Hacker News
- David Brooks and the Mind of Edward Snowden http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/closeread/2013/06/david-brooks-and-edward-snowden.html 66 comments
- Edward Snowden and spread of encryption blamed after Paris terror attacks http://www.dailydot.com/politics/paris-attack-encryption-snowden/?fb=dd 97 comments
- Edward Snowden Calls CBDCs 'Cryptofascist Currency' — 'Closer to Being a Perversion of Cryptocurrency' https://news.bitcoin.com/edward-snowden-calls-cbdcs-cryptofascist-currency-closer-to-being-a-perversion-of-cryptocurrency/ 29 comments cryptocurrency
- Edward Snowden in His Own Words: Why I Became a Whistle-Blower https://www.wired.com/story/edward-snowden-in-his-own-words-why-i-became-a-whistle-blower/ 85 comments privacy
- Edward Snowden https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/6y1bxa/edward_snowden/ 15 comments privacy
- ‘It’s an economic war’: How the Edward Snowden of banking is blowing the whistle on secret Swiss accounts http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/08/08/how-the-edward-snowden-of-banking-is-blowing-the-whistle-on-secret-swiss-accounts/ 13 comments worldnews
- Dear Edward Snowden | TuxRadar Linux http://tuxradar.com/content/dear-edward-snowden 42 comments linux
- Whistleblower Edward Snowden Says $6 Trillion in Stimulus Is 'Good for Bitcoin’ https://news.bitcoin.com/whistleblower-edward-snowden-says-6-trillion-in-stimulus-is-good-for-bitcoin/ 12 comments btc
- US sues for Edward Snowden's income from new book https://www.dw.com/en/us-sues-for-edward-snowdens-income-from-new-book/a-50468947 10 comments technology
- Will Obama or Trump Pardon Edward Snowden? https://edgylabs.com/2016/11/25/edward-snowden-pardon-obama-trump/ 78 comments technology
- VIDEO: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' – http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2013/jun/09/nsa-whistleblower-edward-snowden-interview-video 38 comments technology
- Edward Snowden set to discuss his use of Bitcoin in the NSA leaks at BlockDown conference https://cryptoslate.com/edward-snowden-set-to-discuss-his-use-of-bitcoin-in-the-nsa-leaks-at-blockdown-conference/ 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Russia considers giving Edward Snowden as 'gift' to Trump http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/russia-considers-giving-edward-snowden-gift-trump-article-1.2969586 4 comments worldnews
- Will Obama Pardon Edward Snowden Next? http://countercurrentnews.com/2017/01/will-obama-pardon-edward-snowden-next/ 27 comments politics
- Edward Snowden at LibrePlanet: Privacy can't depend on corporations standing up to the government http://www.networkworld.com/article/3046135/security/edward-snowden-privacy-cant-depend-on-corporations-standing-up-to-the-government.html?nsdr=true 104 comments linux
- Edward Snowden Receives Stuttgart Peace Prize 2014 http://sputniknews.com/art_living/20141123/1015073283.html 4 comments worldnews
- TIL Edward Snowden took a 6-day Ethical Hacking course in India in 2010. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/edward_snowden#childhood.2c_family.2c_and_education 25 comments india
- Edward Snowden NSA whistleblowing story to be filmed by Oliver Stone http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/jun/02/edward-snowden-nsa-film-oliver-stone 26 comments politics
- Latest poll shows that more US citizens believe that Edward Snowden did the wrong thing. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/05/edward-snowden-poll_n_3542931.html 2 comments worldnews
- Trump said he's considering a pardon for Edward Snowden after previously calling for his execution https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-said-considering-pardon-edward-snowden-2020-8 32 comments politics
- Interview with Edward Snowden: 'If I Happen to Fall out of a Window, You Can Be Sure I Was Pushed' https://www.spiegel.de/international/world/interview-with-edward-snowden-about-his-story-a-1286605.html 9 comments firefox
- Edward Snowden claims report Russia may ‘gift’ him to Trump http://www.diaryofworld.com/russia-considers-sending-edward-snowden-back-to-u-s/ 13 comments politics
- Russia will let Edward Snowden stay for another three years - He only has to wait one more year to be eligible for citizenship. https://www.engadget.com/2017/01/18/russia-edward-snowden-residency-three-years/?sr_source=twitter 117 comments worldnews
- Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Edward Snowden talked about Trump, Putin, and fake news https://news.vice.com/story/twitter-ceo-dorsey-interviewed-nsa-whistleblower-edward-snowden 3 comments politics
- A million people ask President Obama to pardon Edward Snowden http://venturebeat.com/2017/01/13/human-rights-groups-deliver-a-million-signatures-asking-obama-to-pardon-snowden 5 comments worldnews
- Edward Snowden calls for global push to expand digital privacy laws http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/sep/24/edward-snowden-international-laws-digital-privacy-video 8 comments worldnews
- Edward Snowden's Leaks Have Caused A 'Massive Shift' In The Public's Views Of Government Surveillance http://www.sfgate.com/technology/businessinsider/article/edward-snowden-s-leaks-have-caused-a-massive-4656703.php#src=fb 161 comments politics
- In 2009 Edward Snowden Said People Who Leak To Journalists 'Should Be Shot In The Balls' http://www.businessinsider.com/snowden-leakers-should-be-shot-in-the-balls-2013-6 49 comments nottheonion
- Edward Snowden not safe in Hong Kong, warns human rights chief http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/11/edward-snowden-not-safe-hong-kong 11 comments politics
- Petraeus won't serve a day in jail for his leaks. Edward Snowden shouldn't either http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/mar/05/petraeus-jail-leaks-edward-snowden?cmp=edit_2221 467 comments politics
- The NSA Has Revealed New Details About Its Exhaustive Search of Edward Snowden's Emails https://news.vice.com/article/the-nsa-has-revealed-new-details-about-its-exhaustive-search-of-edward-snowdens-emails 30 comments politics
- "NSA: Releasing Edward Snowden Emails Would Violate His Privacy" US News reports http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/07/14/nsa-releasing-edward-snowden-emails-would-violate-his-privacy 132 comments worldnews
- US 'may never know extent of Edward Snowden NSA leaks' – report http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/14/nsa-edward-snowden-new-york-times 20 comments worldnews
- NSA morale down after Edward Snowden revelations, former U.S. officials say http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/nsa-morale-down-after-edward-snowden-revelations-former-us-officials-say/2013/12/07/24975c14-5c65-11e3-95c2-13623eb2b0e1_story.html# 3 comments politics
- Edward Snowden never crossed border into Russia, says foreign minister | World news http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/25/edward-snowden-never-crossed-russia-border?cmp=twt_fd 7 comments worldnews
- Hypocrisy Overload: Dick Cheney Calls Edward Snowden a Traitor -- "Dick Cheney helped mislead the country into invading Iraq and has been convicted of war crimes, but he thinks Edward Snowden is a traitor" http://www.politicususa.com/2013/06/16/dick-cheney-thinks-edward.html 1267 comments politics
- Icelandic Legislator Ready To Help NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Seek Asylum http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/06/09/icelandic-legislator-im-ready-to-help-nsa-whistleblower-seek-asylum/ 43 comments politics
- Edward Snowden film Citizenfour leads pack in Oscar documentary category -- The film, directed by Laura Poitras, explores the life of the whistleblower whose revelations about the NSA sent shockwaves around the world http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jan/15/edward-snowden-film-citizenfour-oscar-documentary-category 3 comments technology
- New NSA Revelations: Inside Snowden's Germany File. An analysis of secret documents leaked by Edward Snowden demonstrates that the NSA is more active in Germany than anywhere else in Europe -- and that data collected here may have helped kill suspected terrorists. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/new-snowden-revelations-on-nsa-spying-in-germany-a-975441.html#ref=rss 237 comments worldnews
- Edward Snowden, the ex-CIA worker who revealed the NSA's secret PRISM program, may be about to learn a hard lesson about Hong Kong's extradition deal with the U.S http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-09/nsa-whistleblower-is-29-year-old-american-guardian-reports.html 5 comments worldnews