Hacker News
- Show HN: Go library to make beautiful line graphs ╭┈╯. https://github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph 3 comments
- Go package to make ASCII line graphs https://github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph 11 comments
- Go package to make lightweight ASCII line graph in command line apps with no other dependencies https://github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph 2 comments go
- ent: a graph-based ORM for Go, from Facebook https://entgo.io 11 comments golang
- Most money won by an individual in chess tournaments graph comparison. Mini spoiler: Going in i thought Carlsen must be number 1, but nope, not yet atleast. https://youtu.be/pDWS6hkN5Kw 6 comments chess
- Visualizing graph structures using Go and Graphviz https://dominikbraun.io/blog/visualizing-graph-structures-using-go-and-graphviz 3 comments programming
- Visualizing graph structures using Go and Graphviz https://dominikbraun.io/blog/visualizing-graph-structures-using-go-and-graphviz/ 6 comments golang
- graph: A generic Go library for creating graph data structures and performing operations on them. It supports different kinds of graphs such as directed graphs, acyclic graphs, or trees. https://github.com/dominikbraun/graph 13 comments programming
- Best graph database for Go? (Now DGraph is discontinued...) https://discuss.dgraph.io/t/quitting-dgraph-labs/16702 33 comments golang
- If this is your first cycle, youre likely to see the following graph over the next few months. Dont ignore it like I did in the previous bullrun. We are not going up and to the right forever... https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter3/transportation-and-economic-development/bubble-stages/ 42 comments cryptocurrency
- [TheSecretScout] Shocking graph of how little Callum Hudson-Odoi plays at Chelsea. He has agreed terms to go away on loan to Borussia Dortmund, but Chelsea currently blocking the loan as they need cover https://twitter.com/TheSecretScout_/status/1432638634528755716 7 comments soccer
- gographs.io: dependency graphs for Go packages https://gographs.io/ 5 comments golang
- This week’s open source newsletter just went out! This one had some seriously interesting projects, like a Go P2P Docker registry open sourced by Uber and a Python graph database for managing infrastructure asset relationships open-sourced by Lyft. https://console.substack.com/p/console-26?r=3cbez&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy&opensource_subreddit 6 comments opensource
- Here Is One Graph Everyone Should See on Labor Day — On this Labor Day, remind everyone you can that if we hope to ever rebuild an economy that works for everyone, we’re going to need many more workers in unions and a much stronger labor movement. https://jacobinmag.com/2020/09/here-is-one-graph-everyone-should-see-on-labor-day-sirota 3 comments politics
- [Football Perspective] Graph showing Tom Brady's net yards / attempt compared to the league average, going back to 2001 http://www.footballperspective.com/tom-bradys-career-by-trailing-16-game-any-a/ 14 comments nfl
- Bloomberg Graphs disappear with Duck Duck Go https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/SPX:IND 4 comments duckduckgo
- What are known technical hurdles that AlphaGo Zero would have to overcome before being able to play go on arbitrary graphs? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/78czx0/what_are_known_technical_hurdles_that_alphago/ 7 comments askscience
- Deep Learning from Scratch in Go - Part 1: Equations Are Graphs http://gopherdata.io/post/deeplearning_in_go_part_1/ 4 comments golang
- I wrote an article on Go's future and compiled a lot of graphs. https://medium.com/@fharding/will-go-fail-b0196078932e 10 comments golang
- MTT graph update on the year. Going strong so far http://prntscr.com/bfydas 14 comments poker
- Debt rising at a greater rate than GDP. Where are we going? FRED Graph - FRED - St. Louis Fed https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/graph/?chart_type=line&recession_bars=on&log_scales=&bgcolor=%23e1e9f0&graph_bgcolor=%23ffffff&fo=open+sans&ts=12&tts=12&txtcolor=%23444444&show_legend=yes&show_axis_titles=yes&drp=0&cosd=1945-10-01%2C1945-10-01&coed=2015-10-01%2C2015-10-01&height=445&stacking=&range=&mode=fred&id=tcmdo%2Cgdp&transformation=lin%2C&nd=%2C&ost=-99999%2C&oet=99999%2C&lsv=%2C&lev=%2C&scale=left%2C&line_color=%234572a7%2C&line_style=solid%2C&lw=2%2C&mark_type=none&mw=2&mma=0%2C&fml=a%2C&fgst=lin%2C&fgsnd=2007-12-01%2C&fq=quarterly%2C+end+of+period%2C&fam=avg%2C&vintage_date=%2C&revision_date=%2C&width=670 2 comments economy
