- Police seize War on Terror board game because its ski-mask "could be used in a criminal act" http://www.boingboing.net/2008/08/15/police-seize-war-on.html 4 comments politics
- In a First, the CDC Says to Use Masks Indoors When Not Home https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-04/for-the-first-time-cdc-says-to-use-masks-indoors-when-not-home 52 comments politics
- Used plastic masks and gloves are making their way into water bodies across India https://scroll.in/article/977217/used-plastic-masks-and-gloves-are-making-their-way-into-water-bodies-across-india 9 comments india
- Woman kicked out of bingo hall for not using mask to cover breathing hole in her neck https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-woman-kicked-out-of-bingo-hall-for-not-using-mask-to-cover-breathing-hole-in-her-neck-1.5085291 64 comments worldnews
- F.D.A. to Allow Use of KN95 Masks Approved by China https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/03/health/coronavirus-n95-kn95-masks.html 3 comments worldnews
- How does the transfer learning used in Masked autoencoders(MAE) paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06377 2 comments computervision
- Japan researchers use ostrich cells to make glowing COVID-19 detection masks https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/japan-researchers-use-ostrich-cells-make-glowing-covid-19-detection-masks-2021-12-10/ 3 comments worldnews
- Extraordinary Fungal Masks used by the Indigenous Peoples of North America and Asia http://forestpathology.cfans.umn.edu/pdf/Fungi_Magazine_Polypore_Masks_2017.pdf 2 comments anthropology
- Trump campaign adviser accuses Biden of using masks as a 'prop' https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/519523-trump-campaign-adviser-accuses-biden-of-using-masks-as-a-prop 93 comments politics
- Governor Whitmer orders mask use in Michigan, violators could be fined up to $500 https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2020/07/whitmer-orders-mask-use-in-michigan-violators-could-be-fined-up-to-500.html 412 comments politics
- 'I can't breathe': Scottsdale councilman uses words of George Floyd to protest masks https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/scottsdale/2020/06/24/scottsdale-councilman-leads-protest-against-mask-mandates/3245724001/ 12 comments politics
- Turkmenistan bans use of word 'coronavirus,' threatens jail for anyone wearing a mask: watchdog group https://www.foxnews.com/world/turkmenistan-coronavirus-word-use-banned-masks-arrest-former-soviet-republic 8 comments worldnews
- CDC: “aggressively reviewing” its recommendations on use of face masks, | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/01/china-pivots-to-tackle-silent-covid-19-carriers-as-us-says-a-quarter-of-cases-may-have-no-symptoms 3 comments worldnews
- FDA approves use of Battelle’s mask sterilizing technology at full capacity https://www.10tv.com/article/fda-approves-use-battelles-mask-sterilizing-technology-full-capacity-2020-mar 9 comments politics
- Amid Coronavirus Lockdown, China Uses Drone to Monitor and Slander Civilians Not Wearing Mask https://dgs.com.np/amid-coronavirus-lockdown-china-uses-drone-to-monitor-and-slander-civilians-not-wearing-mask/ 8 comments worldnews
- Western New York counties use education, rather than fines to enforce mask rules https://buffalonews.com/news/local/western-new-york-counties-use-education-rather-than-fines-to-enforce-mask-rules/article_40263bf0-642a-11ec-9190-03083558d314.html 99 comments politics
- Biden calls for Defense Production Act use to produce masks and PPE - Vox https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2020/3/29/21198627/biden-defense-production-act-masks-gowns-ppe 119 comments politics
- Man uses grocery bag as mask during robbery, but removes it to carry loot: police https://globalnews.ca/news/5197485/grocery-bag-mask-robbery/ 9 comments nottheonion
- Terry Rozier Hit With Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Over 'Scream' Mask Use https://www.forbes.com/sites/michellefabio/2018/11/28/scary-terry-rozier-hit-with-copyright-infringement-lawsuit-over-scream-mask-use/#2aa823be6746 7 comments nba
- Estimating Coffee Harvest Yields using Mask R-CNN https://medium.com/@jamesthesken/using-deep-learning-to-estimate-coffee-harvest-yields-8edb1b94c698 12 comments computervision
- Sarah Palin urges mask use after revealing Covid-19 diagnosis https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/sarah-palin-urges-mask-use-after-revealing-covid-19-diagnosis-n1262738 10 comments politics
- 2 Poll Challengers in Detroit Escorted Out After Using Racist Language, Refusing to Wear Masks Properly https://www.theroot.com/2-poll-challengers-in-detroit-escorted-out-after-using-1845554037 166 comments politics
- Public urged to stop throwing used masks and gloves on the ground https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/public-urged-to-stop-throwing-used-masks-and-gloves-on-the-ground-1.4225390 3 comments nottheonion
- Hong Kong to Invoke Emergency Powers to Ban Masks at Protests. Move to ban masks first time emergency law has been used in more than half a century https://www.wsj.com/articles/hong-kong-to-invoke-emergency-powers-to-ban-masks-at-protests-11570089982 15 comments worldevents
