Hacker News
- Nocoiner predictions: 2021 will be year of comedy gold https://amycastor.com/2021/01/02/2021-the-year-of-comedy-gold-and-other-bitcoin-skeptic-predictions/ 66 comments
- 15 Bitcoin Books to Orange Pill Nocoiners https://bringin.xyz/blog/resources/bitcoin-books/ 2 comments bitcoin
- What's the first sentence to convince Nocoiners? \ stacker news https://stacker.news/items/50444 3 comments bitcoin
- Most NoCoiners Simply Don't Understand Bitcoin, Finds Block Study https://cryptoadventure.com/most-nocoiners-simply-dont-understand-bitcoin-finds-block-study/ 28 comments bitcoin
- A black rock is expected to fetch over $6m at a Sotheby's auction. Send this to nocoiners who say bitcoin is worthless because it has no use. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-60242199 86 comments bitcoin
- The righteous anger of nocoiners https://www.somethinginteresting.news/p/the-righteous-anger-of-nocoiners 2 comments bitcoin
- President Bukele just proposed a Bitcoin City in El Salvador that will no income tax. Nocoiners will call this useless too. https://nitter.net/coindesk/status/1462261333932531715?s=21 49 comments cryptocurrency
- Nearly Two-Thirds of US Adult Nocoiners are 'Crypto Curious' https://decrypt.co/68578/nearly-two-thirds-of-us-adults-are-crypto-curious-survey?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sm 25 comments cryptocurrency
- "At a conference in Dallas over the weekend, [BTC maximalist] Goldstein had laid out the ground rules for cultivating an online “echo chamber,” instructing adherents to troll, “bully” and harass the non-believers, “nocoiners,” skeptics, and journalists who dared criticize the Bitcoin cult." https://decrypt.co/8617/maximalists-cant-meme 3 comments btc
- Life as a Nocoiner Will Be Dismal According to the 'Last Chance' Bitcoin Crowd https://news.bitcoin.com/ignore-crypto-twitter-life-as-a-nocoiner-isnt-that-bad/ 3 comments btc
- NoCoin - a browser extension to block coin miners https://github.com/keraf/nocoin/ 169 comments programming
- Website Crypto Miner Blocker - NoCoin is a browser extension aiming to block coin miners such as Coinhive used by sites like ThePirateBay and others. https://github.com/keraf/NoCoin 11 comments privacy
- Website Crypto Miner Blocker - NoCoin is a browser extension aiming to block coin miners such as Coinhive used by sites like ThePirateBay and others. https://github.com/keraf/nocoin 6 comments technology