Hacker News
- Employee shortages: Where have all the workers gone? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58014256 495 comments
- Employee shortages: Where have all the workers gone? https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58014256 111 comments economy
- In the age of Amazon, where have all the workers gone? http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/comment/2014/02/where-have-all-the-workers-gone.html?utm_source=tny&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dailyemail&mbid=nl_daily%20(124) 6 comments politics
- Where have all the workers gone? Don't blame COVID, economists say | CBC News https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-workers-covid-retirements-1.6529325 201 comments economics
- America's Terrible Fast Food Pay Has Gone Global, And Workers Are Fighting Back http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/15/fast-food-pay_n_5325409.html?utm_hp_ref=business 7 comments business
- They Have Gone Beyond Their Call Of Duty' : Supreme Court Lauds Health Workers In COVID Battle https://livelaw.in/top-stories/supreme-court-lauds-health-workers-in-covid-battle-highlights-issues-affecting-them-173501 6 comments india
- DOGE wants them ‘gone’ but makes it hard for federal workers to move on https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2025/03/07/federal-workers-firings-legal-unemployment/ 9 comments politics
- Why China’s trade outlook has its industry workers worried that the ‘good days’ are gone https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3217116/why-chinas-trade-outlook-has-its-industry-workers-worried-good-days-are-gone?module=lead_hero_story&pgtype=homepage 52 comments china
- With weekly $600 gone, NC unemployment benefits alone are not enough, workers say https://www.newsobserver.com/news/coronavirus/article244469737.html 19 comments politics
- "It's all gone too far" | Georgia State election official says election worker received threats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hshg0dtk5cg 5 comments politics
- Trump told GM workers he could save their plant, but it's gone for good https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/17/politics/gm-lordstown-plant-trump-ohio/index.html 7 comments politics
- Tax cut riches have gone to execs and investors over workers by nearly 3-to-1 margin https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/17/tax-cut-windfall-has-gone-more-to-executives-than-to-workers-trimtabs.html 56 comments politics
- South Carolina gun shop owner fatally shot worker in prank gone wrong https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/south-carolina-gun-shop-owner-fatally-shot-worker-prank-gone-wrong/DOOM6YMC55FMVC3HRJU7OB77JI/ 71 comments nottheonion
- Health workers and police officials gone for covid checkup attacked by stones in Muslim neighbourhood in India https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/doctors-attacked-in-moradabad-up-cm-orders-to-book-10-accused-under-nsa-1667251-2020-04-15#aoh=15870467195726&amp_ct=1587046745189&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=from%20%251%24s 5 comments worldnews
- As sanctions kick in, Poland says its North Korean workers have all gone home https://www.nknews.org/2019/12/as-sanctions-kick-in-poland-says-its-north-korean-workers-have-all-gone-home/ 15 comments europe
- Footage of a Chinese company’s brutal punishment for its under-performing employees has gone viral, after female workers were forced to crawl on all-fours down a busy road. https://www.iradio.ie/boss-brutal-punishment-for-workers-who-didnt-meet-targets/ 7 comments worldnews
- A former co-worker of mine has gone missing- please help spread the word to help find Erick. http://finderickwales.com/ 8 comments reddit.com
- The missing millions: where have Britain’s workers gone? - Workforces across Europe bounced back after the pandemic — except in the UK. Covid exacerbated a series of underlying problems with our workplaces, pensions and health system which need reform for us to prosper https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-missing-millions-where-have-britains-workers-gone-3txpx2hzs 16 comments europe
- ‘All my friends went home’: a fruit picker on life without EU workers - With fellow Europeans leaving the UK, and no British workers taking their place, Eleanor Popa’s job harvesting strawberries has gone from tough to tough and lonely. Will the farm survive another year? https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/nov/22/all-my-friends-went-home-a-fruit-picker-on-life-without-eu-workers 107 comments europe
- 'It has all gone too far': Georgia voting official tears into Trump, GOP senators for fueling threats against election workers and being 'complicit' with their silence https://www.businessinsider.com/georgia-gabriel-sterling-trump-gop-senators-condemn-violence-election-workers-2020-12 23 comments politics
- Health workers and police officials gone for health check up attacked with stones by mob in Muslim neighbourhood. https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/coronavirus-outbreak-medical-team-attacked-stones-pelted-at-ambulance-at-ups-moradabad/videoshow/75163660.cms 2 comments worldnews
- Italian unions have refused to load cargo onto a Saudi ship carrying weapons, in protest against Riyadh’s war on Yemen. The dock workers have gone on strike, refusing to work until the ship leaves port in Genoa. https://www.rt.com/news/459806-saudi-arms-ship-blocked-italian-port/ 5 comments worldnews
- Russia’s Troll Factory Made ‘Hillary Clinton’ Sex Tape, Ex-Worker Claims: A veteran of Moscow’s internet propaganda army has gone public and says the job was more comedy than warfare. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russias-troll-factory-made-hillary-clinton-sex-tape-ex-worker-claims 165 comments worldnews
