- Where public university tuition has skyrocketed http://money.cnn.com/2015/05/13/pf/college/public-university-tuition-increase/index.html 3 comments economy
- Slashed Funding for Public Universities Is Pushing the Middle Class Toward Extinction: Spending on public higher education is down, tuition is skyrocketing and student debt levels are unmatched in history. The result? Goodbye middle class. http://www.alternet.org/education/154410/slashed_funding_for_public_universities_is_pushing_the_middle_class_toward_extinction/?page=entire 3 comments politics
- Slashed Funding for Public Universities Is Pushing the Middle Class Toward Extinction: Spending on public higher education is down, tuition is skyrocketing and student debt levels are unmatched in history. The result? Goodbye middle class. http://www.alternet.org/economy/154410/slashed_funding_for_public_universities_is_pushing_the_middle_class_toward_extinction?page=entire 9 comments politics