- The sun has not exploded http://onlineathens.com/mobile/2015-06-15/sun-has-not-exploded 4 comments nottheonion
- Watch an entire hemisphere of the sun explode http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2010/13dec_globaleruption/ 15 comments space
- BREAKING: a sun exploded, 7500 million years ago http://www.cnn.com/2008/tech/space/03/21/exploding.star.ap/index.html 78 comments science
- Black hole explodes with the light of a trillion suns https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/a-huge-black-hole-eats-a-huger-black-holes-dinner-then-explodes-with-the-light-of-a 24 comments science
- Betelgeuse Not Likely to Explode, Become Second Sun http://www.geekosystem.com/betelgeuse-exploding/ 14 comments science
- One day our sun will explode... just like this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/technology/technology.html?in_article_id=436969&in_page_id=1965 7 comments reddit.com
- Scientists think they figured out when the Sun will explode and kill us all https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/scientists-think-figured-sun-explode-194700700.html 130 comments science
- ASASSN-15lh: Astronomers find the brightest known exploding star in the Universe. It is about 570 billion times brighter than the Sun. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/asassn-15lh-astronomers-find-the-brightest-known-exploding-star-in-the-universe-a6812961.html 4 comments space
- Right before exploding, this star puffed out a sun's worth of mass https://www.space.com/dooomed-star-weight-loss-hides-supernova-flash-for-days 31 comments space
- A Giant Sun Storm During the Vietnam War Likely Exploded Dozens of Mines https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/xwjzdw/a-giant-sun-storm-during-the-vietnam-war-likely-exploded-dozens-of-mines 11 comments worldnews
- Gary Johnson won't fight climate change because the sun is going to explode http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/gary-johnson-won-t-fight-climate-change-because-9242542.php 112 comments politics
- Watch NASA's footage of an exploding star '500 times larger than our own sun' http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/science/watch-nasas-footage-exploding-star-7612164 15 comments technology
- The meteor that exploded above Russia earlier this year had the strength of 30 Hiroshima bombs and was about 30 times brighter than the Sun. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature12741.html 17 comments science
- Astronomers observe a distant solar system that looks a lot like ours will after the sun explodes https://www.salon.com/2021/10/20/astronomers-observe-a-distant-solar-system-that-looks-a-lot-like-ours-will-after-the-sun-explodes/ 19 comments astronomy
- Astronomers watch a born-again star explode as a supernova, fizzle out, and then temporarily burst back to life. And there's a 10% chance the Sun will face the same fate. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2018/08/one-last-spark-of-life 3 comments science
- A mysterious object has been found that is 10 million times brighter than the sun. Scientists can't work out why it hasn't exploded https://www.businessinsider.nl/a-mysterious-object-has-been-found-that-is-10-million-times-brighter-than-the-sun-scientists-cant-work-out-why-it-hasnt-exploded/ 1015 comments worldnews
- Did I wake up in the wrong universe? Frank Kaminsky explodes for 31 pts, 7 reb & 3 ast to lead Suns past the Blazers https://youtu.be/D9RJQ5Cg7D8 35 comments nba
- NASA released incredible new animations of a star that exploded with the energy of 100 million suns http://www.businessinsider.com/supernova-1987a-remnant-3d-animation-nasa-2017-3 3 comments science
- Mystery Flash of X-rays Reveals Plasma Blobs as Big as Planets Exploding on Sun http://www.myweathertech.com/2011/07/14/mystery-flash-of-x-rays-reveals-plasma-blobs-as-big-as-planets-exploding-on-sun/ 4 comments space
- Toronto Sun calls Atheist bus ads nasty, says we should be thankful that we're not subject to stoning because of Christian values. Bird cage bottoms across the GTA explode with irony. http://www.torontosun.com/comment/columnists/michael_coren/2010/12/17/16594481.html 5 comments reddit.com
- Hours ago, something on the far side of the sun exploded and hurled a massive cloud of debris (a CME) over the eastern limb, towards earth. http://www.spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=16&month=12&year=2008 30 comments science
- [Jackson] ESPN's Windy noted the philosophical difference in Suns opting for Beal trade and Miami passing. 2nd apron -with big tax and very restrictive rules- "concerned" Heat. Suns new owner thought if "they were going to pierce the second apron, it was better to explode right through it" https://twitter.com/flasportsbuzz/status/1670789528246689798 71 comments nba
- Near-simultaneous solar flares explode from opposite sides of the sun in extremely rare event https://www.livescience.com/space/the-sun/near-simultaneous-solar-flares-explode-from-opposite-sides-of-the-sun-in-extremely-rare-event 42 comments space
- [Jackson] ESPN's Windy noted the philosophical difference in Suns opting for Beal trade and Miami passing. 2nd apron -with big tax and very restrictive rules- "concerned" Heat. Suns new owner thought if "they were going to pierce the second apron, it was better to explode right through it" https://twitter.com/flasportsbuzz/status/1670789528246689798 502 comments nba
- Day 2 Forgotten Playoff Performances - Rex Chapman explodes for 42 points with 9 threes. G1 1997 1st rd, Suns-Sonics. https://youtu.be/a1sELLJZdGw 8 comments nba
- Rep. Louie Gohmert warns solar power plants will make birds burst into flame. "Because when the birds fly through, if they survive the windmills, then they hit that magnified sun, explode in flame, and down they go, bird guts all over the mirrors. So that takes some cleaning up." https://www.newsweek.com/rep-louie-gohmert-warns-solar-power-plants-will-make-birds-burst-flame-1618987 139 comments energy
- Betelgeuse is 1,400 times larger than the Sun. The star could explode soon and go supernova, astronomers claim. When it happens, it would have actually happened ~690 years before we see it on Earth, it will be as bright as the full moon. https://www.cnet.com/news/famed-star-betelgeuse-will-explode-some-day-and-its-acting-weird-right-now/ 298 comments space
- The universe's first stars, which reached hundreds of times the mass of the Sun, likely exploded as supernovae with powerful jets that blasted material into space at some 13% the speed of light, seeding neighboring galaxies with heavy elements. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/05/the-universes-first-supernovae-spewed-jets-of-material-into-neighboring-galaxies 6 comments science
- The center of our galaxy is a frenzy of activity. A behemoth black hole—4 million times as massive as the sun—blasts out energy as it chows down on interstellar detritus while neighboring stars burst to life and subsequently explode. https://phys.org/news/2019-03-giant-x-ray-chimneys-exhaust-vents.html 26 comments space
- Diamonds found in a meteorite that exploded over the Nubian desert in Sudan a decade ago were formed deep inside a “lost planet” that once circled the sun in the early solar system, scientists say. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/apr/17/diamonds-in-sudan-meteorite-are-remnants-of-lost-planet 6 comments science
- Life on Earth may have sprung from bombardment by a youthful Sun lashing out with flares as potent as a thousand trillion exploding atomic bombs, a study suggested. http://www.phys.org/news/2016-05-violent-young-sun-seeded-life.html 5 comments science
- Exploding Fuel Tankers Driving U.S. Army to Solar Power. With renewable energy, “there is no supply chain vulnerability, there are no commodity costs and there’s a lower chance of disruption,” . “A fuel tanker can be shot at and blown up. The sun’s rays will still be there.” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-09-30/exploding-fuel-tankers-driving-u-s-army-to-solar-power.html 4 comments politics