- [C++] How do I go about printing the path of the graph that I have. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/22aae96d60fd9359189ae3dada9b223e 5 comments learnprogramming
- [C++] How would I go about creating a directed graph given a list of nodes and a list of the edges. http://algorithms.tutorialhorizon.com/graph-representation-adjacency-matrix-and-adjacency-list/ 4 comments learnprogramming
- How the Premier League will go if teams continue to perform like they have since start of 2016 (Graph of match days, 0 = now, 12 = last match. Click graph for team name, zoom out to see stuff) https://www.desmos.com/calculator/vm9yp3sp5o 18 comments soccer
- NodeCounter.com now removes all duplicate nodes on all graphs and charts. There is a powerful new back-end engine design, which is going to allow some cool new features to come soon, including a Super Graph and more. Stay tuned! http://nodecounter.com 3 comments btc
- How the Premier League will go if teams continue to perform like they have since start of 2016 (Graph of match days, 0 = now, 12 = last match. Click graph for team name, zoom out to see stuff) https://www.desmos.com/calculator/vm9yp3sp5o 14 comments soccer
- Go 1.5 GC Performance Improvements in one graph https://twitter.com/brianhatfield/status/634166123605331968 8 comments golang
- uber/go-torch - flame graph profiler for Go https://github.com/uber/go-torch 10 comments golang
- cayley - a graph database in go https://github.com/google/cayley 5 comments golang
- Last December, I used the lottery's odds to calculate an Expected Draft pick going into the lottery. Here's a graph I made showing the various improvement or reduction in EDP against each team's pick in a non-lottery draft (thought you all would enjoy this before the lottery tonight) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kk3vm5iyrvm/ursphjsb8xi/aaaaaaaaaeq/bwtfzphr1c4/s1600/pavo+graph.png 4 comments nba
- If this graph from NASA is used to show that global warming is occurring, what was going on before 1940? http://climate.nasa.gov/system/content_pages/main_images/Temp_anomaly.jpg 4 comments askscience
- The One Graph That Sums Up Why We're Going to War With Syria http://www.policymic.com/articles/61599/the-one-graph-that-sums-up-why-we-re-going-to-war-with-syria 53 comments worldnews
- Interesting graph that begs a question: How are scientific and education illiterates like Perry, Bachmann, Palin, et. al., collectively known as teabaggers, going to 'improve' American Education? http://www.calamitiesofnature.com/archive/559.jpg 263 comments politics
- This Simple Graph Explains Why Unemployment Refuses to Go Down http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/07/this-simple-graph-explains-why-unemployment-refuses-to-go-down/242108/?source=patrick.net#thanksforsharingiframe 4 comments economy
- This graph is a lie, and yet it's probably going to dominate the budget discussions this year. Can you guess why? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cah0aed1z0q/tzxojhmnvvi/aaaaaaaad_0/el42gljnan8/s1600/us-total-federal-outlays-per-household-vs-median-household-income-1967-2009-with-fy2011-est-shown.png 8 comments politics
- I'm sorry Reddit but Im trying to figure out whats going on here, this graph looks shady. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/little-known-fact-obamas-failed-stimulus-program-cost-more-than-the-iraq-war-101302919.html 14 comments politics
- Type in your income and this graph calculates where and how much of your taxes go to different services. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/tax-rates-spending.htm 8 comments politics
- Most newspapers think we would go back to reading their print editions if they shut down their web coverage. They are wrong [graph] http://steveouting.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/mismatch1.jpg 106 comments business
- President Obama is going to speak to Congress on Wednesday about Health Care Reform. He should start with this chart and simply ask, "Will everyone who thinks this system is working please stand up?" [Graphs] http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/09/06/obamas_big_question// 3 comments politics
- flags of the world as area graphs, just go look and you'll see what I mean. http://www.brazilianartists.net/home/flags/ 43 comments reddit.com