- Workers building stadiums for next year’s World Cup in Russia have faced repeated abuses and routinely gone unpaid for several months, according to a report by Human Rights Watch http://soccer.nbcsports.com/2017/06/14/report-workers-on-world-cup-construction-sites-face-abuse/?cid=eref:nbcnews:text 3 comments worldnews
- Up to 150 million public sector workers in India have gone on strike, making it the largest ever strike action in history http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/tens-millions-worlds-biggest-strike-india-battle-higher-wages-narendra-modi-a7224061.html 8 comments worldnews
- But Walker always has a plan for when he is cornered: attack workers and their unions. This is the career politician’s default position. He has gone to it as a legislator, a county executive, and a governor. It has never worked fiscally or economically. http://www.thenation.com/article/at-the-labor-day-pivot-a-tanking-scott-walker-doubles-down-on-union-bashing/ 10 comments politics
- Viral photo brings awareness to migrant-worker rights in Qatar: Deepa Rai held up a banner denouncing Qatar’s treatment of migrant workers at the Cricket World Cup. A photo of her protest has since gone viral. http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2015/03/23/viral-photo-brings-awareness-to-migrant-worker-rights-in-qatar.html 8 comments worldnews
- For Hardee’s workers, it’s not a parable, it’s a job. "The plan is always to save money, and within five days the money is always gone. DVDs, cigarettes, HDMI cables, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Cherry Pepsi" http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/unlike-sen-ernst-for-hardees-workers-its-not-a-parable-its-a-job/2015/03/14/c7a5fd5e-c6ac-11e4-a199-6cb5e63819d2_story.html?hpid=z3 79 comments politics
- "Since 1979, American workers’ productivity has increased by 80 percent. The income of the top 1 percent has increased 240 percent. And the average American wage, adjusted for inflation, has gone up just a few percentage points, maybe 8 percent. It wasn’t always this way..." http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/01/17/the-biggest-most-important-2016-debate.html 1491 comments politics
- Amazon workers in Germany strike again • Workers have gone on strike at four of Amazon.com's German logistics centers, the latest protest action in a long-standing labor dispute over higher pay. http://www.dw.de/amazon-workers-in-germany-strike-again/a-17938866 90 comments europe
- Wall Street Bonuses vs. the Minimum Wage | If the $26.7 billion Wall Streeters pulled in on their bonuses last year had instead gone to minimum wage workers, our economy would be expected to grow by about $32.3 billion - more than triple the $10.4 billion boost expected from the Wall Street bonuses. http://otherwords.org/wall-street-bonuses-vs-minimum-wage/ 17 comments politics
- Where Have All the Raises Gone? “having a B.A. is less about obtaining access to high paying managerial and technology jobs and more about beating out less-educated workers for the barista or clerical job.” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/03/opinion/where-have-all-the-raises-gone.html?smid=re-share 215 comments business
- A tax system that targets workers - U.S. rates on wealth have fallen while rates on labor income have gone up. That's unsustainable. [x-post /r/TruePolitics] http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-pizzigati-tax-system-20130620,0,1078537.story 3 comments economy
- Vanishing Workforce Weighs On Growth: "Put out an all-points bulletin: Millions of Americans have gone missing from the workforce. Every month that those would-be workers are gone raises the odds that they might never come back, dimming the prospects for future economic growth." http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/vanishing-workforce-weighs-on-growth/2013/04/06/2bc46116-9e20-11e2-9a79-eb5280c81c63_story.html 28 comments politics
- “I work f/t at the richest company in the world”: A Seattle Walmart worker said she has gone on strike to protest that she could only make around $14,000/yr. ...working as a customer service manager, her family remained on food stamps and other benefits. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/11/15/wal-mart-workers-begin-black-friday-disruptions/ 18 comments politics
- About 45,000 workers at US telecommunications giant Verizon Communications have gone on strike because Verizon "continued to strip away 50 years of collective bargaining gains for middle-class workers and their families". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14435689 25 comments reddit.com
- Sweatshops have gone digital. NGO study reveals excessive work hours and draconian rules for workers in factories in China making components for Apple http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/apr/30/apple-chinese-workers-treated-inhumanely 108 comments worldnews
- Union-busting gone national: GOP Senators introduce national 'right-to-work' bill to restrict unions "from forcing workers to join and pay dues as a condition of employment." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/03/09/gop-senators-introduce-national-right-work-restrict-unions/?test=latestnews 48 comments politics
- Construction workers for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics have gone unpaid since December. Many are without food and forced to quit the job. http://www.sptimes.ru/index.php?action_id=2&story_id=30978 7 comments worldnews
- Corporate greed has gone unchecked in part due to the decline of the labor movement. Is it a coincidence that union membership declined from 20 percent of the workforce in 1980 to 7 percent in 2006 while CEO pay has increased from 42 times what the average worker made in 1980 to 364 in 2006? http://www.theseminal.com/2009/03/20/aig-shows-why-we-need-the-employee-free-choice-act/ 14 comments politics