Hacker News
- Coronavirus may mean automation is coming sooner than we thought https://liwaiwai.com/2020/04/21/coronavirus-may-mean-automation-is-coming-sooner-than-we-thought/ 180 comments
- COVID and the Heart: It Spares No One. Research now tells us that COVID doesn’t discriminate when it comes to heart problems. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/covid-and-the-heart-it-spares-no-one 10 comments science
- EU Countries Continue to Ease COVID-19 Restrictions – Has Pandemic Come To an End? https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/eu-countries-continue-to-ease-covid-19-restrictions-has-pandemic-come-to-an-end/ 6 comments europe
- Bill Gates says Covid risks have 'dramatically reduced' but another pandemic is coming https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/18/bill-gates-covid-risks-have-reduced-but-another-pandemic-will-come.html 75 comments worldnews
- The two faces of RT’s coronavirus propaganda. When it comes to Russia Today and the pandemic, coverage at home and abroad is worlds apart https://meduza.io/en/feature/2021/11/11/the-two-faces-of-rt-s-coronavirus-propaganda 7 comments europe
- A Tsunami of Disability Is Coming as a Result of 'Long COVID' https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-tsunami-of-disability-is-coming-as-a-result-of-lsquo-long-covid-rsquo/ 40 comments science
- Tech giants still aren’t coming clean about COVID-19 disinformation, says EU https://techcrunch.com/2021/06/03/tech-giants-still-arent-coming-clean-about-covid-19-disinformation-says-eu/ 8 comments worldnews
- Vaccines and the coming third Covid-19 wave https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/panorama/vaccines-and-the-coming-third-covid-19-wave-990864.html 6 comments india
- A New, Infectious Coronavirus Is Detected In Malaysia – And It's Coming From Dogs https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/05/20/996515792/a-newly-identified-coronavirus-is-making-people-sick-and-it-s-coming-from-dogs 34 comments worldnews
- COVID mishandling foretold in the Budget: That the government did not come up with a detailed ‘COVID-19 Emergency’ Budget for the year 2021-22 is telling https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/covid-mishandling-foretold-in-the-budget/article34537697.ece 3 comments india
- German states say vaccinations delayed due to shortage: Days after Germany began its COVID vaccination drive, Berlin and two other states said they were facing long delays. But the federal health ministry said the next delivery would come "as originally planned." https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-german-states-say-vaccinations-delayed-due-to-shortage/a-56097728 8 comments worldnews
- Trump and 2020 nightmares are ending and COVID help is coming. It's no time to go wobbly. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/12/28/trump-2020-covid-better-2021-coming-have-faith-in-america-column/4024875001/ 12 comments politics
- First U.S. shots in COVID-19 vaccine campaign coming Monday, Army general says https://www.reuters.com/article/iduskbn28m0k2 3 comments politics
- Fauci Warns of ‘Whole Lot of Pain' Due to Coronavirus Pandemic in Coming Months https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/coronavirus/fauci-warns-of-whole-lot-of-pain-due-to-coronavirus-pandemic-in-coming-months/2313407/?amp 48 comments politics
- Trump says COVID-19 vaccine is coming ‘within weeks.’ Experts say that’s not possible https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/coronavirus/article246661043.html#storylink=rss 106 comments politics
- For those reeling from Covid, Trump comes across as boastful, insensitive https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/those-reeling-covid-losses-trump-comes-across-boastful-insensitive-n1242196 10 comments politics
- For Chris Christie, entry to Trump World comes with a steep price — COVID-19 | Stile https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/columnists/charles-stile/2020/10/03/covid-19-chris-christie-price-for-entry-to-trump-world/3608914001/ 22 comments politics
- GOP donors panic after coming close to Trump at fundraiser hours before his positive Covid-19 test https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/10/02/gop-donors-panic-after-coming-close-to-trump-at-fundraiser-hours-before-positive-covid-19-test.html?__twitter_impression=true 5 comments politics
- US reaches 200,000 coronavirus deaths amid fears for coming winter. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/22/us-coronavirus-covid-19-death-toll-200000?cmp=share_androidapp_other 3 comments worldnews
- Rural Hospitals Teeter On Financial Cliff As COVID-19 Medicare Loans Come Due https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/09/22/915465093/rural-hospitals-teeter-on-financial-cliff-as-covid-19-medicare-loans-come-due 9 comments politics
