Hacker News
- The trolley problem (Relevant to autopilot mode in cars) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem 8 comments
- The trolley problem-An ethical conundrum https://www.9changes.com/the-trolley-problem-an-ethical-conundrum/ 5 comments philosophy
- The trolley problem is arguably the most famous thought experiment in philosophy, but not many people know of its creator, Philippa Foot. Foot used it to explore the doctrine of the double effect https://youtu.be/814frLVFfmI?feature=shared 25 comments philosophy
- To Help Autonomous Vehicles Make Moral Decisions, Researchers Ditch the ‘Trolley Problem’ https://news.ncsu.edu/2023/12/ditching-the-trolley-problem/ 118 comments technology
- The Trolley Problem with Dr. Hallvard Lillehammer (Chasing Leviathan Podcast) https://open.spotify.com/episode/52rsasA0ZYpHG40vRD6jdL 6 comments philosophy
- I made a page that makes you solve increasingly absurd trolley problems https://neal.fun/absurd-trolley-problems/ 3583 comments internetisbeautiful
- Kid solves trolley problem https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/rjyqom/kid_faced_with_an_ethical_dilemma/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 16 comments philosophy
- The Generalized Structure of Moral Dilemmas, The Trolley Problem http://www.friesian.com/dilemma.htm 3 comments philosophy
- There's a morality test that evaluates utilitarianism better than the Trolley Problem https://qz.com/1196243/test-how-moral-or-immoral-you-are-with-this-utilitarian-philosophy-quiz/ 251 comments philosophy
- The Trolley Problem, Automation and Ethical Choices https://aeon.co/essays/can-we-design-machines-to-make-ethical-decisions 116 comments philosophy
- My problem with the Trolley problem https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/5xncge/my_problem_with_the_trolley_problem/ 38 comments philosophy
- The fairest solution to the trolley problem by a two-year-old (funny) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-N_RZJUAQY4 4 comments philosophy
- The internet's version of the Trolley Problem is wrong https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/50n5t3/the_internets_version_of_the_trolley_problem_is/ 19 comments philosophy
- Collatz Trolley Problem https://67.media.tumblr.com/225833e4ab2350407919bc9d5f3085fe/tumblr_o6qm69r0zy1tnrayvo1_1280.png 24 comments math
- The Obsolescence of the Trolley Problem http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/10/trolley-problem-history-psychology-morality-driverless-cars/409732/ 18 comments philosophy
- Google and the Trolley Problem http://www.owen.org/blog/7308?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=google-and-the-trolley-problem 266 comments philosophy
- The trolley problem http://juandarias.wordpress.com/2014/03/02/ethics/ 71 comments philosophy
- To a Daoist, the Trolley Problem is not a Problem at all. http://uselesstree.typepad.com/useless_tree/2013/05/to-a-daoist-the-trolley-problem-is-not-a-problem-at-all.html 393 comments philosophy
- New analysis of trolley problem with real world applications (excuse/enjoy the politics) http://www.naturalfinance.net/2012/09/should-we-vote-to-end-civilization-in.html 6 comments philosophy
- Morality vs Ethics: the problem with trolleys http://www.philosophersbeard.org/2010/10/morality-vs-ethics.html 37 comments philosophy
- The trolley problem presented as a Commodore 64 game http://www.pippinbarr.com/games/trolleyproblem/TrolleyProblem.html 97 comments philosophy
- The Trolley Problem as a flash game http://www.pippinbarr.com/games/trolleyproblem/trolleyproblem.html 65 comments philosophy
- The allegory of the trolley problem paradox http://saintgasoline.com/comics/2007-03-04.jpg 14 comments philosophy
- Two versions of the trolley problem elicit similar responses everywhere https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/04/universal-ethics-testing-the-trolley-problem-around-the-world/ 17 comments science
- Will Ukraine be the grandest, most tragic example of the “trolley problem” we have ever seen? https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/trolley-problem-moral-philosophy-ethics 19 comments worldnews
- Why there is no right answer to life-and-death thought experiments like the trolley problem https://aeon.co/ideas/life-and-death-thought-experiments-are-correctly-unsolvable 48 comments philosophy
- The Trolley Problem: a website that gives a detailed philosophical level explanation of responses to the trolley problem and connects it to communication theory. https://trolleyproblem.net 443 comments philosophy
- Uber and Self-Driving Cars Have More Than a 'Trolley Problem' https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/03/got-99-problems-but-a-trolley-aint-one/556805/ 26 comments philosophy
- All the hand-wringing about self-driving cars and the Trolley problem is another example of AI panic https://posts.philipkd.com/hand-wringing-about-self-driving-cars-and-the-trolley-problem-is-another-example-of-ai-panic-b3c3a9ee95ee 3 comments artificial
- Kant, self-driving cars and the trolley problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/5m0hs3/kant_selfdriving_cars_and_the_trolley_problem/ 7 comments philosophy
- Self-driving cars and the Trolley problem https://medium.com/@tanayj/self-driving-cars-and-the-trolley-problem-5363b86cb82d 6 comments technology
- Bhakts gone too far!! I posted an image of a variant of Trolley problem (second image). It was named Indian variant as it is not the same as the original Trolley problem. Someone in my contacts mistook it as Covid Indian variant and got really offended. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/nmt987 51 comments india
- Latest study regarding 'trolley problem'. A worldwide study of moral preferences in sacrificial dilemmas... https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2020/01/14/1911517117 3 comments science
- Cultural differences in responses to real-life and hypothetical trolley problems http://journal.sjdm.org/12/121101/jdm121101.html 3 comments philosophy
- COVID-19 and the Trolley Problem: You’re on the Tracks and the Government Is Controlling the Switch | Robin Koerner https://fee.org/articles/covid-19-and-the-trolley-problem-you-re-on-the-tracks-and-the-government-is-controlling-the-switch 9 comments philosophy
- Your answer to the famous trolley problem—is it okay to sacrifice one person to save many?—may be shaped by more by culture than other factors, according to a recent study of 70,000 participants in 42 countries. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/1/24/21078196/morality-ethics-culture-universal-subjective 67 comments philosophy
- Is it okay to sacrifice one person to save many? How you answer depends on where you’re from. A new study uses the famous trolley problem to show how our culture shapes our moral beliefs. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/1/24/21078196/morality-ethics-culture-universal-subjective 29 comments philosophy
- Men’s moral choices can make them more or less sexy. In a new study incorporating the “Trolley Problem” (would you sacrifice one life to save five), women perceived a deontological man as more desirable for long-term mating, and less prone to infidelity, relative to a utilitarian man. http://www.psypost.org/2018/02/mens-moral-choices-can-make-less-sexy-study-finds-50688 87 comments science
- To help autonomous vehicles make moral decisions, researchers ditch the 'trolley problem', and use more realistic moral challenges in traffic, such as a parent who has to decide whether to violate a traffic signal to get their child to school on time, rather than life-and-death scenarios. https://news.ncsu.edu/2023/12/ditching-the-trolley-problem/ 261 comments science
- An MIT professor explains why we are still a long ways off from solving one of the biggest problems with self-driving cars - asked 3 million people to consider the "Trolley problem" when it comes to self-driving cars. http://www.businessinsider.com/automakers-self-driving-car-trolly-problem-2017-3?r=us&ir=t 237 comments technology