- Trump's Big Energy Plan Is... Recession? Trump promised to "cut energy prices in half, or more than that, within 12 months." Sharp declines in gas prices tend to come with economic downturns, market turmoil or disasters, not by presidential decree. https://energynow.com/2024/09/trumps-big-energy-plan-is-recession/?amp= 163 comments energy
- Trump Is Promising Cheap Gas. Too Bad Getting It Would Likely Crash The Economy. Oil industry experts agree there is no way he can deliver $1.70-a-gallon gas without destroying the domestic oil industry and triggering a deep recession. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-half-price-gas-promise-recession_n_66c68217e4b01c59f9de051f 315 comments energy
- Where’s the Recession We Were Promised? https://www.wsj.com/articles/wheres-the-recession-we-were-promised-cd68a992 25 comments business
- OCC chief Michael Hsu thinks that the personalities and promises in crypto today remind him of those that appeared before the global recession - I don't mind if he's right if that means I can buy my favorite coins on a huge discount https://decrypt.co/81515/occ-chief-calls-crypto-defi-fools-gold?&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=feed&utm_source=coinmarketcap 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Schiff promises impeachment report 'soon after' Thanksgiving recess https://www.marketwatch.com/story/schiff-promises-impeachment-report-soon-after-thanksgiving-recess-2019-11-25 2 comments politics
- "Why do voters need to know what Hillary told the banks? Because it was Wall Street that was responsible for the 2008 recession, making life worse for most Americans. We need to know what, if anything, she promised these behemoths." http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/02/29/occupy-hillary-clintons-wall-street-speeches/ 417 comments politics
- Sen. Vitter Promises Greater Obstructionism In Response To Cordray Recess Appointment http://politicalcorrection.org/blog/201201060005#.twdroi2etxw.reddit 6 comments politics
- President Obama promises; "No danger of another recession" http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/17/obama-jobs-recession-idusn1e77g1wm20110817 10 comments politics
- Obama Says Recession Requires Scaling Back Promises http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=a3ymkstd3jza 5 comments politics