment to fighting climate crisis during summit in Osaka, Japan https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/06/29/im-not-willing-do-trump-says-he-wont-take-climate-action-because-it-would-threaten 349 comments worldnews
- Trump swooped in to profit from White House photographer’s book deal – report - Ex-president blocked Shealah Craighead plan and then made up to $20m from publishing images in own memoir, New York Times says https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/31/trump-white-house-photographer-shealah-craighead-book 35 comments politics
- In the scenario he loses, Trump is expected to attempt making a profit off his former presidency. From selling U.S. secrets to foreign governments, to using his lifetime secret service protection to his monetary advantage, anything and everything is expected. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/10/30/imagining-post-president-trump-433704 41 comments politics
- What Trump isn't telling you about his children — CNN's Sara Murray reports how President Trump's children are profiting off their father's presidency, while Trump and other Republicans are accusing Joe Biden and his son Hunter of being "corrupt" for doing the same. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/10/04/donald-trump-children-business-murray-dnt-ebof-vpx.cnn 967 comments politics
- The April jobs report reveals something about America which Trump would rather you didn't know: For the Mar-a-Lago Brunch Buffet crowd that fills President Trump’s world, profits are up and the markets are strong. The skies are darker for others — including the people he pledged to help https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/april-jobs-report-trump-us-economy-work-a8899061.html 31 comments politics