Hacker News
- Chinese Artist Badiucao Sends ‘Make Wall Great Again’ Caps to Google HQ https://www.hongkongfp.com/2018/10/19/chinese-artist-badiucao-sends-make-wall-great-caps-google-hq-amid-censorship-row/ 3 comments
- Google Play wants to make it easier to discover new apps and great content https://www.androidfaithful.com/google-play-wants-to-make-it-easier-to-discover-new-apps-and-great-content/ 20 comments android
- Google and Apple Are Making Great Progress with Self-Driving Cars http://thenextdigit.com/27833/self-driving-cars-google-apple/ 10 comments apple
- This year is going to be great! Google Hires PayPal Veteran To Make A New Crypto Direction in 2022 https://news.coincu.com/57927-google-hires-paypal-veteran/ 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Great list of chrome extensions to make Google Drive more productive https://clouddock.co/chrome-extensions-for-google-drive/ 4 comments productivity
- Come On, Put This Google-Owned Surveillance Device in Your House. It’s Gonna Be Great! "How do you convince regular people to buy Google-owned monitoring gadgets, and install them in their homes? First, don’t mention Google in your nationally televised ads. Next, make those ads pretty funny." http://recode.net/2014/11/16/come-on-put-this-google-owned-surveillance-device-in-your-house-its-gonna-be-great/ 67 comments privacy
- "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" by Nick Carr. Great article about our internet-induced short attention spans, and how it's affecting our generation's book reading. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/07/is-google-making-us-stupid/306868/ 7 comments books
- A great font will make a good page, amazing. I made a simple component to easily use any font from google fonts, without having to put a <link> in the html or import with css. https://github.com/NWylynko/react-font 9 comments reactjs