- A Woman Who Accused Trump of Attempted Rape Is Speaking Out http://www.vice.com/read/trump-attempted-rape-accusation-harth-vgtrn?utm_source=vicetwitterus 5 comments politics
- A Woman Who Accused Trump of Attempted Rape Is Speaking Out http://www.vice.com/read/trump-attempted-rape-accusation-harth-vgtrn 24 comments politics
- Here are all the times Donald Trump has been accused of rape or attempted rape http://fusion.net/story/328522/donald-trump-accused-rape-sexual-assault/ 57 comments politics
- When Has Trump Been Accused of Rape or Attempted Rape? Allegations Include A Child, His Wife And A Business Associate https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-rape-sexual-assault-minor-wife-business-victims-roy-moore-713531 53 comments politics
- When has Trump been accused of rape or attempted rape? Allegations include a child, his wife and a business associate http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-rape-sexual-assault-minor-wife-business-victims-roy-moore-713531 651 comments politics
- Judge slams Trump’s attempt to toss lawsuit from rape accuser: “Not even a tweet” to back up motion https://www.salon.com/2020/01/10/judge-slams-trumps-attempt-to-toss-lawsuit-from-rape-accuser-not-even-a-tweet-to-back-up-motion/ 28 comments politics
- Federal Judge Rejects Attorney General Barr’s Attempt to Defend Trump Against Rape Accuser’s Defamation Lawsuit https://lawandcrime.com/awkward/federal-judge-rejects-attorney-general-barrs-attempt-to-defend-trump-against-rape-accusers-defamation-lawsuit/ 17 comments politics
- For Trump, Defaming His Rape Accuser Is Part of His Job | Such is the central claim at the heart of the DOJ’s attempt to intervene in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit against Trump. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/trump-barr-rape/ 14 comments politics