- What the Hell Happened to My Republican Party? https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/10/18/trump-presidential-election-gop-values-republican-party-conservative-principles/ 76 comments politics
- What the hell happened to the Republican party in this country that they have lead us to the point where we use the same torture techniques as communist China circa 1957!?! http://www.politicalnewsline.com/blog/2008/7/2/ny-times-us-used-communist-chinese-torture-techniques.html 21 comments politics
- What the hell happened to the Republican party in this country that they have lead us to the point where we use the same torture techniques as communist China circa 1957! http://www.politicalnewsline.com/blog/2008/7/2/ny-times-reveals-us-used-communist-chinese-torture-technique.html 10 comments politics
- The gang that couldn't shoot straight: Will the GOP's baffling "ignarrogance" be its undoing? | Even if Jim Jordan wins, the speaker's chair will still be vacant. What the hell happened to the Republican Party? https://www.salon.com/2023/10/15/the-gang-that-couldnt-shoot-straight-will-the-gops-baffling-ignarrogance-be-its-undoing/ 394 comments politics