- Gonius, a Go genius client https://github.com/mbaraa/gonius 2 comments golang
- Luis de la Fuente on Lamine Yamal: "He is very good. He was touched by God’s wand. There are players that are different. I don’t want to get into those comparisons, because I know we’re going to start that. But the talent? Pfff… The super mega cracks, football geniuses, those who made history" https://www.goal.com/en/lists/why-someone-babysit-barcelona-wonderkid-lamine-yamal-euro-2024-teenage-superstar-stay-spain-team-hotel/blt2927c59ccaeeb8c0 77 comments soccer
- Fans left sidelined and with nowhere to go thanks to Uefa’s bumbling genius | Jonathan Liew https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/16/fans-left-sidelined-and-with-nowhere-to-go-thanks-to-uefas-bumbling-genius 41 comments soccer
- BRITT BAKER: ”He is a genius. That’s who I go to for all my matches, promos, everything." DAVE MELTZER: ”He's one of the most underrated workers of the last quarter century.” Jerry Lynn elevated wrestling to an art form. Here is his unsung story. https://prowrestlingstories.com/pro-wrestling-stories/jerry-lynn/ 120 comments squaredcircle
- Sampaoli on Messi: “Directing Messi is like directing a genius. He is above everyone, he knows when you are going to win, or when you are going to lose. He is a silent leader. He knows when a team has no chance of winning, it is beyond his mental and technical abilities. That’s why he’s a genius.” https://www.goal.com/en/news/messi-a-silent-leader-psg-superstar-genius-explained-ex-argentina-boss-sampaoli/blt7cde2b1d789844ec 250 comments soccer
- I’m a Genius. [LTT going over the official Apple repair tools, sorta] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdYzVaC6HSQ 33 comments hardware
- Alexa Bliss wants to work with Bray Wyatt again: “Oh a hundred percent. He is a creative genius in every sense of the word. He made me step up my game… Before he left, he just said, ‘Keep it alive, keep it going’” https://metro.co.uk/2022/07/08/wwe-alexa-bliss-would-love-bray-wyatt-reunion-amid-return-rumours-16968112/ 41 comments squaredcircle
- If you would like a good laugh here you go. So many financial geniuses here in Canada. This will age well https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/u9cu99/bitcoin_investors_tend_to_have_low_financial/?utm_name=iossmf 2 comments bitcoin
- 12-year-old boy genius accepted at Georgia Tech, has dreams of going to Mars - ABC7 Los Angeles https://abc7.com/education/12-year-old-genius-boy-accepted-at-georgia-tech/8226507/ 5 comments space
- The Very Stable Genius — Trump is sending in militarized federal agents to go after protesters. It’s a violent overreaction, but that’s the point. https://progressive.org/dispatches/the-very-stable-genius-fiore-200724/ 44 comments politics
- Kaka on Ronaldo and Messi: "If you look at the history of football they're both in the top 5. We should be happy that we've seen both of them play. I played with Cristiano and he is unbelievable, but if I had to choose I'd go with Messi. He's a genius." https://www.voetbalzone.nl/doc.asp?uid=370209 6 comments soccer
- Sanders blasts Trump’s coronavirus response: ‘This great genius’ says it’s ‘going to end in two months’ https://www.marketwatch.com/story/sanders-blasts-trumps-coronavirus-response-this-great-genius-says-its-going-to-end-in-two-months-2020-02-25 7 comments politics
- Sanders blasts Trump’s coronavirus response: ‘This great genius’ says it’s ‘going to end in two months’ https://www.marketwatch.com/discover?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.marketwatch.com%2Famp%2Fstory%2Fguid%2Fb9ce02e6-582c-11ea-b9f2-f65dcb4b2578&link=sfmw_tw#https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/guid/b9ce02e6-582c-11ea-b9f2-f65dcb4b2578?mod=dist_amp_social 58 comments politics
- Silicon Valley Founders Are Going on 'Dopamine Fasts.' Is the Idea a Ridiculous Fad or Stroke of Genius? https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/dopamine-fasts-silicon-valley-fad.html 12 comments nottheonion
- Donald Trump's 'go back' comments were 'genius', says Nigel Farage https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/03/donald-trumps-go-back-comments-were-genius-says-nigel-farage 5 comments worldnews
- Donald Trump's 'go back' comments were 'genius', says Nigel Farage | Donald Trump | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/03/donald-trumps-go-back-comments-were-genius-says-nigel-farage 313 comments worldnews
- 3 days to go guys (and gals). Bitcoin Cash won't end if the goal isn't reached but let's help support our custodians of the genius that is Bitcoin as much as we can. https://www.bitcoin.com/fundraise/ 17 comments btc
- Djokovic was so indecipherable that Nadal, who had played him 52 times before, looked like he was reading James Joyce in Swahili. He kept going in one direction, the ball in another. You can’t translate genius in such a mood. Over 269 points in the semis and final, Djokovic made only 14 mistakes. https://www.livemint.com/mint-lounge/features/opinion-the-beautiful-savagery-of-perfection-1550219239460.html 86 comments tennis
- Steve Ballmer: "We're going to find a way to define our legacy. That means do what it takes, leave no stone unturned. We're about winning this year. But we're planning, we're thinking we got GENIUSES working on this stuff" https://streamable.com/jquu4 35 comments nba
