Hacker News
- Where does your plastic waste end up? https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/environment-and-conservation/2018/11/where-does-your-plastic-waste-end 26 comments
- US Should Create Strategy by End of '22 to Reduce Increasing Ocean Plastic Waste https://www.nationalacademies.org/news/2021/12/u-s-should-create-national-strategy-by-end-of-2022-to-reduce-its-increasing-contribution-to-global-ocean-plastic-waste-says-new-report 116 comments
- After the pandemic, 80% of plastic waste will end up in the Arctic by 2025 https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/doble-via/ecologia/contaminacion-el-80-de-desechos-plasticos-terminaran-en-el-artico-en-2025-7457293.html 3 comments environment
- Companies behind campaign to ‘end plastic waste’ produced 1,000 times more plastic than it cleaned up https://unearthed.greenpeace.org/2024/11/20/alliance-to-end-plastic-waste-oil-chemical-exxon-shell-total/ 3 comments environment
- Amazon's plastic packaging waste could encircle the globe 500 times: Most of the packaging isn't recycled and ends up in the ocean https://www.zmescience.com/science/amazons-plastic-packaging-waste-could-encircle-the-globe-500-times/ 66 comments environment
- Plastic pollution: Key step toward landmark treaty to end plastic waste https://apnews.com/article/plastic-pollution-treaty-un-paris-talks-c9728d632bdcf505f40224bedf07a8e1 21 comments worldnews
- Amazon created 599 million pounds of plastic packaging waste in 2020, 23.5 million pounds of which ended up in the world's oceans, watchdog report says https://www.yahoo.com/news/amazon-created-599-million-pounds-183519632.html 56 comments environment
- A major chemical company is building roads made of recycled plastic. They've already stopped 220,000 pounds of waste from ending up in landfills. https://www.businessinsider.com/dow-chemical-recycled-plastic-streets-2019-2?r=us&ir=t 14 comments technology
- Global soft drink firms back plan to eliminate packaging waste - Industry makes biggest commitment yet to ending its use of throwaway plastic bottles https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/sep/06/global-soft-drink-firms-back-plan-to-eliminate-packaging-waste 5 comments worldnews
- World needs ambitious 0% new plastic waste target by 2040: new treaty process offers hope to end plastic pollution https://www.nature.com/articles/s43017-022-00361-1 16 comments science
- As Costs Skyrocket, More U.S. Cities Stop Recycling - With China no longer accepting used plastic and paper, communities are facing steep collection bills, forcing them to end their programs or burn or bury more waste. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/16/business/local-recycling-costs.html 4 comments indepthstories
- U.S. Should Create National Strategy by End of 2022 to Reduce Its Increasing Contribution to Global Ocean Plastic Waste, Says New Report https://www.nationalacademies.org/news/2021/12/u-s-should-create-national-strategy-by-end-of-2022-to-reduce-its-increasing-contribution-to-global-ocean-plastic-waste-says-new-report 33 comments environment
- A bioplastic made of organic fish waste that would otherwise end up in landfill – with the potential to replace plastic in food and drink packaging – has landed its UK designer a prestigious international award https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/14/plastic-substitute-made-of-fish-waste-hauls-in-uk-designer-dyson-award 120 comments worldnews
- Humans have produced 9 billion tons of plastic throughout history, with half of this total made in the last 13 years. About 5.5 billion tons of plastic waste has ended up in landfills and the environment. http://www.newsweek.com/plastic-production-pollution-9-billion-tons-recycling-639226 1953 comments science
- Study finds that, despite strict EU regulations on plastic recycling, there is little oversight on plastic waste shipped from the EU to Vietnam, which ends up in nature https://www.uu.nl/en/news/a-large-percentage-of-european-plastic-sent-to-vietnam-ends-up-in-nature 3 comments europe
- Britain’s biggest retailer Tesco has pledged to remove one billion pieces of plastic from products by the end of 2020 as it seeks to reduce its environmental impact and meet consumer demand for less waste. https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/tesco-plastic-packaging-waste-bags-environment-trays-lids-a9180691.html 57 comments worldnews
- A coalition of 81 environmental groups from almost 40 countries have reiterated calls for a comprehensive ban on UK plastic waste exports, saying they are still ending up in low-income states via OECD ‘proxies’ https://www.mrw.co.uk/news/uk-plastic-waste-exported-via-oecd-proxies-say-green-groups-18-05-2023/ 6 comments worldnews
- Delegates from more than 150 countries, plastic industry representatives, environmentalists, scientists, waste pickers, tribal leaders end negotiations in Uruguay to draft what is intended to be a landmark treaty to end plastic pollution globally. https://www.trtworld.com/life/high-and-low-ambition-countries-split-over-plastic-pollution-treaty-63163 2 comments environment
- Researchers at Washington State University have developed a method that can convert plastic waste — including plastic bags, milk cartons and water bottles — into diesel and jet fuel. this could be an environmental game changer. Some 8 million tons of plastic end up in the world’s oceans every year https://newatlas.com/plastic-waste-jet-fuel/59968/ 105 comments science
- Chinese ban on plastic waste imports could see UK pollution rise - Chinese restrictions from January will hit UK recycling efforts & risk plastic waste being stockpiled or ending up in landfill, warn industry leaders https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/dec/07/chinese-ban-on-plastic-waste-imports-could-see-uk-pollution-rise 4 comments worldnews
- A revolutionary startup company discovered how to turn waste plastic going to landfill into ultra clean, low-sulfur, end user fuels. This could be the final piece in the plastic sustainability cycle. http://www.plastic2oil.com 14 comments science
- Chemists have processed waste plastic from end-of-life trucks into graphene for composite materials in new vehicles. Flash heating offers significant environmental benefits, as the process does not require solvents and uses a minimum of energy to produce graphene https://news.rice.edu/news/2022/cars-could-get-flashy-upgrade 4 comments science
- Canoe believe it: Plastic waste could be used to make kayaks and milk bottles - This eclectic range of items are just some of the products that university researchers say could help make a dent in the more than 300 M tonnes of plastic waste produced every year, much of which ends up in the ocean. https://news.sky.com/story/canoe-believe-it-plastic-waste-could-be-used-to-make-kayaks-and-milk-bottles-11807577 10 comments worldnews