Hacker News
- Fun Hack: How to open many keypad-access doors http://david.weebly.com/1/post/2009/03/how-to-open-many-keypad-access-doors.html 21 comments
- Where's the fun in accessibility? https://elisehe.in/2022/07/19/the-fun-in-accessibility 26 comments
- Waterbear is a toolkit for making programming more accessible and fun https://waterbearlang.com/ 2 comments
- UK Police Accessed Civilian Data for Fun and Profit, New Report Says https://motherboard.vice.com/read/uk-police-accessed-civilian-data 2 comments
- A fun way to bypass an Access Point based firewall https://github.com/stryngs/quickset/blob/main/qs.py 2 comments
- Where's the fun in accessibility? https://uxdesign.cc/wheres-the-fun-in-accessibility-b78c6b9d280d 15 comments a11y
- Making Coding Accessible: A Fun Introduction to Java Methods https://youtu.be/RhWXytaJqwQ 18 comments learnprogramming
- Making Coding Accessible: A Fun Introduction to Java Methods https://youtu.be/RhWXytaJqwQ 4 comments learnjava
- Tannenberg, the WWI shooter has officially left Early Access and it's good fun https://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/tannenberg-the-wwi-shooter-has-officially-left-early-access-and-its-good-fun.13558 4 comments linux_gaming
- I'm trying to have a little fun with my neighbor, but I'm not as tech savy as I thought. I want to send him to a silly page when he tries to access my wifi, but I'm not sure how and am too incompetent to google it, apparently. https://streamable.com/160hx 44 comments soccer
- Accessing a webcam via javascript and having some html5 canvas fun with pixelation http://codepen.io/dlueth/pen/zbhwv 5 comments javascript
- The youngest person in Missouri to give a TED talk has made community service fun, accessible to children https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/making-a-difference/living-up-to-her-name-this-15-year-old-makes-giving-back-fun/63-b6cc599d-200c-40f0-8fa8-e3975118b55d 8 comments upliftingnews
- Introducing Kaboom - Kaboom is an effort to try make game making more accessible and fun for both beginners and intermediate programmers https://blog.replit.com/kaboom 8 comments javascript
- Free to access and fun to listen to: why football podcasts are on the rise https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2018/jun/03/free-to-access-and-fun-to-listen-to-why-football-podcasts-are-on-the-rise 7 comments soccer
- UK Police Accessed Civilian Data For Fun and Profit, Says Report https://motherboard.vice.com/read/uk-police-accessed-civilian-data 15 comments privacy
- UK Police Accessed Civilian Data for Fun and Profit, New Report Says https://motherboard.vice.com/read/uk-police-accessed-civilian-data 7 comments worldnews
- UK Police Accessed Civilian Data for Fun and Profit, New Report Says https://motherboard.vice.com/read/uk-police-accessed-civilian-data 7 comments technology
- passphrase.io - a simple website where you type in a word or phrase to access a notepad. Type common phrases for fun to see what messages people have left behind. https://passphrase.io 19 comments web_design
- passphrase.io - a simple website where you type in a word or phrase to access a notepad. Type common phrases for fun to see what messages people have left behind. https://passphrase.io 29 comments webdev
- How Docker Made Coding and Testing New Projects Fun and Accessible http://blog.giantswarm.io/how-docker-made-coding-and-testing-new-projects-fun-and-accessible 4 comments devops
- Xfinity Pineapple - cloning Comcast access points for fun and profit http://blog.logrhythm.com/security/xfinity-pineapple/ 100 comments netsec
- MiniDLNA + Wi-Fi Access Point + Ext HDD + Powered USB Hub = Mobile Media Server, Fun (Walk-through, if you want it) http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/ 22 comments raspberry_pi
- Here's a fun little tip: You can open most Sentex key pad-access doors by typing in the following code: ***00000099#* http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2009/03/the_doghouse_se_1.html 6 comments reddit.com
- [Jeff Fisher] Looking forward to getting back into the studio w/ some great 🏈people at NFL Network . Tune-in to Total Access tomorrow & Friday. Try to be kind.🙏 We're going to have some fun. And no, it's not on between 7p.m.-9.p.m 🤦♂️So, I'll save you that one. https://twitter.com/coachjefffisher/status/1141512658136342531?s=09 121 comments nfl
- Zompocalypse Fun!!! Death Road to Canada out of Early Access, Day 1 Linux Love!! http://store.steampowered.com/app/252610/ 3 comments linux_gaming
- [Steam] [Early Access] MadOut Open City combat racing game looks pretty and fun! :D http://store.steampowered.com/app/428190/ 6 comments linux_gaming
- Women to lose access to birth control in 25 days. Have fun not getting laid, folks! http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/9/6/161324/6723/561/589293 62 comments reddit.com
- Contrasts – Color Checker for macOS - Get Ready for the Accessibility Act — Fun & WCAG-Compliant! | Product Hunt https://www.producthunt.com/posts/contrasts-color-checker-for-macos 0 comments macapps
- Dear websites which restrict access until I disable my adblocker: I'd rather not read the article I was linked to than disable my adblocker for you. Have fun without the revenue regardless. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/5iffg6/dear_websites_which_restrict_access_until_i/ 214 comments technology
- Uber’s redesigned app wants to mine personal information on your phone. Letting them access your calendars, address books, friends’ locations and more pitched as “more fun”. http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-uber-privacy-20161102-story.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter 85 comments privacy
- SI: Kevin Patrick joins his WWE RAW partner Corey Graves as the new After The Bell podcast co-host, replacing Vic Joseph - “We have access to the most fascinating minds and personalities in the industry, and our goal is to bring people in with us, share that insight, have a bit of fun." https://www.si.com/wrestling/2022/10/31/corey-graves-after-the-bell-podcast-kevin-patrick 14 comments squaredcircle
- The best cure for chart addiction is building! Bear with me, Eth is so fun because it's accessible. Build the 'Hello World' of Dapps. https://youtu.be/swZRo6LFrCw 4 comments ethereum
- Critical Annihilation is an explosion-heavy and stupidly fun twin-stick shooter - Early Access, co-op support http://store.steampowered.com/app/339440/Critical_Annihilation/ 6 comments linux_gaming
- Armed and Gelatinous released for Linux, OS X, and Windows Early Access. fantastically fun couch co-op! grab some friends and controllers! http://store.steampowered.com/app/446510/ 6 comments linux_gaming
- Assault Android Cactus, a fun bullet-hell twin shooter, has come out of early access and has just been released for Linux today. http://store.steampowered.com/app/250110/ 9 comments linux_gaming
- Flying the US becomes yet more fun "..during the final hour of flight customers must remain seated, will not be allowed to access carry-on baggage, or have personal belongings or other items on their laps." http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/strict-new-rules-in-place-for-us-bound-air-travellers/article1412420/ 45 comments reddit.com