- Chuck:" Dan D'Antoni is offensive genius. He turns Steve Nash in to a good player to a hall of famer." Kenny: "And a MVP". Ernie: "Twice over". Chuck: " C'mon Shaq let go". Funny moment in the end of the video. https://streamable.com/petm1 596 comments nba
- Watch 8 Republicans go stone silent on Trump's "very stable genius" boast https://shareblue.com/watch-8-republicans-go-stone-silent-on-trumps-very-stable-genius-boast/ 3 comments politics
- Lieu: 'People who are geniuses don't go around saying they are' http://thehill.com/homenews/house/367787-lieu-people-who-are-geniuses-dont-go-around-saying-they-are 2254 comments politics
- MacArthur 'genius grants' go to novelists Viet Thanh Nguyen and Jesmyn Ward https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/11/macarthur-genius-grants-go-to-novelists-viet-thanh-nguyen-and-jesmyn-ward 47 comments books
- Am I a genius or is this going to blow up in my face? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/62saa4/am_i_a_genius_or_is_this_going_to_blow_up_in_my/ 133 comments personalfinance
- [Young] Pop when asked about if the Spurs saw the potential for him to explode into the player he is: "No, I'll lie to you if you want and tell you we're geniuses, this is what Kawhi is going to be. That is total BS. We were scared to death when we made the trade." https://twitter.com/royceyoung/status/839989954151342080 67 comments nba
- Some geniuses have created CFD trading for Counter-Strike:Global Offensive. Let's go YOLO all of our in-game items, worth thousands of dollars. https://olimp.us/ 6 comments wallstreetbets
- Google’s AI Wins Fifth And Final Game Against Go Genius Lee Sedol http://www.wired.com/2016/03/googles-ai-wins-fifth-final-game-go-genius-lee-sedol/ 6 comments worldnews
- Remember how SegWit was presented as this genius rabbit-out-of-hat trick, that will be quickly adopted and also help expand the capacity without the "scary complications" of a block size limit increase hard fork? Wonder how it's going? Simple: it's a mess. http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-dev/logs/2015/12/25 70 comments btc
- YSK When You Go To The Apple Genius Bar There Is A Way You Can Help Your Genius! http://apple.com/feedback 95 comments apple
- Lawyer brilliantly bites township trying to shut his client's site "Sometimes, cease-and-desist letters are mere morsels of intimidation, their legal grounds swamps. One lawyer decided that the accuser, West Orange, N.J., itself needed to shut up and go away. His letter smacks of literary genius." http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-57590169-71/lawyer-brilliantly-bites-township-trying-to-shut-his-clients-site/ 545 comments technology
- Samsung attacks iPhone 5 in new ad; "Oh, you knew this was going to happen. Samsung is not taking the release of the iPhone 5 lying down. A new ad declares Apple's phone isn't genius." http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-57513628-71/samsung-attacks-iphone-5-in-new-ad 54 comments technology
- rich people who inherit their billion's are generally idiots. when they take control of the politics of a nation they are still idiots. They don't suddenly go from being Paris Hilton in her 20's at a party to being a genius in their 40's when they paid off media to get them elected to office. http://www.reddit.com/r/occupywallstreet/comments/qkics/brazil_the_country_that_wised_up_and_literally/c3yctgt 16 comments economy
- The Straight Dope: If I were an evil genius, how could I go about melting the ice caps? http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2982/if-i-were-an-evil-genius-how-could-i-go-about-melting-the-ice-caps 27 comments science
- Are we really going to let Bill Kristol -- one of the geniuses behind the Iraq War -- destroy health insurance reform, again? http://www.salon.com/opinion/conason/2009/07/31/bill_betsy/index.html 95 comments politics
- Genius: RunPee shows you the best time to go pee during a movie without missing anything too important. http://runpee.com/ 8 comments reddit.com
- This is either going to be a masterstroke of genius of the reinventing the wheel kind, or it's going to be a rousing piece of shit, Speed Racer the movie http://www.justpressplay.net/movies/speed-racer/news/totally-bizarre-speed-racer-pics.html 2 comments reddit.com
- Should a child genius go to university, even if they're only 7 years old? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/education/article2844677.ece 5 comments reddit.com
- Lana: "Triple H, he's a genius. Stephanie's a genius. I got hired by Triple H. He paired me with Miro & helped really cultivate that, in 2014, that story & that gimmick and those characters...I'm always open to go back to WWE & tell compelling stories, same with AEW. I'm totally open to that too" https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/lana-cj-perry-says-she-is-open-to-a-wwe-return-or-aew-debut 150 comments squaredcircle
- David Griffin: "As much as we talk about the big sexy deals, the deal [The Clippers] made with the Lakers to get Zubac for Muscala was genius. It gives them a potential starting center on a $1.9m cap hold while they go fill out their roster. It's a brilliant trade and people barely noticed it." https://streamable.com/61n5k 262 comments nba
- Germany coach Löw: "I'd go with Messi. Ronaldo is sensational, a professional, an incredible goalscoring machine but Messi is the most complete player. Messi's an assist genius, the past 10 years he'll get 30-40 assists and score 50 goals. He has an incredible way of playing." https://twitter.com/roynemer/status/1000072588888981509 510 comments soccer