Hacker News
- Everything we're told about website identity assurance is wrong https://www.troyhunt.com/how-everything-were-told-about-website-identity-assurance-is-wrong/ 142 comments
- [Ben Jacobs - CBS] Chelsea : Still told no plans to sack Graham Potter after the loss to Fulham. Potter informally assured by board members during the World Cup break he would be backed during the window and given time to shape a squad with his identity. https://twitter.com/JacobsBen/status/1613944483757920264?s=19&t=1hZmio5M3GtmxqQJBYpWwQ 146 comments soccer
- New study finds that gender threats (vs. assurances) led to emotionality in men (but not women). Masculinity threats led to more public discomfort, anger, guilt, and shame and these effects are specific to gender threats, as opposed to being broader social identity threats. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/s0022103121000986 3 comments science