- Chinese scientists have come up with a new estimate for the incubation period of Covid-19, which is around 7.76 days, longer than previous estimates of 4 to 5 days. https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/33/eabc1202 8 comments science
- Victorians are given 300 cash if they take COVID-19 test and further 1500 if the test comes back positive. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8551179/victorian-premier-daniel-andrews-announces-300-cash-payment-just-taking-coronavirus-test.html 23 comments worldnews
- A Second Coronavirus Death Surge Is Coming | There was always a logical explanation for why cases rose through the end of June while deaths did not. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/07/second-coronavirus-death-surge/614122/ 17 comments politics
- Coronavirus updates: Pfizer hopes to provide 100 million vaccine doses by year's end; WHO chief says 'worst is yet to come' https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/07/01/coronavirus-news-update-mike-pence-cases-fauci/5350869002/ 4 comments science
- A housing 'apocalypse' is coming as coronavirus protections across the country expire https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/10/how-to-prevent-the-coming-coronavirus-tsunami-of-evictions.html 66 comments politics
- Duterte: COVID-19 vaccine may come by 2021, don't die before then https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/news/nation/738937/duterte-covid-19-vaccine-may-come-by-2021-don-t-die-before-then/story/ 3 comments worldnews
- Donald Trump says America's coronavirus curve is flattening but a second wave is coming for rural communities https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-16/coronavirus-second-wave-hits-rural-america/12251058 27 comments politics
- Trump's strongman diplomacy is coming apart under Covid-19. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/30/opinions/trumps-strongman-diplomacy-is-coming-apart-coronavirus-andelman/index.html 8 comments politics
- Trump just completely mischaracterized new models showing a coming surge in coronavirus deaths https://www.vox.com/2020/5/5/21248002/trump-ihme-fema-coronavirus-models-death-toll-businesses-reopening 8 comments politics
- As ‘closed’ signs come down, Utah sees its COVID-19 cases continue to go up https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/05/03/closed-signs-come-down/ 168 comments politics
- Coronavirus, come sarà il nostro futuro (prossimo)? Che ne pensate? https://www.corriere.it/speciale/cronache/2020/coronavirus-come-sara-la-vita-dopo/ 6 comments italy
- WHO envoy says coronavirus ‘will stalk the human race for a long time to come’ https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/12/who-says-coronavirus-will-stalk-the-human-race-for-a-long-time-to-come.html 573 comments worldnews
- Britons evacuated from Wuhan regret coming home | Coronavirus outbreak | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/10/britons-evacuated-from-wuhan-regret-coming-home-coronavirus 6 comments worldnews
- Trump administration pulls funding for drive-through COVID-19 testing — Loss of testing comes as states expect to see peak hospitalizations in next two weeks. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/04/trump-admin-pulls-funding-for-drive-through-covid-19-testing/ 8 comments politics
- Tigers at Bronx Zoo tests positive for COVID 19 after developing coughs. This comes after a study showing 15% of cats in Wuhan had COVID 19, and one instance in Belgium of a cat falling sick from COVID https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2020/04/05/nadia-a-tiger-at-the-bronx-zoo-is-ill-with-covid-19/#2bb2e9156ac2 191 comments worldnews
- The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/covid-military-shortage-pandemic/ 4 comments politics
- The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What's Coming: Epidemiologist Larry Brilliant, who warned of pandemic in 2006, says we can beat the novel coronavirus—but first, we need lots more testing. https://www.wired.com/story/coronavirus-interview-larry-brilliant-smallpox-epidemiologist/? 4 comments worldnews
- Mother comes up with hilarious ‘pantry rules’ for her family amid coronavirus https://readsector.com/mother-comes-up-with-hilarious-pantry-rules-for-her-family-amid-coronavirus/ 9 comments worldnews
- Japan recession fears grow as GDP shrinks at 6.3% rate with COVID-19 hit to come https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/02/17/business/economy-business/sales-tax-hike-japan-economy-gdp/#.xkrozs2cafu 15 comments worldnews
- Scientists saw coronavirus coming and had been warning us for years https://www.inverse.com/science/scientists-saw-coronavirus-coming-warning-us-for-decades 8 comments science