- Twitter removes Trump COVID advisor tweet that questioned use of masks https://thehill.com/homenews/coronavirus-report/521595-twitter-removes-trump-covid-advisors-tweet-that-questioned-use-of 13 comments politics
- Conservative MP Philip Hollobone uses suffragettes to try and mask his islamophobia, wants to ban all face covering in public. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/politics/10612670.stm 4 comments reddit.com
- Teacher on paid leave after using masking tape to keep students in desks. By taping lines around the desks, not actually taping the students http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20080322/news/803220319/-1/archive 7 comments reddit.com
- Single-use masks and coronavirus waste end up polluting ocean | The Japan Times https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/07/23/national/coronavirus-ocean-pollution/ 154 comments worldnews
- Taiwan CECC: People can use rice cookers to sterilize masks and reuse them three to five times https://www.taipeitimes.com/news/taiwan/archives/2020/04/06/2003734093 22 comments worldnews
- Chinese billionaire Jack Ma donates to each one of the 54 African countries 20,000 testing kits, 100,000 masks and 1,000 medical use protective suits and face shields. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/16/africa/jack-ma-donate-masks-coronavirus-africa/index.html 2797 comments worldnews
- High-quality studies have shown that use of face masks in the community is associated with reduced transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and is likely to be an important component of an effective response to a future respiratory threat. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2811136 179 comments science
- New model shows that prioritizing vaccination of high-risk individuals has only a marginal effect on the number of COVID-19 deaths. In addition, the benefits from restrictive measures like the mandatory use of face masks greatly surpass those from selective vaccination scenarios. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-01/ntso-ncm011921.php 7 comments science
- Liverpool are exploring the use of German technology that could allow the partial re-opening of Anfield for supporters next season. The artificial intelligence system combines automated temperature and mask checks with computerised crowd management. Klopp has personally taken an interest. https://twitter.com/jamespearcelfc/status/1280516333709508608?s=21 27 comments soccer
- Masks Sold by Former White House Official to Navajo Hospitals Don’t Meet FDA Standards | New information from the Indian Health Service calls into question why the agency purchased expensive medical gear that it now cannot use as intended. https://www.propublica.org/article/masks-sold-by-former-white-house-official-to-najavo-hospitals-dont-meet-fda-standards 14 comments politics
- More than 100,000 Hongkongers applied for a free reusable mask from the government within the first hour of online registration opening on Wednesday, the city’s innovation chief said. Government is giving every one of city’s some 7.3 million inhabitants mask that can be used 60 times. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3083066/coronavirus-hong-kongs-free-mask-scheme-sees 10 comments worldnews
- Winter Olympics: N Korean cheerleaders in 'Kim Il-sung mask' row - Some local reports have said the masks resembled Kim Il-sung, the country's first leader and the grandfather of current leader Kim Jong-un. Conservative groups in S.K said this was an attempt by N.K to use the Games for propaganda. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-43028270 8 comments worldnews
- Term mass shooting confuses public and masks phenomenon|"the problem is one of definitions, sometimes used sloppily and interchangeably. The result: a very confused, and possibly hyperventilating public." http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/12/03/term-mass-shooting-confuses-public-and-masks-phenomenon/76717870/ 6 comments politics
- Randomized clinical trial finds 1 mg melatonin before bed time in a noisy and lighted sleeping environment increased total sleep time and REM sleep time and decreased latency to falling asleep. It was more effective than placebo and the use of earplugs & eye masks. http://ccforum.com/content/19/1/124 913 comments science
- "Anonymous and its Guy Fawkes masks are the target of Senate Bill 13 by Sen. Don Barrington, R-Lawton, which bans the use of masks and other facial coverings in public places. Reportedly, some legislators and staff were rattled when Anonymous members showed up in the Capitol last year." http://www.tulsaworld.com/homepagelatest/anonymous-members-say-proposed-mask-law-enforced-against-them/article_f7d16599-75c4-57da-adf6-394d323313fc.html 725 comments politics
- Lawmaker Wants Free Pot For Vets To Help Mask Trauma Of Participating In America's Wars - A state lawmaker wants vets suffering from PTSD to be able to use medical marijuana. "Frankly, I think it's one small step to help our veterans," Pace said. http://www.9news.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=135042&catid=346 7 comments politics