- Graduated last year and I’ve been solo-developing a roguelike instead of looking for a job, my applications were constantly getting rejected and entry level position requirements were actually insane. So I decided to work for a company that actually cares about me, my self. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2266780/Ascendant/ 17 comments linux_gaming
- Recently graduated as a CS major and all of my applications keep getting rejected so I started making a roguelite instead https://store.steampowered.com/app/2266780/Ascendant/ 26 comments csharp
- World's top graduates get new UK visa option https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61628740 8 comments worldnews
- World's top graduates get new UK visa option https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61628740 18 comments europe
- Tommaso Ciampa on how he started with wrestling: "The rule my parents had was that I had to finish high school and I had to get my own car. So my first car was like a $500, beat up van, the second i got the car, I just went and [signed up]. That was my graduation present." https://www.sescoops.com/news/how-tommaso-ciampa-got-into-wrestling/ 19 comments squaredcircle
- Arn Anderson told his son Brock Anderson to graduate college before getting into pro wrestling https://wrestlingnews.co/aew-news/arn-anderson-told-his-son-brock-anderson-to-graduate-college-before-getting-into-pro-wrestling/ 20 comments squaredcircle
- Question for hiring managers - UK Graduate - Using job offer from one company as leverage to get a job from another - do I need to prove this to new employer with signed contract? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/ncww08/question_for_hiring_managers_uk_graduate_using/ 21 comments cscareerquestions
- ₹13 lakh a year: that’s what India Today says IIMC’s graduates get https://www.newslaundry.com/2019/05/22/india-today-report-iimc-graduates-get-rs-13-lakh-annual-salary 6 comments india
- Recent graduate, unemployed and cant afford rent/bills applied for about 200 jobs this month getting around 20 interviews and nothing suceessful so far. Looking for tips to make short term quick money and how to eat, havent eaten in a few days until my girlfriend brought over a takeout https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/agoj04/recent_graduate_unemployed_and_cant_afford/ 14 comments personalfinance
- I want to live my life in Himalayan region amidst nature and simple honest people. As a BA graduate, can I get a job and place to live there? https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/aci055/i_want_to_live_my_life_in_himalayan_region_amidst/ 14 comments india
- (Pennsylvania) As a recent high-school graduate with no credit history and no co-signers, how can I get private student loans? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/940sbp/pennsylvania_as_a_recent_highschool_graduate_with/ 5 comments personalfinance
- New college graduate that would like to bounce a few ideas off of someone / get some general financial guidance https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/7ny5jc/new_college_graduate_that_would_like_to_bounce_a/ 8 comments personalfinance
- I am a 3rd year engineering student graduating in May 2019. I am looking to maximize my savings and pay off some debt before graduation next year. Could you help me get started in the right direction? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/7nstr7/i_am_a_3rd_year_engineering_student_graduating_in/ 3 comments personalfinance
- India's MBA crisis: Why fresh graduates are not getting jobs https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/indias-mba-crisis-why-fresh-graduates-are-not-getting-jobs/articleshow/61794456.cms 10 comments india
- Getting an internship (delay graduation), or take a semester of courses at a top school and then seek an internship, will either one significantly put me in a better position career wise? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/7ax1c6/getting_an_internship_delay_graduation_or_take_a/ 13 comments cscareerquestions
- Is it normal to not get callbacks prior to graduation? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/77wemm/is_it_normal_to_not_get_callbacks_prior_to/ 4 comments cscareerquestions
- (CAN) Parents want to put me on the mortgage when I graduate because they can't get affordable rates, unsure how this will impact my future https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/77oq2v/can_parents_want_to_put_me_on_the_mortgage_when_i/ 14 comments personalfinance
- AWS certification for non-technical graduate in order to get first job https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/74hdb0/aws_certification_for_nontechnical_graduate_in/ 7 comments cscareerquestions
- Why do college football players graduate, and start / join on their professional team right away, but it might take the most gifted baseball player 2-4 years in "A-ball" to get a chance? https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/6uvzj3/why_do_college_football_players_graduate_and/ 28 comments baseball
