Hacker News
- Are we leaking too much business logic to the front end? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/we-leaking-too-much-business-logic-front-end-thanks-like-cervantez 4 comments
- A Working Definition of Business Logic, with Implications for CRUD Code http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/2010/12/working-definition-of-business-logic.html 3 comments
- Oh my poor business logic https://rednafi.com/misc/oh_my_poor_business_logic/ 3 comments programming
- When would you offload business logic from the main thread to Isolate? https://dart.dev/language/concurrency 32 comments flutterdev
- Where do I put my business logic in an ASP.Net Web API? None 5 comments dotnet
- Is Rust ready for business logic? https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot 78 comments rust
- Organizing business logic in Rails with contexts https://nts.strzibny.name/business-logic-in-rails-with-contexts/ 16 comments ruby
- About " Business logic should be in service class " https://github.com/alexeymezenin/laravel-best-practices 12 comments laravel
- Tips for separating business logic from UI logic? https://docs.bit.dev/docs/quick-start 9 comments reactjs
- Reflecting business logic rules into the domain models using typescript by Mohsen Sareminia https://www.reddit.com/r/typescript/comments/i2j9tg/reflecting_business_logic_rules_into_the_domain/ 3 comments typescript
- Business logic https://thomasvilhena.com/2019/08/business-logic 4 comments programming
- Business Logic in Views https://views.py 7 comments django
- Are You Really Ready to Start Adding Business Logic? https://softwhale.io/2018/09/27/are-you-really-ready-to-start-adding-business-logic/ 23 comments programming
- Using PostgreSQL temporary views for expressing business logic http://vvvvalvalval.github.io/posts/using-postgresql-temporary-views-for-expressing-business-logic.html 4 comments programming
- What is "business logic"? https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/77eesr/what_is_business_logic/ 5 comments rails
- How to manage business logic with many and nested if else, switch and loops? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/6nfwnw/how_to_manage_business_logic_with_many_and_nested/ 17 comments learnprogramming
- SQL and Business Logic http://tapoueh.org/blog/2017/06/sql-and-business-logic/ 63 comments programming
- ZenActions: A simple, yet powerful tool to reuse business logic in the view layer. [meteor/react/blaze] https://medium.com/@abhiaiyer/zenactions-972e5c61c30c#.bfqf8kjat 5 comments javascript
- Is SQL a good place for business logic? http://enterprisecraftsmanship.com/2015/11/11/is-sql-a-good-place-for-business-logic/ 24 comments programming
- ASP.NET MVC: Business Logic as a Separate Layer http://blog.diatomenterprises.com/asp-net-mvc-business-logic-as-a-separate-layer/ 17 comments csharp
- Confidently Manage Business Logic with ActiveInteraction http://devblog.orgsync.com/confidently-manage-business-logic-activeinteraction/ 12 comments rails
- Business logic in Django http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6129970/django-separation-of-business-logic-and-views-logic 6 comments django
- We understand your pained logic, Libertarians. The problem is the rich are under-taxed, big business is under-regulated and poor people aren't abusing the system, they are being abused by the system. Basically, your solutions are the problems. http://www.reddit.com/r/libertarian/comments/b8ts7/what_libertarians_are_saying_vs_what_reddittards/ 1273 comments politics
- Decoupling business logic using async generators https://medium.com/@vitaliy.akimov/decoupling-business-logic-using-async-generators-cc257f80ab33 4 comments javascript
- Making first WPF project, where to put business logic and where to initialize it. https://www.reddit.com/r/csharp/comments/77l6e3/making_first_wpf_project_where_to_put_business/ 26 comments csharp
- Django Service Objects - Using Service objects to encapsulate business logic http://mitchel.me/2017/django-service-objects/ 12 comments django
- Expressing Business Logic With F#'s Partial Active Patterns http://blog.tamizhvendan.in/blog/2016/04/28/expressing-business-logic-with-f-number-s-partial-active-patterns/ 3 comments fsharp
- Business Logic in the Database. Yes or No? It depends! http://www.vertabelo.com/blog/notes-from-the-lab/business-logic-in-the-database-yes-or-no-it-depends 22 comments programming
- When all code is just 'business logic' where does the Computer Science come in https://ryxcommar.com/2020/05/15/coding-is-not-computer-science/ 43 comments compsci
- “Since real usage is dying off, BTC adopted a Ponzi business logic that requires a constant influx of fiat to remain valuable.“ https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/x9cddl/btcs_declining_fee_revenues_poses_a_risk_long_term/insq5dr/ 18 comments btc
- Samsung Surpasses Intel As World's Top Semiconductor Company In 2021 Powered By Memory Chip Business And Momentum In Logic ICs https://swarajyamag.com/news-brief/samsung-surpasses-intel-as-worlds-top-semiconductor-company-in-2021-powered-by-memory-chip-business-and-momentum-in-logic-ics 6 comments technology
- Is it considered good practice to include business logic in a FormRequest's authorize() method? https://www.reddit.com/r/laravel/comments/gfukh2/is_it_considered_good_practice_to_include/ 14 comments laravel
- Why SQL is neither legacy, nor low-level, nor difficult, nor the wrong place for (business) data logic, but is simply awesome! http://www.vertabelo.com/blog/notes-from-the-lab/why-sql-is-neither-legacy-nor-low-level-but-simply-awesome 589 comments programming
- "There'll Be More Death": Trump Says He Is Willing to Sacrifice Lives to Reopen US Businesses — "He absolutely does not want you to view these deaths for what they are... a result of his abject failure to handle the pandemic in any logical way." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/05/06/therell-be-more-death-trump-says-he-willing-sacrifice-lives-reopen-us-businesses 953 comments politics
- It's astonishing that Ron Paul can't take the next logical step. He's been so sure that businesses operating in a free market are the cure for all that ails us that he can't see that in a free market, corporatism is the inevitable result. http://www.guerillapost.com/2010/04/ron-paul-and-blindness-of-ideological.html 9 comments politics
- Georgia mayors alarmed by governor's 'reckless' plan to reopen economy - Republican Brian Kemp says some businesses could open this week but mayors say proposal ‘not based on anything logical’ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/21/georgia-mayors-brian-kemp-republican-coronavirus 24 comments politics
- U.S. business logic: "Rising stock prices, rebounding profits, restored dividends and a growing economy are signaling to U.S. banks it’s time for more job cuts. " http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-04-09/jpmorgan-leads-job-cuts-as-banks-seek-to-bolster-profit.html 55 comments politics
- Business-logic of cooperating with the NSA has changed: "no real downside to cooperating with illegal spying requests” has changed, post-Snowden, to “destined to be made public” http://boingboing.net/2013/11/09/business-logic-of-cooperating.html 58 comments worldnews
- A Computer That Thinks Like The Universe --- A technology that could revolutionize how we think about logic, mathematics and the universe. Even failure to make it work might have important implications for our understanding of physics and business http://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2011/11/25/computer-that-thinks-like-universe/g1fkng74ydoh2b802bpy3n/story.html 14 comments business
- Senator Warren: “You follow this pro-corporate trend to its logical conclusion, and sooner or later you’ll end up with a Supreme Court that functions as a wholly owned subsidiary of big business,” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/08/elizabeth-warren-supreme-court_n_3891428.html?utm_hp_ref=politics 854 comments politics