- Will getting a job in cell phone sales help me get a job in technology/pharmaceutical/medical device/software sales once I graduate college? https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/comments/6sv95d/will_getting_a_job_in_cell_phone_sales_help_me/ 13 comments sales
- Never had an internship graduating in may is it possible to get a job? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6rwezz/never_had_an_internship_graduating_in_may_is_it/ 4 comments cscareerquestions
- Recent CS graduate, getting paid £16k py, 2 years experience with C#. Should I ditch and get a better paying job? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6ofhch/recent_cs_graduate_getting_paid_16k_py_2_years/ 11 comments cscareerquestions
- How hard is it to get a job in a different region than you graduated from? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6nugbs/how_hard_is_it_to_get_a_job_in_a_different_region/ 19 comments cscareerquestions
- As a recent college graduate who wants to get into digital marketing what coding languages and concepts should I learn on my own to make me more marketable? https://www.reddit.com/r/marketing/comments/6n497d/as_a_recent_college_graduate_who_wants_to_get/ 43 comments marketing
- I am a 28-year-old college graduate stuck in a string of dead-end jobs. Taking any and all suggestions to get my life on track. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6mkha5/i_am_a_28yearold_college_graduate_stuck_in_a/ 41 comments personalfinance
- [Indian] If I graduate from Switzerland, and find employment in Germany, would I get a work visa? https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/5yf9h9/indian_if_i_graduate_from_switzerland_and_find/ 7 comments germany
- Berkeley BS, CMU MS (with caveat). Graduating in May and having trouble getting interviews https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/5xiv9q/berkeley_bs_cmu_ms_with_caveat_graduating_in_may/ 31 comments cscareerquestions
- Should I lie about my graduation date in order to get one more summer internship? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/5x1cp6/should_i_lie_about_my_graduation_date_in_order_to/ 32 comments cscareerquestions
- Is it easier to land a job post-graduation than it is to get an internship? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/5ktqji/is_it_easier_to_land_a_job_postgraduation_than_it/ 10 comments cscareerquestions
- Im a senior in college, 21 years old, graduating with no debt. I'm looking to get my first credit card. Any suggestions or help? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/5gxpht/im_a_senior_in_college_21_years_old_graduating/ 31 comments personalfinance
- I'm currently making in the mid 50k's as a web programmer, about to graduate, how should I best be advancing my career to get to where I want? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/50xbol/im_currently_making_in_the_mid_50ks_as_a_web/ 6 comments cscareerquestions
- Graduating college without a job. Have not learned a lot. What do I begin to do to get said job ? I need [HELP]. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/50mq29/graduating_college_without_a_job_have_not_learned/ 10 comments india
- Graduate looking to get into Investment Analysis http://www.cisi.org/bookmark/genericform.aspx?URL=certim4&form=29848780 14 comments investing
- 40,000 could get high school diplomas under bill sent to Jerry Brown: "Under SB172 students who failed the California High School Exit Exam since it debuted in 2006 would be eligible to receive their diplomas if they met all other graduation requirements." http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/40-000-could-get-their-high-school-diplomas-under-6496556.php 24 comments politics
- Taco Bell CEO: 'Our goal is to get 100% of teens graduating high school' http://fortune.com/video/2015/06/12/taco-bell-ceo-our-goal-is-to-get-100-of-teens-graduating-high-school/ 19 comments nottheonion
- Journalism graduate writes “Expert at attacking Hinduism” in his resume; Gets flooded with offers http://www.theunrealtimes.com/2015/02/06/journalism-graduate-writes-expert-at-attacking-hinduism-in-his-resume-gets-flooded-with-offers/ 5 comments india
- An Afghan town gets its first female high-school graduates http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/2/8/even-at-graduationtimeafghangirlsovershadowedbyboys.html 54 comments worldnews
- Only 16% of graduates get degree in science, math, or engineering http://rabareview.com/2011/04/20/college-education-in-america-poor-choice-of-majors 740 comments science
- "Why don't they want to hire me?" she asked of the companies not responding to the resumes she sends out each week. "I went through four years of college, graduated. You get praised while you are working and then all the sudden you are not employable." http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bal-laidoff0323,0,5120855.story 49 comments business
- Can I get a personal loan as someone who recently graduated from college with a Computer Science degree, good grades, etc. but am still looking for a job? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6l1qd2/can_i_get_a_personal_loan_as_someone_who_recently/ 9 comments personalfinance